Richard F. Doulière was born in Marchienne-au-Pont (Belgium) in 1928.

Responding to a call received from his earliest childhood, he entered the Belgian Bible Institute at the age of 17 and followed the full four-year cycle there. He then enrolled at the free faculty of theology in Aix-en-Provence where he obtained his diploma four years later.

After his marriage in 1953, he served as a traveling evangelist for nine years. Then he left as a missionary to Haiti with his wife Jacqueline, his son and his first three daughters (he had two others).

It was as a radio announcer that he was invited by the West Indies Mission. But very quickly he was also in charge of courses in the French section of the Institut Biblique Lumière.

As soon as he entered the Belgian Biblical Institute, his interest focused on problems of interpretation, which also guided the choice of his master’s thesis. The exegetical teaching required of him in Haiti and which he will continue at the Evangelical Seminary of Guadeloupe, for which he will then be responsible, can only nourish his desire for an increasingly serious quest for the meaning of the Scriptures.

Returning to France, he combines pastoral responsibilities, ministry with young people, writing work and progressive availability in response to various calls from churches or works. Since the beginning of the century, he has added to these various tasks teaching trips to the Evangelical Theology Seminary of Port-au-Prince, to the Biblical Institutes of Berkovitsa, Les Cayes (Haiti), Emmaüs (Switzerland), Libreville (Gabon) and Bangui (CAR).

His dearest desire now is to find the time to write the fruit of decades of study of the Word into works capable of provoking serious reflection in his readers.

His thinking is often original, but the presentation is most often cautious, because if he wishes to stimulate research, he strives not to impose his own conclusions.

Convinced that the spiritual growth of Christians depends on it, his wish is to see a rebirth, within the churches, of a real interest in the study of the Word.

He finds so much deep joy in it himself!

  • De l’Eternité à l’Eternité

    Découvrez le livre captivant qui explore la profondeur du divin, “De l’Eternité à l’Eternité”. L’auteur, Richard Doulière, a consacré sa vie à la fusion de la réflexion théologique et d’un ministère varié, touchant la radio, le séminaire, la jeunesse, et bien plus encore. Il est également reconnu pour ses commentaires sur Romains et Jacques, ainsi que pour ses écrits, méditations et poèmes qui ont touché un large public.

    Cependant, “De l’Eternité à l’Eternité” se distingue par son exploration du dessein de Dieu à travers l’Histoire, abordant des questions sensibles telles que le rôle d’Israël, la place de l’Église et l’avenir de notre planète. Cet ouvrage est le fruit d’une réflexion longuement mûrie, nourrie par un amour inébranlable pour la Parole divine.

    Plus qu’un simple livre théologique, “De l’Eternité à l’Eternité” offre une piste de réflexion, une opportunité d’explorer sous un angle partiellement neuf la majesté de l’œuvre du Créateur. Si vous êtes prêt à sortir des sentiers battus de la théologie conventionnelle, ce livre est fait pour vous. Laissez-vous emporter par cette aventure intellectuelle et spirituelle qui vous guidera de l’éternité passée à l’éternité future, à la découverte de la grandeur de Dieu. Commandez votre exemplaire dès aujourd’hui et plongez dans cette exploration profonde de la foi et de la compréhension divine.

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