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  • How To Get Divine Direction

    Transformation is a product of replacing your old ideologies with another that is new, sustainable, and is able to take you to the place God wants you to go. It is not enough that we have a prophetic destiny in Christ and it is not even enough that we know that we have a prophetic destiny in Christ. We must know how to get there and what it takes to get there and we must commit ourselves. This is one of the major problems in the body of Christ. We teach a lot about where we are going and where God is taking us and the fact that there are many prophetic things reserved for us and that is not a lie. Except for the fact that if believers are not equipped and shown how to leave where they are to that prophetic destiny, they will be frustrated with time. The Bible says “hope that is deferred can make the heart weary”. Our job in this place is not only to reveal to you that there is a prophetic destiny, an agenda in the spirit, that there is an intention in the heart of God for the nations and for us as individuals but, to guide us through the spiritual principles that will transit and transform us to that place. Read this Book and Be Blessed.

