The negative transfer of spirits is a concerning issue for the church. As a believer, it is beneficial to expand your knowledge on this subject. If the transfer of spirits were not real, how could one explain how a devout man like David, who loved the Lord and had a gentle spirit, could kill a man and take his wife? This “transformation” likely resulted from a negative transfer received when committing adultery with Bathsheba.

Similarly, David had a son named Absalom, who usurped his father’s throne after inciting a rebellion that forced King David to flee. Absalom cunningly drew people to his side by deceiving and seducing them. He transferred the spirit of rebellion that followed him onto others.

I must emphasize this point: spiritual matters cannot be discerned with the natural mind. To understand the spiritual realm, you must first gain insight through the Holy Spirit.

“The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.” – Romans 8:16 (NKJV)

The term “Spirit” in this verse refers to the Holy Spirit, who is a person, not merely a force: He feels, speaks, and has emotions. The second “spirit” refers to the human spirit. A person cannot naturally understand that they are a child of God; it is the Spirit who bears witness to the transformation that has taken place.

Walking by the Spirit means not always relying on what we feel but on what God communicates to our spirit. The Bible says, “The spirit of a man is the lamp of the Lord, searching all the inner depths of his heart.” Thus, Satan’s servants are guided by Satan in their spirit, while God’s servants are guided by the Holy Spirit.

The Ten of the Twelve Spies

The Bible recounts the story of the twelve spies in Numbers 13:26. Among them, Sethur, whose name means “to hide” or “to annul,” had a negative or evil spirit. In this account, God commanded the spies to go and possess the land. He knew the city was fortified and the task challenging, but He had already prepared a solution.

Sethur was the first to be overcome with doubt, which quickly spread like wildfire among the group. Some people are very cunning and refuse to see things as God does, adopting a “let’s be realistic” attitude.

A negative spirit always sows doubt.

Caleb, on the other hand, had a different spirit approved by God. Conversely, the others received the spirit of unbelief transmitted by Sethur. Without this transmission, the ten spies might not have seen the negative side of things.

God’s plan for your life is immense, for He does not design small destinies. What He has spoken will surely come to pass. Personally, when I began my ministry, I wondered if I would succeed because there were already many large churches in my area. I doubted there was room for me, but God had prepared a place for me.

You will achieve greater exploits through the anointing of breakthrough and be amazed at its power. You must plan according to God’s will, not your own. God is Almighty and will act in His time. Believe in what the Lord says about you. The devil will always challenge His words to sow doubt, but you must not pay attention to it. Have faith in what the Lord has said.

Lessons from the Twelve Spies’ Story.

  1. Following the majority does not mean being right or in alignment with God’s will. On the contrary, it may distance or oppose you to God’s purposes. For example, in the Bible, King Saul went to war but was supposed to wait for the prophet Samuel to perform the ritual first. However, the majority pressured Saul to perform it himself, and he gave in, facing the consequences. If Jesus had submitted His decision to go to the cross to a vote among His disciples, it would have thwarted God’s plan for humanity.In spiritual matters, allowing the majority to decide can risk destroying God’s Will and Plan.
  2. Negative rumors are more easily heard and appreciated than good ones. Do not be afraid when a bad rumor circulates to tarnish your reputation. If you are innocent, remember that God is your defender and will act in your favor at the right time.Know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, and you are destined to excel. You are so precious in His eyes that He has engraved your name on the palm of His hands.
  3. Focus on the spiritual rather than the natural, even though the spiritual often makes little sense to the human mind. The Bible says that Abraham sought a city built by God. He journeyed toward an entirely unknown place, simply following God’s instructions.Be mindful of your words, child of God!

By the power of the Holy Spirit, let the weak say, “I am strong.” You will not die but live to proclaim God’s works. Ensure that you are not surrounded by discontented and bitter people, as this stirs up controversy in the church.

This text is an excerpt from the book “TRANSFERENCE OF SPIRITS” written by Bishop Charles Agyinasare.

We invite you to read the next article, SPIRITUAL WARFARE.


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