Sergio Cariello, a native of Brazil, has always had a passion for art and storytelling. As a child, he would spend countless hours immersed in The Picture Bible (Portuguese edition), never realizing that his deep love for illustration would lead him to an extraordinary career.

Throughout the years, Sergio’s remarkable talent has brought him opportunities beyond his wildest dreams. He has had the privilege of illustrating the updated edition of The Action Bible, a project that holds a special place in his heart. Drawing inspiration from his childhood experiences, Sergio poured his heart and soul into bringing these timeless stories to life.

Sergio’s artistic journey has taken him to prestigious realms, including Marvel Comics and DC Comics. Within these legendary universes, he has left his indelible mark by illustrating beloved characters such as Batman, Spider-Man, Superman, Iron Man, Wonder Woman, and many more. His meticulous attention to detail and his ability to capture the essence of each character have made his work truly iconic.

Beyond his artistic endeavors, Sergio has found joy in connecting with fellow artists and fans. He is an avid drone pilot, capturing breathtaking aerial views and exploring new perspectives. Additionally, he eagerly participates in comic book conventions, relishing the opportunity to engage with his peers and fans, sharing his passion for the medium.

However, what truly sets Sergio apart is his unwavering dedication to sharing the message of Jesus Christ through his illustrations and teachings. As he travels, Sergio takes every chance to spread the word of God, using his art as a powerful tool to convey the beauty and truth of the Scriptures. Through his illustrations, he invites others to delve deeper into the stories that have transformed lives for centuries.

Sergio Cariello’s journey from a young admirer of The Picture Bible to an accomplished illustrator for renowned comic book publishers is a testament to his remarkable talent and unwavering faith. His passion for art, coupled with his devotion to sharing God’s Word, continues to inspire and impact countless lives around the world.

  • Grandes aventures de la Bible

    Grandes aventures de la Bible dépeint avec énergie plus de 200 récits, entraînant le lecteur dans le feu de l’action en même temps qu’il suit le déroulement historique des événements.

    Tant par le réalisme graphique que par la simplicité des textes, ces récits communiquent avec force le message de la Bible aux lecteurs d’aujourd’hui, toutes générations confondues.

    Dessinateur internationalement reconnu, Sergio Cariello sait captiver le regard par ses illustrations aux couleurs riches et aux contrastes saisissants, aux lignes audacieuses et aux personnages chargés d’émotion.

    Laissons cette interprétation dynamique des récits bibliques nous plonger dans l’effervescence de l’histoire la plus extraordinaire du monde.

    Sergio Cariello
