About a month after Dennis Cramer prophesied over me, the frequency of the visions began to decrease, and once again I was confused. I thought, have I committed a sin that hinders my ability to see? Have I done something wrong? What is happening to my gift? The Holy Spirit showed me that over the previous month, He had sovereignly demonstrated to me the potential of my seer gifts.
Now, the Lord would teach me how to activate my gifts. In the spirit, I saw a large switch, somewhat like a typical wall light switch. On the switch were the words “On” and “Off,” and then in my mind, I heard the meaning. During the first month, the Holy Spirit had flipped my switch to “On” to allow me to see into the spirit realm around me. Now, He was flipping my switch to “Off,” and things would become quite normal again. The Holy Spirit told me that He would teach me how to flip the switch myself.
With all the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we have a role to play in activating them. Sometimes the Holy Spirit will act sovereignly and heal someone, but most of the time, faith must be activated. When we read the Gospels, we often see Jesus telling people to perform an action—show themselves to a priest, wash the mud from their eyes, or take up their bed and walk. These were each acts of faith that, once activated, released the gift of healing.
If the Holy Spirit tells me to give a prophetic word, then I must cooperate with the Spirit and deliver the word. When you activate faith, you then enter into the things of the Kingdom of God: healing, prophecy, miracles, discernment of spirits, etc. The Lord was preventing me from relying solely on sovereign experiences, to activate my faith to believe that the gift of discerning spirits works (see John 5:8; Mark 2:9; John 9:11; Luke 17:11-19).
From my personal experience, I can tell you that when God first opens your spiritual eyes as He did mine, it can be very frightening, even terrifying. When it began, I didn’t expect to see into the spirit realm. I wasn’t opposed to such experiences, I was simply unaware.
I would look at another believer and see a background of light behind them, or I would see a non-believer with darkness or a cloud of depression over them. I would see large demonic presences hovering over or above certain buildings. I saw large warrior angels standing guard around some buildings and churches. There were times I could see angels dancing among us in church during worship.
At other times, I saw worship being interrupted by a speaker who was not following the direction of the Holy Spirit, and I saw very sad expressions on the faces of the angels. It looked like they were crying because they knew what we were missing by cutting the worship short. I saw angels carrying strange-looking internal organs that they would place inside people, and then those same people would later testify of being healed.
Six months after Dennis Cramer prophesied into my life, and five months after God began teaching me how I could activate my gifts, the Lord led me to the next level of training. I took the opportunity to intern with the evangelist Randy Clark for a month in Brazil. There, I met two seers who greatly encouraged me in my gifts. The first was Pastor Gary Oates. He had traveled with Randy the previous spring and had his own powerful encounter, which activated his spiritual eyes.
His story and experiences are similar to mine, especially in that neither of us sought the ability to see—it was something God chose to give us. He is an excellent example of a modern seer. God sovereignly opened Gary’s eyes during an encounter where Gary had an out-of-body experience, and the Lord took him to heaven. He writes about it in his book, Open My Eyes, Lord.
The second person I met was one of the main worship leaders in Brazil. The Lord blessed him with a very strong ability to see into the spirit realm. When we met, I asked him to lay hands on me and pray for an increase in my gifts. He was in a hurry to start the worship service, but he still took a few minutes to pray for me. After praying, he went on to lead the worship. Here is what happened to me during that evening worship service.
I do not usually respond physically to the Holy Spirit, not because I do not want to, but I do not easily feel the rolling, falling, laughing, or other manifestations that people have in response to the Holy Spirit. Understanding this about me will help you understand how powerful the following experience was for me.
At the start of the worship, I saw two angels standing on the stage, and they looked like nothing I had ever seen before. They were about 15 feet tall and had fire coming out of them, six feet in all directions. I was in the front row of the church with Randy, so I was closer to the stage than the rest of the crowd around me when the nearest angel started walking toward me. I wanted to turn and run or get out of his way, but I was unable to move.
He came right up to me and reached out his hand. When he touched my chest, I collapsed to the floor on my side in a fetal position. The spiritual fire from his touch remained on me, causing me to create my own puddle of sweat on the concrete floor of the church. At that moment, I began to see more clearly in the spirit than ever before.
The church held about 6,000 people, divided into six sections of chairs. On each section, I saw another angel of fire the size of a human man, and fire was emanating from them about six inches. As the worship intensified, I saw more of these smaller angels descend through the ceiling and join the congregation. The worship became so intense that at the height of worship, as the angels of fire continued to join, the crowd looked like a field of burning grass, an extreme fire of worship.
Then I saw a dark cloud above the crowd, and there was lightning through the cloud. I heard two words in my spirit: “New mantle.” Randy Clark, knowing that I could see in the spirit, came to ask me what I was seeing, and I shared with him everything I wrote here. Then I asked him to flatten me out on my back because I was in an uncomfortable and awkward position. He flattened me out, and I still had no control over my body below my neck.
While glued to the ground, I looked at my body and saw three angels on me. There was one on each of my legs holding me down with their hands. A third angel was sitting next to me using his right hand to press on my chest. I could see that the two 15-foot angels of fire were still on the stage watching.
I felt a splash of water cross my chest as if someone had taken a bottle of water and poured it on me. I looked around but could not figure out who did it. Then it happened two more times a few minutes later. It was so real in the natural that I actually became annoyed. I did not understand what it was until later…
This text is an extract from the book “THE SCHOOL OF SEER” written by Dr. Jonathan Welton.
We invite you to read the following article “IMPARTATION.”
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