In the first chapter of Genesis, God operated according to a spiritual principle that is more clearly revealed in James 1:14-15:
“But every man is tempted when he is drawn away by his own lust and enticed. Then, when lust has conceived, it brings forth sin; and sin, when it is finished, brings forth death.“
Sin is the product of lust, and lust essentially means a strong, urgent, and evil desire. Although the scripture refers directly to a negative desire, we find that this principle operates not only in the negative realm but also in the positive realm.
When a man is tempted, his lust—that is, his evil desire—seeks to lead him astray. Eventually, when he accepts the evil desire in his mind, he is enticed. Initially, a seed is sown when the man is drawn by his own lust. This principle does not work only in the negative realm, for a good desire can also be conceived. Naturally, we should expect a better outcome when a good desire is conceived.
Light is stronger than darkness, and good is better, greater, and stronger than evil. Therefore, if evil desire can conceive and give birth, good desire can also conceive and give birth to its own kind. This is precisely what God demonstrated in Genesis 1:2:
“The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.“
And in Genesis 1:11-12:
“God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after its kind, whose seed is in itself; and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, the herb yielding seed after its kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself after its kind: and God saw that it was good.“
Here is another principle: Everything carries seed after its kind. So, you see, when a good desire is conceived, it will naturally produce good things, just as lust produces sin. This happens without force. Thus, when God fully conceived what He wanted for the earth, He spoke, and it came into being.
We know the story of Abraham. God had promised Abraham that he would be great and that his descendants would be numerous.
“I will make your offspring as the dust of the earth. If a man can count the dust of the earth, your offspring shall also be counted“ (Genesis 13:16).
However, Abraham did not initially receive this promise because he did not believe. He could not understand how an old man like him could have children, nor how an old woman like Sarah (then Sarai) could bear children.
But in Genesis 15:5-6 God awakened Abraham in the night and took him out of his tent:
“He (God) brought him outside and said, Look now toward the heavens, and count the stars, if you are able to number them. And He said to him, So shall your seed be. And Abraham believed in the Lord, and it was counted to him for righteousness“ .
God wanted to bless Abraham, but He needed Abraham’s imagination. Abraham, who had no children and was still living by his senses, could not imagine his descendants being as countless as the dust of the earth, as God had said. So, God had to appeal to his spirit. To do this, He took him outside, showed him the stars, and told him to count them. This helped Abraham’s vision.
As he looked at the stars, he suddenly caught God’s idea. He began to see faces instead of stars. He could see each one, imagining the faces of his children in those stars. He tried to count them but had to stop because there were too many to number.
Finally, his imagination grasped the concept, and the Bible declares that he believed God. After this, God changed his name from “Abram,” which means “Exalted Father,” to “Abraham,” meaning “Father of a Multitude.” You see, God could not call him Abraham until he believed and carried within him the vision of what God had promised.
God also changed his wife’s name from “Sarai,” meaning “contentious,” to “Sarah,” meaning “Queen of Princes” or “Mother of Princes.” God did this to ensure the image He had established in Abraham’s heart remained alive.
God’s principle was communicated to Abraham, and the Bible states that ABRAHAM, AGAINST ALL HOPE, believed in hope that he would become the father of many nations, and this is what happened…
This text is an excerpt from the book “RECREATING YOUR WORLD” written by Chris OYAKHILOME.
We invite you to read the next article, “CREATE THROUGH THE WORD.”
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