As male and female partners in marriage, we must understand and appreciate the peculiarities which make up our personalities. Men are men and women are women. Understanding the uniqueness of the male gender will help the woman appreciate why her man acts the way he does, thus eliminating problems from the family.
“Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established.” Proverbs 24:3
God designed the man to be the head of the union. He is the provider. He was designed to take the lead, while the woman follows. When anyone tries to change this order, problems will arise.
This accounts for why the male sexual drive is generally higher than that of the woman. Sex is as important as eating, drinking or sleeping to a man, because it provides an avenue for the release of tension. For instance, when faced with important decisions and the like, some men feel the basic way to release tension is through sexual relations.
An example of this truth is seen in the life of David and Bath-sheba. God declared that the child which was a product of his infidelity would die. David was grieved, and he entreated the Lord in sackcloth and ashes for seven days, but the child still died. The moment David learnt of it, he bathed, ate and drank. But 2 Samuel 12:24 records that he:
“… comforted Bath-sheba his wife, and went in unto her, and lay with her: and she bare a son, and he called his name Solomon: and the LORD loved him.”
What a time to make love! But this is characteristic of the male gender. Bath-sheba was a considerate woman, to accept David’s love and give in to him.
The woman naturally, having worked all day, attending to the children, doing household chores, may find out that making love is the last thing on her mind. She is simply tired! By nature, she is only ready for the act of marriage when she’s rested and relaxed.
She may not desire it as often as the man and may be puzzled why the man should. But the two are designed differently. The unique personalities of a husband and wife should contribute to a successful marriage, not destroy it.
Women enjoy conversations; they want to be sure that love-making is not just an act, but a time of intimacy and fellowship. No woman wants to feel used.
Why is it necessary to know all these? Many are suffering in silence! They have a great marriage, generally speaking, but because of lack of understanding, the marriage bed remains their only source of concern.
As it were, it is the only “But” in their marriage and a big one at that! With the help of the Holy Spirit, you can understand the peculiarities in the make-up of your spouse, and with that understanding comes a more fulfilling time.
Husband and wife are meant to be friends, lovers and companions; but only an understanding of the male-female differences will make this possible.
Husband, Get To Know Your Wife!
“Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.” 1 Peter 3:7
Every man should know his wife well. Husband, know your wife’s taste for things such as toiletries, wears, colours, etc. Know her likes and dislikes. Wife, know your husband’s taste for things such as food, colours, etc.
Men and women have the same basic need for self. worth and sense of belonging. However, they usually satisfy these needs differently.
A man derives his sense of self-worth primarily from the respect, recognition and reputation he gets on his job or through professional accomplishments. He draws emotional satisfaction from achieving success in business, becoming financially independent, developing a highly valuable skill or craft, supervising others, becoming a “boss”, or being appreciated by his colleagues.
A woman receives her self-esteem at home, by being appreciated when she prepares a good dinner, dresses beautifully or keeps the house clean and puts the household in good order. To be complete and contented, the woman must receive praise from four sources: her husband, her children, her work and the Lord Jesus Christ.
In all, the man craves respect from his wife first and then others, while the woman’s self-worth is in place when she is loved and appreciated, first by her husband, and then others.
Knowledge without application is a waste. What profit, then, has knowledge if one cannot apply it to gain freedom? Do you have knowledge? Great! But you must also know how to use it to make your marriage successful….
This text is an extract from the book “MAKING MARRIAGE WORK” written by Faith A. Oyedepo.
We invite you to read the following article “HOSPITALITY“.
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