John C. Maxwell is an internationally recognized leadership expert, speaker, coach, and author who has sold over 19 million books. Dr. Maxwell is the founder of EQUIP and the John Maxwell Company, organizations that have trained more than 5 million leaders worldwide. Every year he speaks to Fortune 500 companies, international government leaders, and organizations as diverse as the United States Military Academy at West Point, the National Football League, and the United Nations. A New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Business Week best-selling author, Maxwell has written three books which have each sold more than one million copies: The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, Developing the Leader Within You, and The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader. You can find him at and follow him at

  • 21 Leadership Issues In The Bible : Life-Changing Lessons from Leaders in Scripture

    Looking to become a more effective leader? Whether you’re leading a team at work, in your community, or even just trying to influence those around you, the challenges you face can be daunting. But what if you had access to a source of divine wisdom that could guide you through the most common leadership issues?

    That’s exactly what Dr. John C. Maxwell offers in his new study, 21 Leadership Issues in the Bible. Drawing on his decades of experience as a leadership expert and his deep understanding of the Scriptures, John guides you through twenty-one of the most pressing issues facing leaders today, from internal struggles like identity and pride to external challenges like diversity and teamwork.

    Each lesson in this study includes detailed case studies of leaders in the Bible who faced these same issues and either succeeded or failed in their leadership. You’ll gain powerful insights into how these leaders approached their challenges, and you’ll be equipped with practical tools and strategies to apply to your own leadership role.

    But this study isn’t just for individual leaders. Whether you’re looking to improve your own leadership skills or to train your team in effective leadership development, 21 Leadership Issues in the Bible is the perfect resource. With group discussion questions and practical takeaways, you can use this study as a course in problem solving, or as a tool to help your team grow together in their leadership abilities.

    And perhaps most importantly, this study is grounded in the wisdom of the Bible. John C. Maxwell asserts that the Scriptures are the greatest leadership book ever written, and in this study, he shows you how to apply that wisdom to your own life and leadership. So if you’re ready to face your leadership challenges with boldness and clarity, join us for 21 Leadership Issues in the Bible and start your journey to becoming a better leader today!

    19.796,81 CFA
  • 25 Ways to Win with People: How to Make Others Feel Like a Million Bucks

    You’ve read John Maxwell’s best-selling Winning with People, and now you’re ready for some specific action steps to build on the knowledge you gained. 25 Ways to Win With People has just what you need! This complementary companion to the full-sized book is ideal for a quick refresher course on interpersonal relationships.

    A small sampling of the twenty-five specific actions readers can take to build positive, healthy relationships includes:

    • Complimenting People in Front of Others
    • Creating a Memory and Visiting It Often
    • Encouraging the Dreams of Others
    9.498,47 CFA

    Découvrez le trésor caché de la sagesse biblique avec notre tout nouveau livre captivant : “Apprendre des Géants de la Foi”. Plongez-vous dans une aventure unique, où vous aurez l’opportunité extraordinaire de rencontrer neuf géants de la foi de l’Ancien Testament, directement issus des Écritures.

    Imaginez un instant être transporté à une époque lointaine, aux côtés de ces hommes et femmes exceptionnels. Grâce à notre livre, vous vous retrouverez aux premières loges, écoutant chacun de ces héros partager leurs leçons inestimables sur la vie et le leadership. Vous serez témoin de leurs triomphes épiques, de leurs combats contre l’adversité et de leurs transformations radicales sous la guidance divine.

    Laissez-vous inspirer par leur foi inébranlable, leur courage indomptable et leur détermination sans faille. Ces géants de la foi ont servi des rois, érigé des fondations solides pour leur peuple et laissé un héritage durable qui résonne encore de nos jours.

    En compagnie de ces héros bibliques, vous découvrirez des révélations surprenantes sur vous-même, sur votre potentiel inexploité et sur les voies que Dieu a tracées pour vous. Leurs récits intemporels réveilleront en vous une force intérieure et vous donneront des clés pour affronter les défis de votre propre voyage spirituel.

    Alors, saisissez cette occasion unique de vous plonger dans l’univers fascinant des Géants de la Foi. Ouvrez ce livre et embarquez pour une aventure transformatrice qui laissera une empreinte indélébile sur votre âme.

    “Apprendre des Géants de la Foi” vous révélera que l’extraordinaire est à votre portée lorsque vous marchez aux côtés des héros bibliques qui ont bravé l’impossible pour la gloire de Dieu. N’attendez plus, votre voyage commence maintenant !

    15.497,50 CFA
  • Attitude 101 Leadership : What Every Leader Needs to Know

    Are you tired of dealing with bad attitudes on your team? Do you want to improve your team’s performance and ensure its success? Look no further than Attitude 101 by New York Times best-selling author and leadership expert John C. Maxwell.

    Maxwell understands the frustration that comes with trying to lead people with bad attitudes. In this concise and reader-friendly guidebook, he provides valuable insights and practical strategies for recognizing and addressing attitude problems in yourself and others.

    Attitude is a key factor that impacts individual and team performance. By pinpointing problem feelings, behaviors, and thinking, you can identify and address six common attitude problems that undermine teamwork. And by discovering the secret to changing a bad attitude, you can create new definitions of failure and success that will improve performance.

    Remember, attitude is contagious. Adopting the right attitude can help you keep going to the next level of success. With Attitude 101, you can master attitude issues and ensure that your team is catching the right attitude. Don’t let bad attitudes ruin your team’s success. Get your copy of Attitude 101 today!

    16.872,28 CFA
  • Au-delà du Talent: Obtenez des résultats extraordinaires

    Obtenez des résultats extraordinaires

    Regardez les gros-titres des journaux, lisez les faits divers ou encore sortez de chez vous et vous verrez que les gens lui donnent raison: de nombreuses personnes talentueuses atteignent leur plein potentiel alors que d’autres s’autodétruisent ou demeurent dans la médiocrité. Qu’est-ce qui fait la différence?

    L’auteur à succès au New-York Times, John C. Maxwell, démontre dans Au-delà du talent que le talent n’est que le point de départ de tout impact réussi dans un projet ou une organisation. Ce qui compte vraiment se trouve au-delà du talent.

    Entre autres, les gens qui ont du succès savent très bien que:

    • La conviction élève votre talent

    • L’initiative active votre talent

    • La préparation positionne votre talent

    • La pratique améliore votre talent

    • la persévérance maintient votre talent

    • votre personnalité protège votre talent… et bien plus encore!

    Le talent seul n’est jamais suffisant. C’est ce que vous lui ajoutez qui fait toute la différence. Par des exemples concrets et une sagesse éprouvée, Maxwell partage 13 attributs indispensables pour optimiser vos capacités et vivre la vie dont vous rêvez. Vous pouvez avoir du talent mais ne jamais atteindre votre potentiel, tout comme vous pouvez vraiment vous démarquer en allant au-delà de votre talent.

    12.997,90 CFA
  • Be A People Person: Effective Leadership Through Effective Relationships

    Being a leader means working with people, and that’s not always easy! Whether in your office, church, neighborhood, or elsewhere, your interpersonal relationships can make or break you as a leader. That’s why it’s so important to be a “people person” and develop your skills in tapping that most precious of all resources: people.

    In this powerful book, America’s leadership expert John Maxwell helps you:

    • discover and develop the qualities of an effective “people person”
    • improve your relationships in every area of life
    • understand and help difficult people
    • overcome differences and personality traits that can cause friction
    • inspire others to excellence and success

    Loaded with life-enriching, life-changing principles for relating positively and powerfully with your family, friends, colleague, and clients, Be a People Person is certain to help you bring out the best in others—and that’s what effective leadership is all about.

    18.497,02 CFA
  • Be All You Can Be: A Challenge to Stretch Your God-Given Potential

    You have big dreams and major goals for your life. You want to be a leader, fulfilled and fully realized, always able to take what life throws at you and stretch beyond the status quo. But for some reason, you never quite get there. You just aren’t living up to your potential, and you don’t know why.

    Now America’s leadership expert, John Maxwell, gives you the tools you need to Be All You Can Be. In this powerful book filled with easy-to-grasp truths you can put to work right away, you’ll discover the principles of success that can really help you succeed. Maxwell will guide you through four key steps:

    • Know: Discover the principles for fulfilling your God-given potential.
    • Show: Learn how to model the principles so others can see them at work.
    • Go: Roll up your sleeves, get out into the world, and live what you’ve learned.
    • Grow: Experience living at your full potential, continually assessing your progress.

    As a result, you’ll gain considerable hope for the future, which in turn will give you power to overcome in the present. Successful living and leading starts now: Accept the challenge to Be All You Can Be.

    9.998,39 CFA
  • Becoming a Person of Influence: How to Positively Impact the Lives of Others

    Whatever your vocation or aspiration is, you can increase your impact with Maxwell’s simple, insightful ways to interact more positively with others.

    America’s leadership expert John Maxwell and renowned author Jim Dornan teaches that if your life in any way connects with other people, you are an influencer. Learn the tactics to interact more effectively with people, and watch your organizational success go off the charts!

    In Becoming a Person of Influence, Maxwell and Dornan help people, regardless of their occupation, reach their full influential potential:

    • Managers will see their employees respond with new enthusiasm
    • Parents will connect with their children on a deeper level
    • Coaches will see players blossom
    • Pastors will reach more people
    • Salespeople will break records

    Authors Maxwell and Dornan have spent most of their lives raising up influencers. With humor, heart, and unique insight, they share what they have gained from decades of experiences in both business and nonprofit areas. Their insights are practical and easy to apply to everyday life.

    9.198,52 CFA
  • Becoming A Personn Of Influence

    Looking to make a greater impact in your personal or professional life? Look no further than Maxwell and Dornan’s groundbreaking book, Becoming a Person of Influence. This powerful guidebook will help you unlock your full potential and become a true influencer in any area of your life.

    With practical advice and easy-to-follow tips, Maxwell and Dornan teach readers how to interact more positively with others and achieve unprecedented levels of success. Whether you’re a manager looking to inspire your employees, a parent seeking to connect with your children on a deeper level, a coach hoping to see your players blossom, or a salesperson aiming to break records, this book is the ultimate resource for anyone looking to make a real impact.

    Drawing on decades of experience in both the business and nonprofit worlds, Maxwell and Dornan share their unique insights and wisdom with readers, helping them to become the best possible version of themselves. Their advice is practical, actionable, and easy to apply to everyday life, making it the perfect resource for anyone looking to grow personally and professionally.

    So why wait? Order your copy of Becoming a Person of Influence today and start making a real difference in your life and the lives of those around you!

    21.346,56 CFA
  • Beyond Talent

    Become Someone Who Gets Extraordinary Results

    Some individuals possess remarkable talent, yet only a few reach their full potential while others remain trapped in mediocrity or self-destruct. What sets them apart? Renowned author John C. Maxwell, the go-to guru for business professionals worldwide, emphasizes that it’s the choices we make—not just the skills we inherit—that propel us to greatness. If you genuinely aspire to make a lasting impact in your organization, it’s the skills that transcend mere talent that truly matter.

    In “Beyond Talent,” Maxwell shares thirteen essential attributes that, when combined with your inherent talent, will enable you to maximize your potential and live the life of your dreams. Within these captivating pages, you will discover the transformative power of belief, initiative, focus, preparation, practice, perseverance, and character. Each attribute serves as a key to unlocking your extraordinary potential and propelling you beyond the limitations of talent alone.

    This remarkable book is your guide to standing out from the crowd. Through invaluable insights, Maxwell reveals timeless truths that will revolutionize your approach to personal and professional growth. Embrace the wisdom contained within its pages, and witness how belief elevates your talent, initiative activates it, focus directs it, preparation positions it, practice sharpens it, perseverance sustains it, and character protects it.

    Remember, talent alone can only take you so far. It’s the integration of these attributes that will truly set you apart and enable you to surpass your own expectations. With “Beyond Talent,” you will embark on a life-changing journey of self-discovery, personal excellence, and unprecedented achievements.

    Don’t settle for mediocrity when you have the potential for greatness. Order your copy of “Beyond Talent: Become Someone Who Gets Extraordinary Results” today and equip yourself with the tools and insights necessary to surpass your own limitations. Prepare to unlock the doors to unparalleled success and live a life that exceeds even your wildest dreams.

    13.996,74 CFA
  • Comment Se Connecter Aux Autres: Ce que les gens les plus performants font différemment des autres.

    Dans ce livre, Maxwell explique ce qu’il faut faire et surtout ne pas faire pour communiquer efficacement avec les gens.

    Même si certains sont plus à l’aise que d’autre pour communiquer, tout le monde peut apprendre à développer ces habiletés.

    Dans Comment se connecter aux autres, Maxwell explique que beaucoup partagent des messages, mais que peu sont vraiment écoutés et que la plupart du temps, les gens veulent communiquer avec les autres n’arrivent à se connecter à eux.

    Ce livre partage les cinq principes de communication et leur mise en pratique pour développer votre capacité à vous connecter aux autres, notamment en:

    • Cherchant un terrain d’entente
    • Apportant un message clair
    • Développant une ambiance d’écoute
    • Inspirant les autres

    La capacité de se connecter avec les autres est un facteur déterminant pour atteindre son plein potentiel. Connecter est une compétence que vous pouvez apprendre et appliquer dans vos relations personnelles, professionnelles et familiales.

    12.997,90 CFA
  • Developing the Leaders Around You

    As a divine being, I can tell you that success is not just about personal achievement, but about empowering those around you to reach their full potential. And no one understands this better than John C. Maxwell, a renowned expert in leadership and personal development.

    In his book, Developing the Leaders Around You, Maxwell reveals the greatest leadership principle he has ever learned: the success level of a leader is determined by those closest to them. It’s not enough to have vision and drive. To truly achieve your goals, you must learn how to develop and empower the leaders around you.

    Whether you’re leading a non-profit organization, small business, or Fortune 500 company, Developing the Leaders Around You can help you take your organization to a whole new level. You’ll learn practical strategies for identifying and nurturing potential leaders, and discover how to create a culture of growth and development within your team.

    Don’t let your dreams remain unrealized. Take the first step towards success by investing in the development of your team. Order Developing the Leaders Around You today and start building a brighter future for yourself and those around you.

    18.372,04 CFA
  • Ethics 101: What Every Leader Need To Know

    Introducing ETHICS 101 by John C Maxwell, the ultimate guide to living a life of integrity and ethical behavior! Have you ever found yourself struggling to determine what is right and wrong in a particular situation? Look no further than Maxwell’s insight on how to live a life of honesty and morality.

    In this groundbreaking book, Maxwell reveals that there’s no such thing as “business ethics” or “personal ethics” – only ethics! He shows that there is a universal ethical standard that can be applied to all situations, regardless of your background, culture, or religion. And what is that standard? It’s the Golden Rule, a principle that has been passed down in every major religion throughout history.

    ETHICS 101 will guide you on a journey of self-discovery, as you learn about the desires of the human heart and what motivates us to act in certain ways. You’ll also discover the five most common causes that get people off track ethically and learn how to develop the Midas touch when it comes to integrity.

    Whether you’re a business leader, a student, or just someone looking to live a more ethical life, ETHICS 101 is the perfect guide for you. With practical insights and inspiring examples, Maxwell will show you how to live with integrity and use the Golden Rule as your standard in all situations.

    Don’t miss out on this life-changing book – get your copy of ETHICS 101 today and start living a life of honesty and morality!

    16.872,28 CFA
  • Excellence 101

    Découvrez dès maintenant “100 Questions d’Ados Sans Réponses”, un ouvrage essentiel qui apportera clarté et sagesse à votre vie chrétienne et à celle de vos adolescents. Vous vous êtes sûrement déjà retrouvé dans cette situation délicate où votre fils ou votre fille revient de l’école avec une question troublante, vous laissant perplexe et incertain quant à la meilleure réponse à donner. Ne laissez pas ces questions importantes sans réponse, car cela pourrait impacter leur cheminement spirituel.

    Ce livre est la ressource précieuse dont vous avez besoin pour répondre aux questions de vos adolescents. Présenté sous un format pratique de questions-réponses, il se révèle être un outil facile à consulter pour les parents, les enseignants et tous ceux qui œuvrent auprès de la jeunesse.

    Imaginez avoir à portée de main une mine de réponses éclairées sur des sujets aussi cruciaux que Dieu, le mal, l’évolution, le sexe, la culture, l’école et l’avenir. “100 Questions d’Ados Sans Réponses” traite de questions complexes telles que l’existence de Dieu et l’origine du mal, la fiabilité de la Bible, la confrontation entre la science moderne et le christianisme, la nature de l’homosexualité et la gestion des valeurs et de la violence à l’école.

    Abordez ces questions fondamentales et engageantes avec vos adolescents en utilisant les réponses fournies dans le livre pour initier des discussions constructives et enrichissantes. Charles COLSON, l’un des chefs de file des intellectuels chrétiens, a conçu cette ressource inestimable qui vous accompagnera dans votre rôle de parent soucieux d’offrir une guidance spirituelle éclairée à vos enfants.

    Ne laissez pas les questions sans réponse semer le doute et l’incertitude chez vos adolescents. Équipez-vous de “100 Questions d’Ados Sans Réponses” pour naviguer avec confiance dans les profondeurs de la foi et de la connaissance. Ce livre est un trésor d’informations qui vous permettra de guider vos enfants vers une compréhension éclairée de leur spiritualité et de les aider à grandir dans leur relation avec Dieu.

    Alors, que vous soyez parent, enseignant ou intervenant auprès de la jeunesse, ne manquez pas cette opportunité. Obtenez votre exemplaire de “100 Questions d’Ados Sans Réponses” dès aujourd’hui et participez à l’épanouissement spirituel de vos adolescents. Ce livre sera une bénédiction pour vous et pour eux.

    5.399,13 CFA
  • Formation 101

    Découvrez le guide essentiel pour bâtir une équipe solide et développer des leaders éclairés ! Plongez-vous dans “Formation 101: Principe de base” et explorez les enseignements précieux puisés dans la sagesse de leadership pour vous guider vers le succès.

    Dans ce manuel d’initiation, John Maxwell, le spécialiste américain du leadership, vous accompagne dans un voyage transformateur. Apprenez à reconnaître le pouvoir du travail en équipe et à cultiver une culture d’unité et de collaboration. La formation est le pilier fondamental pour tout leader ambitieux ; découvrez comment elle ouvre les portes du succès.

    Explorez les qualités essentielles à rechercher chez des leaders potentiels et les dix étapes pour investir pleinement dans le développement des autres. Devenez un “agrandisseur” de gens en apprenant à reconnaître et à encourager le potentiel illimité de chaque individu dans votre équipe.

    Investir dans une équipe, c’est investir dans l’avenir. Ce livre vous donne les clés pour construire une équipe solide, résiliente et visionnaire. Puisez dans les leçons inspirantes et les connaissances approfondies de John Maxwell pour propulser votre leadership vers de nouveaux sommets.

    “Formation 101: Principe de base” est bien plus qu’un livre ; c’est un trésor d’enseignements intemporels qui vous accompagnera dans votre parcours de leader avec sagesse et discernement.

    Ne manquez pas l’opportunité de saisir la voie de la sagesse pour bâtir des équipes d’exception et former des leaders inspirants. Commandez votre exemplaire dès aujourd’hui et commencez votre voyage vers l’excellence en leadership !

    5.399,13 CFA
  • Go for Gold: Inspiration to Increase Your Leadership Impact

    If you’ve read any of John C. Maxwell’s books on leadership, you know that leadership is developed daily, not in a day. That’s why he’s created Go for Gold, a daily companion to Leadership Gold. It’s designed to help supercharge your growth as a leader.

    Go for Gold offers daily bite-sized leadership lessons taken from Dr. Maxwell’s catalog of leadership and personal development books.

    Organized into twenty-six weekly lessons with space for notes from your own leadership journey, Go for Gold will help you jump-start your leadership growth with wisdom and best practices from John C. Maxwell.

    8.498,63 CFA
  • Good Leaders Ask Great Questions: Your Foundation for Successful Leadership

    A #1 New York Times bestselling author and leadership expert answers questions from his readers about what it takes to be in charge and make a difference.

    John Maxwell, America’s #1 leadership authority, has mastered the art of asking questions, using them to learn and grow, connect with people, challenge himself, improve his team, and develop better ideas. Questions have literally changed Maxwell’s life. In GOOD LEADERS ASK GREAT QUESTIONS, he shows how they can change yours, teaching why questions are so important, what questions you should ask yourself as a leader, and what questions you should be asking your team.

    Maxwell also opened the floodgates and invited people from around the world to ask him any leadership question. He answers seventy of them–the best of the best–including . . .

    What are the top skills required to lead people through difficult times?

    • How do I get started in leadership?
    • How do I motivate an unmotivated person?
    • How can I succeed working under poor leadership?
    • When is the right time for a successful leader to move on to a new position?
    • How do you move people into your inner circle?

    No matter whether you are a seasoned leader at the top of your game or a newcomer wanting to take the first steps into leadership, this book will change the way you look at questions and improve your leadership life.

    19.496,86 CFA
  • How High Will You Climb : Determine Your Success by Cultivating the Right Attitude

    Looking for a powerful message to motivate you to reach new heights in life, even when the storm clouds gather? Look no further than How High Will You Climb? by renowned author and pastor John C. Maxwell.

    In this inspiring book, Maxwell reminds us that our attitude in the face of adversity is the key to our success. While it may be easy to maintain a positive outlook when things are going well, the true test of character comes when the going gets tough. That’s when we must rely on our faith and trust that God is with us every step of the way.

    With Maxwell’s expert guidance, you’ll learn how to cultivate a resilient attitude that will carry you through even the most difficult times. Whether you’re facing challenges in your family, your work, or your personal life, How High Will You Climb? will help you stay focused, stay positive, and stay on track.

    So if you’re ready to take your life to new heights and soar above the storms, don’t wait another moment. Order your copy of How High Will You Climb? today and discover the power of a positive attitude in the face of adversity.

    14.622,64 CFA
  • Intentional Living : Choosing a Life That Matters

    Welcome to a life of purpose and significance! Do you long to make a difference and leave a lasting legacy? Do you believe that it’s only possible for certain people with specific traits or resources? Think again! The truth is that anyone can achieve significance and create a meaningful impact.

    Introducing Intentional Living by John Maxwell, a guide to help you take the first step towards a life of purpose and significance. This book is your roadmap to living intentionally, and it will help you realize that you don’t need a big idea, a certain age, a lot of money, or fame to make a real difference in the world.

    In Intentional Living, John Maxwell shares his divine wisdom and shows you how to be intentional in every aspect of your life. He provides practical advice and inspiring stories of people who have made a difference, reminding you that every significant accomplishment starts with a first step.

    You’ll learn how to identify your passions, set meaningful goals, and develop a plan to achieve them. You’ll discover how to overcome obstacles and take action, no matter how challenging it may seem. And you’ll find the motivation and inspiration you need to keep going, even when the going gets tough.

    Whether you’re just starting out on your journey towards significance or looking to take your impact to the next level, Intentional Living is the perfect guide to help you achieve your goals. So don’t wait any longer. Take the first step today and start living intentionally!

    31.294,95 CFA
  • JumpStart Your Priorities: A 90-Day Improvement Plan

    Discover the power of Today with John C. Maxwell’s bestseller, Today Matters. This book is a must-read for anyone looking to maximize their potential and make the most of their time. With John’s roadmap for success, you can learn to prioritize your life and seize the present to reach your goals.

    Inside, you’ll find inspiring quotes and lessons, thought-provoking questions, and space for reflective notes to help you master the moment. In just three short months, you’ll learn how to focus on what matters most and set yourself on the path toward fulfilling your aspirations.

    Whether you’re a new leader or looking to expand on your success, Today Matters is the perfect guide for helping you make each day count. With John’s wisdom and guidance, you’ll learn how to prioritize your time and live a more fulfilling life.

    Don’t wait any longer to start living your best life. Order Today Matters today and start mastering the moment!