“I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.” Psalm 82:6
Friend, it is God that is speaking here. Mark this “all of you”! This revelation is not just for the apostles, prophet and teachers, but for, “all of you.” This brings us al into the same class, as God.
If you are a child of God, then you are a kind of God.
“Ye Are gods!”
This is a fundamental, powerful truth that, if for any reason it enters your heart, it will make you unshakable, immovable, triumphant, buoyant and blossoming! It will become for you a foundation that cannot be shaken! I have never seen a man come in genuine contact with this truth and is still tossed about.
The enemy hates this. So he will do anything to frustrate you from standing on such a revelation. But may the God of heaven, the great provider, provide you with such enlightenment in your heart, that will give you all of what this truth contains.
“I have said, YE ARE GODS; and all of you are children of the most High.” Psalms 82:6
This is the dominion scripture of the saints. Get it once and live by it forever. This scripture marked a turning point in my life. It came early enough in my Christian life, that I didn’t have to be cheated for long.
There is an anointing upon the revelation of this scripture that is going to establish you in permanent authority over Satan. If you understand the mystery of this Psalm 82:6, you will be in complete charge over the affairs of life!
“Ye are gods!”
This is the basis for the supernatural, that you are no longer human, you are superhuman, super, extra-natural. See yourself no more as an ordinary human being. The truth is that you are a son of God, so you are a god.
The kid of a goat is a goat. The son of a man is a man. The son of God therefore, can’t be anything else but a god, because in the law of creation, everything produces after its kind. That does not exempt God.
“Ye are gods!”
Jesus re-echoed this statement in the New Testament, thus affirming its authenticity:
“Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, YE ARE GODS?” John 10:34
If you grasp this truth, every devil will see you and clear off the way! This is the fundamental secret of all my victories in life. Don’t tell anybody “Bishop Oyedepo said I am a god.” It is not me that said it. It is God, your Father.
If you don’t want to die as men or fall as the princes, accept the totality of this scripture that cannot be broken. Others may call it blasphemy, but Jesus calls it “the scriptures”. It is more profitable to believe the scriptures than all the gossips in the world.
If you don’t want to fall like the princes, if you don’t want to fail or be defeated like men, accept your peculiarity and walk in it forever, and for as long as you live, refuse to accept anymore that you are an ordinary human being.
Detest this lie from henceforth, and in every sphere of your life – your business, your career, ministry, family, etc, accept the order of your divinity. Whatever is contained in God’s divinity is yours to enjoy.
Let others experience whatsoever they like, your portion is only what the divinity of God carries: His peace, His joy, His wisdom, His life, His health, His strength, etc. In your family for example, you can enjoy the peace of God that passeth all understanding.
Life can indeed be dynamic, when you operate in the understanding of this unusual realm of the supernatural. Ye are gods! This is a vital truth that reveals your divinity. It places you in the very class of God.
With this truth in you, every devil will bow to you. Whatever God can break through, you too will break through. Whatever God can handle, you can handle.
I got to my hometown one day and I was told that one of my cousins had gone insane. For days he could not recognise anyone, not even his mother, nor would he speak to anyone.
But when I got into the room where he was, he rose up and greeted me! He didn’t know his mother, nor anyone else, but when the son of God entered, he knew! I ordered him dressed-up and to be put in my car, let me see the devil in hell that has the guts to dare enter my car with him!
By the time we got to where we were going, he was fast-asleep! That was the end of the insanity! That devil left him as soon as I entered the room he was in.
Light doesn’t struggle with darkness! But as long as you are human, you are in darkness already. I didn’t need to lay hands on that boy or speak in tongues. All I did was just appear! And madness bowed out! That is what is called the manifestation of the sons of God.
You are worth several things. You are a terror to the devil in the world. Carry a consciousness of the authority that is in you. Use it to promote the kingdom of God here on earth. Be the one harassing the devil. Walk in power and authority!…
This text is an extract from the book “EXPLORING THE RICHES OF REDEMPTION” written by David O. Oyedepo.
We invite you to read the following article “ALL THINGS ARE UNDER YOUR FEET!“.
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