Showing all 3 results

  • Blood Power: The Blood of Jesus

    The Bible speaks of many types of blood: the blood of goats, the blood of sheep, the blood of pigeons! The Bible also speaks very categorically that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. So can any one of these different types of blood take away our sins? The answer is an emphatic “No!” So what can wash away our sins? Nothing, but the blood of Jesus! Only the blood of Jesus has the power to wash away our sins and bring about salvation.
    In this very important book, we will discover the sacred truths about the blood of Jesus. You will find out how the blood of Jesus gives life and how the blood of Jesus acquired its importance. You will understand the interaction between the Holy Spirit and the blood of Jesus. There is indeed power in the blood of Jesus!

    8.000 CFA
  • Everything by Prayer, Nothing without Prayer

    The Bible is full of exhortations for us to pray: “Everything by prayer! Praying always! Men ought always to pray! Pray always! Pray without ceasing!”

    In this remarkable book, “Everything by prayer, nothing without prayer”, you will embark on a journey that will teach you the ways and patterns in the prayer life of Jesus Christ. If Jesus prayed, you and I ought to pray more. Everything in our lives can be achieved by prayer and nothing can be achieved without prayer. Your prayer life will be exciting after this riveting read!

    Dag heward-mills

    8.000 CFA
  • The Gift of Governments: A Bishop’s Governing Handbook

    In 1 Corinthians 12:28, the Bible tells us about a number of gifts that God has made available in the church. These different gifts together, help the church of God to forge ahead with strength. The gift of governments is one of the gifts that God has set in the church. How should the leadership of the church be conducted? What should the leaders of the church do? The Bible clearly states, “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.” We are to take the gift of governments seriously, and this priceless book by Dag Heward-Mills will help your church leadership, church administration and church government in a practical every-day way!

    Dag heward-mills

    15.000 CFA