The eagle, popularly known as the king of the air, triumphs by direction. Whereas other birds flap their wings, the eagle soars. It waits on the peak of the mountain watching the direction of the wind, while other birds keep flapping, dissipating energy and at first it looks like they have gone far ahead. Then when the right current of wind blows, the eagle spreads his wings and begins to soar

When you are waiting for the Lord’s direction, you are not wasting. You will soon hear His voice, telling you when to move. Waiting is not wasting as long you are waiting on the Lord.

Many people get angry with our ministry for instance, because they feel we do not apply their energy sapping principles. They say, “They must be using magic” Yes, it is magic, the magic of direction. Go and get it! When you operate by direction your operational level becomes too high for others to comprehend.

When the eagle stays on the mountain and all other birds are flapping, they mock him. “Would you not move? Stupid. See him standing like a dead duck. He can’t flap the way we are flapping”. But when the eagle takes off he leaves them many miles behind in no time.

He soars to great heights with powerful effects.

Direction enhances your status of operation. You are not walking like other men on foot, you are not flapping like other birds, the wind takes you up. When you are directed, no one sees your sweat, yet no one can deny your results. Direction is your greatest asset in the school progress.


In Deuteronomy 2:3, God said to Moses: “Ye have compassed this mountain long enough: turn you northward”.

Unless you are directed you will keep going in circles. The Israelites compassed Mount Seir many days – beyond necessary, until God said to them, “Turn you northward”.

You have compasss to “Turn you northward e long enough. The cure is to “Turn you northward”. May i say therefore, that direction simply means to turn. For a business person, it may be, “turn to another business?

For a career person, it may be, “Change your career” For a pastor, it may be “change your message, or change your location”.

If you have stayed longer than necessary on a particular stage of your life, I want you to get angry and say to yourself, “I have stayed here too long, it’s time for me to move forward! It’s time for me to turn”! To keep going round and round on one spot in life is like taking a jolly ride, the type that children love so much. All those toy rides that keep them moving and having fun, but it is taking them no where. That is what children do, but adults operate by direction.

Yonggi Cho who is now the pastor of the largest Church in the world was once preaching a message of condemnation. He was labouring yet nothing was happening and as a result people were not coming to his Church. He was dying silently in hunger, until one day, the Lord spoke to him, “Change your message”.

And as soon as he turned, things changed. Now, he pastors a Church of over one million people.

There is the story of a woman called Hagar in the Bible. She was Sarah’s maid who had a son for Abraham. When she was to leave Abraham’s house, a bottle of water and a loaf of bread was her portion for the journey. When the bread and the water got finished she cast away the child. She said, “I do not want to see this child die”. As she began to cry, an angel of the Lord spoke to her and said, “Pick up that child, I have heard his voice”. Suddenly the Lord opened her eyes to see a well of water by her side (Genesis 21:17-19). Just a turn and she saw water, more than she needed. 

Many are suffering in lack when all they need is to turn. Just a turn!

Turn! Stop labouring in the wrong direction. It does not matter what you studied in school, turn if God says so. I turned from engineering to pastoring, and wherever my colleagues see me today, they stand up in honour and regard, because the difference is clear…

This text is an extract from the book “OVERCOMING STAGNATION” written by Bishop David Olatunji Abioye
We invite you to read the following article “HOW TO RECEIVE DIRECTION“.


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