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  • 10 Points Argent – Le magnétisme vol 2

    Erreurs – mentalités – motifs – mandat – aimant – ministère – miracle – faire – gérer – multiplier

    “Toute religion qui prétend se préoccuper des gens sans aborder les conditions économiques qui les étranglent est une religion sèche et inutile.” – Martin Luther King

    “Combien de fois tant d’autres ont-ils attendu qu’une divinité déverse de grandes bénédictions de richesse sans aucun effort de leur part ? Attendre qu’une puissance supérieure nous donne quoi que ce soit est le premier signe de faiblesse. Nous n’avons jamais été créés pour recevoir sans effort, pour gagner sans essayer, ou pour réaliser sans lutter.” – Ed Montgomery

    L’église de Jésus-Christ continue d’aborder le sujet des finances. Cependant, alors que nous nous rapprochons de la fin des temps et que nous faisons progresser l’Évangile dans ce troisième millénaire, le temps est venu pour nous de comprendre pleinement et de maximiser les jours et les opportunités que Dieu nous a donnés. Le temps est venu pour nous de comprendre la puissance de l’endroit riche, que l’œuvre rédemptrice du Christ a fourni. Il ne s’agit pas seulement de comprendre, mais d’opérer dans le lieu riche (Psaume 66:12).

    L’objectif de ce livre n’est pas une visite occasionnelle mais une vie entière. Il s’agit d’un appel à créer de la richesse pour que les générations à venir puissent en bénéficier et en être bénies. Beaucoup de chrétiens ont vraiment laissé l’esprit du temps les conformer ; il est temps d’être transformé pour vivre dans le lieu riche.


  • 31 Pillars of Divine Favour

    When you have favour at work, your promotion is not determined by the regular levels. It is meteoric, not methodical. It is miraculous and beyond man’s imagination. When favour goes to the market place with you, it causes you to get things lesser than everyone is paying. Everyone wants to bless you because of favour upon you. When favour takes a journey with you, you can get the seat you did not pay for, whether it is in a train, a coach or a plane. You will practically enjoy a cloud of glory when favour marks you out. In this book I want to set out for you 31 pillars of divine favour. Each pillar is a clear indication of what can happen to a man or woman, a church, a family, an employee or an employer company that comes under the family of God’s favour.

  • Be The Best

    Be the Best: 9 Powerful Keys to a Successful Life – Rising Above Mediocrity” is an inspiring book that reveals the essential keys to unlocking the hidden treasures in your life. The author invites you to take these keys and explore the vast untapped capabilities that await you.

    Through nine captivating steps, you’ll discover how to rise above mediocrity and achieve a truly successful life. These steps include managing your time effectively, defining your destination, the path to financial independence, the importance of renewing your thoughts, strategizing for success, and the adage that “not guts, not glory.”

    This book guides you with wisdom and insight, encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace a life full of success and accomplishment. By applying these nine powerful keys, you will be able to overcome obstacles, achieve your most ambitious goals, and live a truly fulfilling life.

    “Be the Best: 9 Powerful Keys to a Successful Life – Rising Above Mediocrity” is a valuable companion for anyone who aspires to live an exceptional life. By immersing yourself in this book, you will be equipped with the tools needed to unlock your full potential and let the best version of yourself shine.

    Matthew ASHIMOLOWO

    Read extracts from the book “BE THE BEST” for free

  • Breaking the Grip of Fear

    What is significance? Significance is to be extra-ordinary, which is synonymous with Amazing, Marvellous, Peculiar, Prodigious, Remarkable, Singular, Strange, Striking, Uncommon, Unprecedented, Unusual, Wonderful, Rare and Odd.The journey to significance is therefore making a mark on earth to the glory of god, becoming a success to the glory of god, and making others a success.It is what people will remember when your name pops up, while you are alive and after you’ve gone. It goes beyond succeeding – it has to do with impact.When we say, ‘David’, we remember the Psalms and the City of David. When we say, ‘Solomon’, we remember his books and the temple. When we mention ‘Paul’, we remember the epistles and the spread of Christianity. What will you be remembered for?

  • God, Guts and Glory

    As God created man in His own image, it has always been His intention that man reflects God’s glory. Our calling and ordination therefore, is one of glory and virtue.
    The fall of man in the Garden of Eden was more than the loss of man’s status and the introduction of sin. All of man’s glory was lost by that act.
    When we get born again, the Word of God begins the work of restoring that lost glory.
    This insightful and inspiring book will help you to understand what the manifestation of glory is, why one should persist in the face of adversity and how to unlock the glory that God wants to reveal in your life.

  • Provoking God’s Visitation

    God wants to visit you and when God comes to visit, He is coming with the intention to come and dwell with, sojourn and reside with you for a period of time. Our discourse in this book is about when God visits: a divine visitation.

    Divine visitation is that dimension of God that takes challenges far away from you. It breaks you free from the power of stress, looses you from the control of tension and makes you grow in the blessings of God.

    God visits you because whatever affects you, affects Him. The Bible calls us, “His people and the sheep of His pasture.” Your health is of concern to Him. Your marriage is of concern to Him. Your financial welfare is of concern to God. Your vision in life, and how it pans out, is of concern to Him and because of His love for you, He does not want you to go in the wrong direction.

    God has a purpose and plan for your life that will provoke His visitation. By prayerfully reading this book you will discover why God wants to visit you; what you can do to provoke His visitation and the blessings that you will experience when God visits you.

    Matthew ASHIMOLOWO

    Read free extracts from the book “Provoking God’s Visitation”.

  • Seven Deadly Passions

    Here is Seven deadly passions:

    1. Worry
    2. Jealousy
    3. Bitterness
    4. Anger
    5. Grief
    6. Envy
    7. Hatred
  • The Creative Edge

    This book argues that since we are created in the image of God, our Creator, all of us possess innate creative abilities.

    It proceeds to demonstrate how our experiences and approach to life can hinder these abilities.

    Highlighting the significant value and role of creativity in our lives, it offers various ways in which we can develop and utilise these creative abilities

  • The Power Of The Tithe

    In recent times the subject of tithing, as taught in the Bible has sparked more debate, raised questions and provoked several reactions, some of which relate to the necessity of tithing. Questions include ‘Is tithing necessary?’ ‘Was it meant for New Testament believers, or is it strictly for people under Mosaic laws?’ Could it be that it may have been abrogated with the Levitical laws which were fulfilled when Christ was crucified? Are we subject to the same curses which the Old Testament says were if they did not bring the tithe?” In this book, I will attempt to exegete the subject and clarify the three times where we see that tithing was practiced in the Bible. That is: before the law of Moses, secondly, as established by the law of Moses and thirdly under the covenant of grace where we see Jesus aligning Himself with the priesthood of Melchizedek.

  • Turn Your Rejection To Direction

    Someone had said that 99% of the population of the earth will go through the experience of rejection at some time in their life.

    Rejection is a major stumbling block in your journey to success. It is an evil thing that looms largely over almost all of us. We have to find it, face it and finish it.

    Rejection is like a disease that can spread. Whilst it is given permission, it can take over the whole of your life, put you in bondage and hold you down. However, it can also be used to propel you to the highest height you could ever reach.

    This book will take you through 21 manifestations of rejection, the reasons why people accept it, the devastating effect it has on your life and more importantly how to make rejection a thing of the past and walk in the fullness of God’s election and calling for your life.


    Matthew Ashimolowo

  • Une Bénédiction Hors du Commun

    Le mot « bénédiction » est souvent utilisé pour décrire la quantité de biens matériels dont une personne dispose. Il est souvent perçu comme étant la présence de biens physiques, qui deviennent des indicateurs ou preuves d’une vie bénie. Une voiture n’est pas la bénédiction mais plutôt un résultat de ce qui a été investi en une personne. Lorsque le vent souffle et que les feuilles se meuvent, le mouvement des feuilles n’est pas le vent mais plutôt le résultat du passage du vent.

    Ce livre a pour but de dévoiler le mystère de la ‘bénédiction hors du commun’ ; il en révèlera la nature, l’envergure et montrera le chemin pour y accéder. Il vous introduira à la plénitude de ce que nous appelons communément la bénédiction d’Abraham. Vous y trouverez les sources de la bénédiction hors du commun, comment la manifester ainsi que des actes à poser lorsque la bénédiction hors du commun qui repose sur vous est défiée par les circonstances de la vie.

    La prochaine fois que vous direz, “Je suis béni(e) et plein(e) de grâce”, que ce soit avec une pleine compréhension de la valeur des mots qui sortent de votre bouche et que vos paroles façonnent votre monde.
