The Crossroads, Angels, and Winds.

The Crossroads, Angels, and Winds.

It is written: “At the east, the camp of Judah, with its banner and its divisions… to their sides, the tribe of Issachar will camp… then the tribe of Zebulun… In the south, the camp of Reuben… to their sides, the tribe of Simeon… then the tribe of Gad… At the west, the camp of […]

Understanding the Meaning and Symbolism of Wind

Understanding the Meaning and Symbolism of Wind

The Bible teaches us that the wind is one of the symbols of the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, although the Holy Spirit has several biblical symbols: fire, wind, water, rain, cloud, spring, oil, and dew. However, our focus is on the topic of the wind, which is the central subject of this work. The […]