“Because you say: I am rich, I have become wealthy, and I need nothing, and because you do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.” (Revelation 3:17)
The consequence of lives without intimacy with God is the corruption that infiltrates the church. Today, it is difficult to see a difference between the children of God and the people of the world in terms of lifestyle. The Bible says that the men of the first century admired the early Christians because of God’s grace in their lives (Acts 4:21). Today, it is almost the opposite: we think of ways to bring the world and its methods into the church to achieve greatness in the eyes of men rather than in the eyes of God.
We aspire more to impress the world using its own methods (opulence, grand buildings, extraordinary attire, etc.). “The church” envies the world and its glory. In Revelation 3:14, the Lord describes the church of Laodicea as a church prosperous in the eyes of the world but failing to manifest God’s will and glory. He says this church is lukewarm; it could not be considered pagan, but neither could it be regarded as intimate with God—it was lukewarm.
Many of our churches today resemble the church of Laodicea: glorious in the eyes of men (grand buildings, opulence, extraordinary crowds, etc.) but empty in their relationship with God. These churches reflect the people who attend them: people who appear glorious and live in a semblance of opulence but are completely empty inside, especially in their relationship with God.
Today, the church suffers from the absence of divine presence, but because it has learned human principles of growth and success, it finds comfort in these things. However, the Bible presents Christians as a chosen generation, princes, and ambassadors. Would an ambassador of a great nation suffer from the economic and social troubles of the country where he is sent? Of course not! His peace does not depend on the country where he is on mission but rather on the nation he represents.
My friend, if you find yourself in such a situation, seeking to impress the world by compromising with it is not the solution, for you cannot mix the things of the world with those of God. Living in such a state will distance you from your God, and you will end up in hell. The solution to this problem is to become, along with your brothers and sisters, intimate with God. Then the church will experience the glory of the past, and you will enjoy complete peace and extraordinary joy.
ACTION FOR THE DAY: I must pray that material things do not take the place of God’s presence in my local church.
To meditate on: Revelation 3:14-17; Luke 16:15.
This text is an excerpt from the book “Daily Devotions 4: DEVELOPING INTIMACY WITH GOD (1)” written by Mohammed SANOGO.
We invite you to read the following article: “INTIMATE WITH GOD TO INFLUENCE THE WORLD“.
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