310 Prières prophétiques pour une liberté totale
Ce livre est spécialement conçu pour donner l’assistance longtemps attendue pour la découverte de la vérité. Jacques 4: 3 dit: Vous demandez, et vous ne recevez pas, parce que vous demandez mal… Beaucoup de problèmes trouvent leur racine dans la sorcellerie, les autels, les alliances ou liens ancestraux et bien d’autres sources. Les réseaux sataniques ravagent notre société par leurs agents qui sont présents dans toutes les maisons et familles.
Nous savons que vous souffrez et que vous êtes dans la confusion. La sorcellerie a fait plier peut être votre vie et votre destin sous le poids de l’échec, du retard, de la maladie, des tourments et beaucoup d’autres expériences étranges. Il est encore temps pour vous de vous réveiller, de sortir et d’expérimenter une liberté totale. Soyez prêt à faire votre propre délivrance à travers ces prières prophétiques!
500 Paroles de Sagesse
Le monde actuel a besoin de la sagesse. Le livre de Proverbes nous présente la valeur de la sagesse et tout le bonheur qu’elle nous apporte. Celle-ci ne vient que de Dieu et est source de tout ce qui est grâce et joie parfaite parce qu’elle nous est accordée par le Saint-Esprit. Courir derrière ce qui est vil et éphémère ne sera que source des maux. Courir après la sagesse nous produira la paix durable ; car c’est écouter la voix de l’Esprit de Dieu.
À la découverte de la volonté de Dieu
Comment découvrir quelle est la volonté de Dieu pour ma vie ?Qui n’a jamais cherché la réponse à cette question ? Combien de cœurs n’a-t-elle pas torturés au cours des siècles ! Combien de gens ploient sous le fardeau de l’incertitude à ce sujet ! Et que dire des milliers de remèdes, de solutions, de panacées qui s’affichent un peu partout ? Le sujet est une véritable jungle pour l’esprit, surtout chez les jeunes. Ce présent livre est-il encore un de ces «comment trouver le secret», une «recette» de plus, une collection de «trucs» ? Va-t-il me dire si je dois me marier avec telle ou telle personne, si je dois m’engager dans telle carrière plutôt que telle autre ?Comme le dit l’auteur, il serait insensé de penser que Dieu allait consigner sa volonté particulière pour ma vie dans les quelques pages d’un livre. Au lieu de cela, et tout en abordant les domaines concrets qui causent le plus de recherche, Sinclair Ferguson dégage les principes que Dieu utilise généralement pour diriger son peuple. Il montre qu’une familiarité avec la Parole de Dieu, et une intimité avec le Dieu de la Parole, sont indispensables pour procurer une grande stabilité dans cette découverte de la volonté divine. Il replace toute la question de la recherche de la direction de Dieu, si souvent déformée, dans le grand contexte du dessein suprême que Dieu poursuit depuis le commencement.
Altaar versus Altaren
Ik heb de afgelopen 26 jaar talloze aantallen mensen bevrijd zien worden door de bediening van bevrijding, met geweldige resultaten. Ik heb zowel individuele als groep- en massa bevrijding sessies gedaan, waarvan sommige uren duurden met geweldige getuigenissen daaruit voortkomend. God heeft zichzelf altijd machtig bewezen met Zijn tegenwoordigheid, overal waar ik de gelegenheid kreeg om te bedienen. En ik heb geen spijt van deze zogenaamde resultaat gerichte bediening. Dr A Chigbundu
Altar Versus Altars, Deliverance By Sacrifice : Revised Edition
This book will give you great insight into why many people have gone for deliverance ministrations, fasted, gone for all night meetings and yet the evidence is yet to be seen. This is an attempt to give answer and insight to too many questions in the minds of people. When we destroy the old altar through deliverance ministrations, it becomes mandatory for us to raise a new altar with sacrifices for us to move to the next level or provoke evidence. An altar is a raised or designated place where sacrifices are made to deities. It is a place where humanity meets with divinity. Biblical altars were generally structures of earth (Ex. 20:24) or hewn stones (Ex. 20:25) on which sacrifices were offered. They were generally erected in conspicuous places (Gen. 22:19) Thank God for His faithfulness, the book you are holding in your hands will provide answers to many questions in your life.
Dr. Abraham Chigbundu
Read free extracts from the book “The Altar Against the Altars”.
There is a constant battle raging in the spiritual realm for the souls of men. The Bible reveals that Satan aims to keep these souls captive forever, while God desires that no one should perish and that freedom be proclaimed to the whole world. Therefore, believers must mobilize, equipped with the truth of God’s word, faith, and power, to dispel the works of darkness.
In his book Ambassadors of Heaven, Bishop Charles Agyinasare emphasizes the urgency for heaven’s ambassadors to rise and triumph in the world. He elucidates their role in this spiritual warfare and provides guidance on how they can successfully fulfill this divine mandate for the Kingdom of God. Within these pages, readers will find practical keys for engaging with the spiritual forces at play. He inspires through the revelation of God’s word and challenges with his personal testimonies. Prepare yourself, dear reader, to inflict serious damage on the kingdom of darkness!
Apostle J. A. Babalola
This book documents the ministry of an apostle of God whom God used greatly in Nigeria to demonstrate His love and might. Confirmed apostolic gifts are still available for today as the means for church expansion.
Audio Book: 7 Things the Holy Spirit Will Do in You
From the author of Seven Things the Holy Spirit Will Do for You comes yet another inspirational book about the Holy Spirit and His ministry in the life of the believer.
In Seven Things the Holy Spirit Will Do in You, Pastor Chris introduces the Holy Spirit and shows you seven things He will do in you – seven crucial blessings you will have in your life only when you receive Him and give Him full, unlimited access.
Get ready for a fresh revelation of who the Holy Spirit is and what He can do in your life. And begin to enjoy the fullness of the blessings of His presence as you walk with Him daily.
Audio Book: Join This Chariot
Do you want to achieve your goals? Don’t wander around looking for someone to tell you what to do and how to do it. You can recreate the circumstances of your life to suit you. This inspirational audiobook contains principles on how you can recreate your world. Study and practice them, and you will recreate your world!
Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD
Audio Book: Recreating Your World
Do you want to achieve your goals? Don’t wander around looking for someone to tell you what to do and how to do it. You can recreate the circumstances of your life to suit you. This inspirational audiobook contains principles on how you can recreate your world. Study and practice them, and you will recreate your world!
Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD
Audio Book: Seven Spirits of God
Discover the secrets to living the supernatural life…naturally! In yet another riveting masterpiece on the Holy Spirit, Chris Oyakhilome unveils to you new depths of His power and operation in the life of the believer. The Seven Spirits of God – divine secrets to the miraculous! teaches you:
- What “The Seven Spirits of God” means
- Who “The Seven Spirits of God” are
- Why you must have them
- How you can receive them
- What they’ll accomplish in your life
You will receive the revelation knowledge you require to experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit in your life and discover deeper dimensions of the Spirit that will enable you walk in the miraculous and supernatural consistently.
Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD
Audio Book: Seven Things the Holy Spirit Will Do for You
Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed? Enter a whole new world of discovery of the person of the Holy Spirit and the fullness of the blessings He brings into your life in this revised edition of the classic Seven Things the Holy Spirit Will Do For You.
Learn how to take advantage of His awesome presence, ministry and fellowship and live the supernatural life every day!
Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD
Read the free excerpt from the book “Seven Things The Holy Spirit Will Do For You”.
Audio Book: The Power of Your Mind
Put your mind-power to work and be all God wants you to be! There are no limits to what you can achieve, and absolutely no restrictions to how high you can propel yourself, when you put your mind-power to work.
In The Power of Your Mind, Pastor Chris reveals that the mind is a spiritual entity, and its greatest potential can only be reached through the education of the human spirit with God’s Word, which ultimately influences the mind.
Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD
Read free excerpts from the audio book “The Power of Your Intelligence”.
Audio Book: When God Visits You
Does God actually visit? When does He visit? How do I prepare for His visitation? What are the benefits of such visits? In this dynamic volume, Pastor Chris shares from the lives of Bible characters on how you can position yourself for a visitation from God and experience that change you’ve so long desired.
Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD
Be Prepared
Be Prepared. It is not difficult to know that only very few people think. While thinking may look quite natural, it is a very hard work and sometimes a very dangerous assignment. Only very few people do serious thinking, and even fewer people engage in serious meditation. Most people have not bothered to ask themselves where they came from. Have you ever thought of that? Where is your origin? These and other similar questions with their answers as given by the word of God is the subject matter of this book. Please read on and be blessed as you witness a transforming change from within.
Bewitchment must die
Bewitchment must die Are you operating under powers beyond your control? Do you make unexplainable mistakes? Do you fail even when all that should make you succeed is in place? Are you disoriented, confused and clumsy? Then you are bewitched and need to be delivered fast. But how? Read this book carefully and pray the prayer points aggressively to defeat bewitchment.
Binding the Strongman
Life is not a fun fare, life is a warfare and if you refuse to engage in warfare, your life can never fare well. Whether you look for trouble or not, the day you crossed from darkness into light, you have already entered into a battle with the kingdom of darkness. This is not just a general battle but a specific battle you will face with the Strongman assigned against your life from the pit of hell. Ignorance or denial of the existence of this Strongman is not an excuse neither is it an opportunity to escape his onslaught. The enemy you do not know, you cannot kill. You have suffered enough, it’s time to identify, unmask and deal with him once and for all. In this book, you will discover who the strongman is, the different types of strong men and their characteristic features and also how to deal with them. Do yourself a favour, do not only buy this book, read it and practice what you learn from it until you receive your outstanding testimony.
Blood Power: The Blood of Jesus
The Bible speaks of many types of blood: the blood of goats, the blood of sheep, the blood of pigeons! The Bible also speaks very categorically that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. So can any one of these different types of blood take away our sins? The answer is an emphatic “No!” So what can wash away our sins? Nothing, but the blood of Jesus! Only the blood of Jesus has the power to wash away our sins and bring about salvation.
In this very important book, we will discover the sacred truths about the blood of Jesus. You will find out how the blood of Jesus gives life and how the blood of Jesus acquired its importance. You will understand the interaction between the Holy Spirit and the blood of Jesus. There is indeed power in the blood of Jesus! -
Born to Die: Bound To Reign, The Story of Daniel Orekoya
In this book, you will read the story of a man who dared to believe God, a man who operated in the gift of miracles and apostolic signs. And you will hear the voices of the people who were touched by Orekoya’s ministry for the very first time. Orekoya’s s ministry was terminated abruptly by death in 1931, but that ministry will now continue through this book.
Breaking Faulty Family Foundations
Total deliverance from all forms of satanic oppression cannot be complete without a careful look into the family foundation. Everything a man will become on earth will be influenced to a large extent by his family foundation. No matter how beautiful a building is, if it is standing on a faulty foundation, its destruction is imminent. Your real enemies are out without; they are within and if the enemy within does not sell you off through witchcraft, the enemy without cannot capture you. In this book, Bishop Chigbundu shares with you different types of family foundations, their symptoms and practical keys on how to break free.