Ernest Kevan is best known as the founding director of London Bible College, or London School of Theology as it is now known. He is also the author of an important work on the Puritan theology of law, entitled The Grace of Law. Beyond those two facts, I don’t think many readers know much about the subject of this prime biography. It was definitely not my case. Paul Brown has done the Christian world a service by saving Ernest Kevan from some undeserved obscurity. The author studied at London Bible College under Kevan.

Brown delves into his family history and traces the spiritual influences that, through God’s grace, helped make him the man he was. Before becoming Principal of London Bible College, Kevan was a strict Baptist pastor. The blessing of the Lord was evident in the churches where he preached. Kevan was keen to engage in the communities that surrounded the churches he served, offering practical help to those in need while spreading the gospel. Although he and his wife Jennie were never blessed with children, Ernest had a big heart for little ones and his children’s talks were legendary for their clarity and enthusiasm.

Kevan was an important figure in the resurgence of Evangelical and Reformed Christianity in the post-war period. What Martyn Lloyd-Jones did from his pulpit at Westminster Chapel, Kevan did from his desk at London Bible College. Both men exposed a new generation to the riches of Puritan and Reformed theology. That’s not to say Kevan and Lloyd-Jones always agreed. The former was more comfortable working with theologically mixed denominations than the latter. Lloyd-Jones criticized London Bible College for offering the University of London-endorsed comics degree. The Westminster Chapel preacher wanted nothing to do with Billy Graham’s crusades in the 1950s. Despite Kevan’s doubts about the evangelist’s calls for people to come forward and make a profession of faith, he wrote helpful pamphlets that helped anchor new converts in the faith. While the “Doctor” declined invitations to speak at the Keswick conference due to his adherence to an erroneous doctrine of sanctification, Kevan spoke there on several occasions. His talks on the Romans encouraged the conference to move away from its traditional teachings about the “higher life.” It’s interesting to wonder whether Kevan’s “to win” approach or Lloyd-Jones’ “They’ll turn to you, but you won’t turn to them” approach proved more effective.

During Kevan’s memorial service, John Stott remarked on his “strength and gentleness”, two qualities not always found in the same person. Kevan was a scholar with a pastor’s heart, the best kind of man to run a Bible college. At a time when evangelical scholarship was practically seen as a contradiction in terms, he showed that it was possible to be theologically conservative and intellectually rigorous. He was indeed a key leader of twentieth-century British evangelicalism. His bold but gracious witness to the truth should not be forgotten.

  • La sainte Scène

    La Sainte Cène est-elle un simple tour de passe-passe magique ou un rite mystérieux d’initiation ? Ou bien, est-ce un ajout superflu à la religion chrétienne, avec des relents mystiques ? Ces questions trouvent enfin leurs réponses dans les pages captivantes de ce livre inspirant.

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