Evelyn Christenson, a dedicated prayer seminar speaker and teacher, spent an astounding 40 years captivating audiences across all 50 U.S. states. Her impact, however, extended far beyond national borders as she traveled extensively for 26 years, touching lives on every continent. Regardless of race, age, or Christian denomination, attendees from diverse backgrounds were touched by her profound teachings.

Her literary contributions were equally impressive, with a legacy of influential books. Among her notable works, “What Happens When Women Pray” emerged as a timeless classic, selling over 3 million copies. The impact of her teachings continued through “A Study Guide for Evangelism Praying,” originally developed as the curriculum for AD2000 Women International. Accompanied by its companion book, “Praying God’s Way” (previously titled “A Time to Pray God’s Way”), these resources remain valuable teaching tools worldwide, having been translated into over 60 languages.

Another bestseller, “Lord Change Me!,” sold over 2 million copies, while “Gaining Through Losing” received recognition as the top devotional book of 1982 by the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association. Her books on prayer for families, divine answers, and the acclaimed prayer journal, “Prayers and Answers,” further enriched the spiritual lives of countless individuals.

In 1972, Evelyn founded United Prayer Ministry (UPM) and served as its president. The ministry focused on the power of prayer, with board members interceding for her teachings and broadcasting endeavors through Trans World Radio. Her dedication extended to the National Prayer Committee for over 30 years, contributing to the establishment of the National Day of Prayer, observed on the first Thursday of May through legal recognition by the U.S. President and Congress. Evelyn was a cherished speaker and prayer leader at this significant event.

Her commitment extended to the Global Day of Prayer, which connected an astonishing 250 million Christians worldwide through satellite, television, and radio in united prayer. Evelyn was also actively involved in international efforts, serving on the world-wide directors’ founding committee of the AD2000 International Women’s Track. As Chairmen of its North America division, she crafted their international curriculum and taught extensively across the globe. Additionally, she contributed to various national and international initiatives, leaving an indelible mark on the world of prayer and evangelism.

Evelyn’s ministry exuded urgency and passion for evangelism through prayer, as she fervently desired to lead souls to Christ and secure their eternal place in His kingdom. On January 1, 2011, All Saints Day, Evelyn peacefully joined her Lord Jesus. Her last moments were marked by a profound sense of comfort as she assured her family that Jesus was holding her hand. Though she is no longer with us, her legacy continues to inspire and impact countless lives, leaving an enduring imprint on the world of prayer and evangelism.

  • Ce que Dieu fait quand les femmes prient

    Découvrez le livre inspirant “Ce que Dieu fait quand les femmes prient” – une perle de sagesse biblique qui changera votre vie de prière !

    « Que se passe-t-il quand des femmes prient ? » Cette question fondamentale trouve enfin sa réponse au fil des pages de ce livre captivant. L’auteur, une femme respectée dans le ministère auprès des femmes, a patiemment observé et consigné les exaucements de Dieu à la prière pendant trois décennies. Elle nous livre maintenant les fruits de son expérience, loin des théories et des recettes miracles.

    À travers son propre pèlerinage spirituel, elle nous entraîne dans un voyage fascinant à travers les leçons et les victoires des femmes de prière. Evelyn Christenson nous ouvre les yeux sur la puissance de la prière et nous lance un défi passionnant : découvrir comment nos prières, unies, ferventes, spécifiques et stratégiques, peuvent faire toute la différence dans ce monde.

    Ce livre transcendant nous rappelle que la prière est la clé pour connaître Dieu et le faire connaître. Il nous apprend à comprendre la valeur et l’impact de la prière sincère. Grâce à l’enseignement profond de l’auteur, notre vie de prière sera enrichie, notre relation avec Dieu approfondie, et nous apprendrons à prier avec une intensité et une joie renouvelées.

    « Ce que Dieu fait quand les femmes prient » est bien plus qu’un livre, c’est une source d’enthousiasme, d’inspiration et de connexion profonde avec notre Créateur. Laissez-vous emporter par les récits touchants et les témoignages puissants qui résonneront dans votre cœur. Saisissez cette opportunité unique de découvrir le pouvoir transformateur de la prière féminine.

    Rejoignez-nous dans cette aventure spirituelle extraordinaire et laissez ce livre vous guider vers une prière plus significative et épanouissante. En vous plongeant dans « Ce que Dieu fait quand les femmes prient », vous découvrirez le trésor qui sommeille en chaque prière, un trésor qui vous transformera et changera le monde autour de vous.

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