Christian A. Schwarz (1960 – ) is a German theologian, author, lecturer, and researcher. He currently serves as the director of the Institute for Natural Church Development in Germany. In the mid-1990s, Schwarz led a significant international survey of a thousand churches across five continents, which laid the groundwork for the development of two manuals on church growth and dynamism.

  1. Early Life: Christian A. Schwarz’s formative years were deeply influenced by his father, Fritz Schwarz, who served as a Lutheran church superintendent until his passing in 1985. During the late 1970s, Fritz Schwarz initiated a church growth program in the Herne church district in Germany, which left a lasting impact on numerous Lutheran churches throughout the country. Together, Christian A. Schwarz and his father co-authored three initial books that explored the values, strategy, and theology of this approach.
  2. Schwarz and Natural Church Development:

2.1 His Way to Natural Church Development: Christian A. Schwarz’s early works with his father focused on the societal and political implications of discipleship. Later, he developed a relationship with leaders of the American church growth movement, including Donald A. McGavran and C. Peter Wagner, which influenced his thinking.

2.2 The Strategy of Natural Church Development: In 1989, Schwarz founded the Institute for Church Development, later renamed the Institute for Natural Church Development. He developed the concept of Natural Church Development based on empirical research and a diagnostic tool called the NCD Church Survey. This strategy emphasizes principles, interdenominational application, intercultural learning, scientific evaluation, quality focus, spiritual balance, and process-orientation.

2.3 NCD International: The Institute, now known as NCD International, operates as a network connecting leaders and organizations committed to supporting Christians in various roles. Schwarz, along with Christoph Schalk and Adam Johnstone, leads this ministry, and they focus on research, resource development, training, and coaching.

  1. Activities:

3.1 Research: NCD International conducts empirical research at an international level, utilizing data from over 70,000 churches that have undergone the NCD Church Survey in 84 countries and 112 denominations.

3.2 Resource Development: Schwarz has authored several books on church development and life transformation, striving to provide resources applicable across cultures and denominations.

3.3 Training and Coaching: Schwarz spends much of his time training, coaching, and empowering Christian leaders worldwide through conferences and the NOW! process, designed to foster multiplication.

  1. Theological Views:

4.1 Incarnational Theology: Schwarz’s theological paradigm integrates biblical teaching with empirical observations, influenced by the writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

4.2 Interdenominational Approach: While originally from a Lutheran background, Schwarz’s theological reflections and writings adopt an interdenominational perspective, seeking common ground while avoiding divisive issues.

Christian A. Schwarz’s contributions to Natural Church Development have had a profound impact on churches worldwide, and his commitment to empirical research and theological reflection continues to influence church growth strategies and discipleship practices.

  • Découvrez vos Dons

    Récemment, une enquête a révélé une réalité troublante : parmi les 1200 chrétiens issus d’églises variées interrogés, 80% ignoraient encore quels étaient leurs dons. Seuls 20% connaissaient leurs talents et les mettaient en pratique. Pourtant, la Bible nous rappelle : « Que chacun de vous mette au service des autres le don qu’il a reçu » (1 Pierre 4:10). Ces dons sont les clés choisies par Dieu pour dynamiser et enrichir son Église.

    C’est dans cette optique que nous vous présentons “Découvrez vos Dons”, un livre pratique et équilibré qui s’adresse à tous les chrétiens, qu’ils soient membres d’église, responsables ou pasteurs. Son auteur a pour objectif de vous aider à explorer vos talents en suivant un programme en 7 étapes soigneusement conçu.

    Ce guide essentiel vous propose également une évaluation personnelle approfondie, grâce à un questionnaire détaillé. Ce dernier vous permettra d’identifier vos dons spécifiques et de comprendre comment les utiliser pleinement pour bénir votre communauté et servir Dieu.

    “Quels sont mes dons ?” Cette question, souvent posée, trouvera enfin des réponses claires et pertinentes au sein de ce livre. Vous y trouverez des réponses aux questions les plus fréquemment posées sur le thème de la découverte des dons, vous apportant ainsi une compréhension approfondie et une inspiration pour votre cheminement spirituel.

    Ne laissez pas vos dons rester enfouis dans l’ombre. Explorez-les, cultivez-les et partagez-les avec le monde. “Découvrez vos Dons” est votre guide inestimable pour épanouir votre potentiel et vivre une vie qui honore Dieu.
