The visionary behind Word Ministries (WMI), Germaine Copeland, stands as an accomplished author and an inspiring orator. Through her impactful speeches, she instills encouragement and profound insights into the realm of effective prayer. Many have encountered emotional healing under her guidance, and her teachings have illuminated the distinction between soulish and spiritual praying.

At the core of Germaine’s mission for Word Ministries (WMI) lies the aspiration to establish a global intercessory prayer network that envelops every corner of the world – nations, tribes, peoples, and languages – with prayers that carry immense potency.

Germaine Copeland emboldens those who wield the mantle of prayer to approach the Throne of God with unshakeable confidence. Her unwavering passion is to witness believers establish an intimate connection with the Father-God, the Architect of the cosmos. Her earnest prayer is that His divine will manifests on earth just as it prevails in the heavens.

With her coaching and prayer counseling, Germaine Copeland beckons every member of the Body of Christ to step into their role within the Global Company of Intercessors. Through her teachings, listeners gain the tools to cement their identities and become fortified defenders of the city, standing as beacons for God and bridging the gap to safeguard the land from destruction, as proclaimed in Ezekiel 22:30 (MSG).

During the 1980s, Germaine served as the Associate Pastor of Word of Life Church in Smyrna, Georgia, before assuming the mantle of Senior Pastor for a remarkable five years. Her influence extends nationally and globally as she conducts prayer schools, addresses congregations, participates in conferences, and engages various groups.

Germaine adeptly organizes prayer teams with a mission to usher in spiritual and societal transformation in the very locations they pray. These teams are groomed in the art of prayer that channels the will of God into the atmospheres of the regions.

Her leadership has led teams to both the Cayman Islands and North African nations, where they’ve not only shared the love of God with nonbelievers but have also fortified followers of Jesus within those diverse lands.

Through her literary works and teachings, Germaine empowers others to unearth the wellsprings of grace and knowledge, allowing them to thrive with renewed vigor, strength, and the triumphs that God promises.

As an esteemed Executive Network Member of International Breakthrough Ministries (IBM) and a dedicated member of the Deborah Company, Germaine Copeland has authored works including “A Global Call to Prayer,” the Prayers That Avail Much book series, “365 Days to a Prayer-Filled Life,” and “Prayers That Avail Much for Daily Living” (Charisma House).

She has also contributed her wisdom as an author to the “Women’s Destiny Bible” (Thomas Nelson) and Impart Magazine. Germaine and her cherished husband, Everette, are blessed with four adult children, eleven grandchildren, and eleven great-grandchildren. They find their residence in the serene embrace of Greensboro, Georgia.

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    Les défis qui se dressent devant les femmes sont multiples et exigeants, que ce soit dans leur rôle de mères, d’épouses, de professionnelles ou de ministres. Dans un monde en perpétuelle évolution, la pression peut sembler écrasante. C’est pourquoi ce livre est votre allié indispensable.

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    Ce livre vous offre un trésor de prières spécifiquement conçues pour les défis modernes auxquels les femmes sont confrontées chaque jour. Enracinées dans les enseignements bibliques, ces prières deviendront votre arme secrète pour libérer la puissance divine et transformer l’adversité en succès retentissant !

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  • Prayers that avail much

    Are you looking for a way to deepen your relationship with God and to understand Scripture on a whole new level? Look no further than Germaine Copeland’s Prayers That Avail Much. With three bestselling volumes now combined into one, this comprehensive guide provides powerful, Scripture-based intercessory prayers for every life situation. From strengthening your marriage to overcoming discouragement, from seeking funding for a ministry to letting go of bitterness, this all-in-one edition has it all. As you speak these mighty, scriptural prayers aloud and meditate on the verses woven into each one, you will see God moving to perform His Word in your life and in the lives of those around you. No longer will you feel helpless in difficult or painful situations, and you won’t have to miss out on God’s blessings for you and your loved ones. With Prayers That Avail Much, you can pray with power and see the results you’ve been longing for. Get your copy today and start your journey towards a deeper, more meaningful prayer life.

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