Ruben Saillens (1855-1942) was born in Saint-Jean-du-Gard. He served as a pastor in Baptist churches and became a prominent leader in the Evangelical Popular Mission (Mission Populaire Évangélique). In 1888, he founded the Tabernacle Church in Paris (XVIIè) and also established the Biblical Institute in Nogent-sur-Marne. Saillens was known for his contributions to the collection of hymns titled “Sur les ailes de la foi” (On the Wings of Faith). Many of his hymns were later included in the compilation “A Toi la Gloire.”
Born on June 24, 1855, into a deeply rooted Protestant family in the heart of the old Cévennes region, he maintained a strong attachment to his Huguenot heritage and his homeland throughout his life. Raised by his grandmothers, who shared stories from the Bible and taught him hymns, Saillens developed a melancholic temperament due to the early loss of his mother at the age of two.
Having grown up in a religious environment, Saillens had a profound spiritual experience during his youth in Lyon, where the Protestant community had a remarkable influence. He met and married Jeanne Crétin, the daughter of a Baptist pastor, who became his devoted partner in his fruitful ministry.
Ruben Saillens dedicated his life to the evangelization of the working class, following the footsteps of Robert Mac All’s Mission to Workers in Paris. He founded a similar mission in Marseille, which thrived under his leadership. During his ministry, he traveled extensively, conducting revival missions and conventions across France, other French-speaking countries, England, the Netherlands, and the United States.
In 1921, Saillens, along with his wife, established the interdenominational Biblical Institute in Nogent-sur-Marne, where they trained young men called to pastoral ministry.
Ruben Saillens remained steadfast in his message throughout his long ministry. His hymns, such as “Torrents d’amour et de grâce” (Streams of Love and Grace), beautifully reflected his faith in Christ’s sacrifice and the need for personal redemption.
On January 6, 1942, Ruben Saillens passed away, leaving behind a legacy of devotion to Christ and an unchanging commitment to proclaiming the message of the Cross.
Sur les ailes de la foi
Plongez dans la simplicité primitive des Psaumes et l’enthousiasme joyeux des Cantiques du premier Réveil. Ce livre, cherchant à manifester l’unité véritable de l’Eglise fidèle de toutes les dénominations et de tous les pays, est une véritable pépite hymnologique.
À travers ces 655 psaumes et cantiques, nous vous invitons à ressentir la foi personnelle, la certitude joyeuse et le désir de gagner des âmes à Christ exprimés dans ces chants populaires. Ces mélodies, imprégnées d’inspiration divine, ont été composées il y a plus de cinquante ans et sont devenues le patrimoine commun de tous les chrétiens.
Les Cantiques de Réveil, issus du grand Réveil de 1874 et du mouvement gallois de 1905, occupent une place privilégiée dans cet ouvrage. Leur caractère populaire et leur message vibrant d’enthousiasme vous emmèneront dans un voyage spirituel extraordinaire.
Ce recueil de référence, largement diffusé depuis trois-quarts de siècle, célèbre la louange, la gratitude et l’amour envers Dieu. Que vous souhaitiez célébrer, remercier, ou simplement vous adresser à Lui dans les moments de joie, de tristesse, ou de besoin, ‘Sur les ailes de la foi’ sera votre compagnon fidèle.
Rejoignez-nous dans cette quête spirituelle et laissez ces chants sacrés vous élever vers des hauteurs inexplorées de la foi. Embarquez dès maintenant pour ce voyage exceptionnel sur les ailes de la foi !”