Can You Have the Peace of Jesus Without Manifesting It?
There is a category of people who allow their hearts to be troubled by life’s circumstances, even though they have already received the peace of Jesus. I know several brothers and sisters in Christ who appear very mature, but who worry day and night about their health, finances, marriage, and children. They are quite adept at encouraging others to maintain peace in all circumstances, yet when it comes to their own situation, they fail to manifest this peace.
These individuals have never truly believed that they have received the peace. They have heard about it and even speak of it to others for encouragement, but they have never genuinely believed in it. We must understand that it is impossible to manifest what we have not believed. To manifest the peace of Jesus, we must first believe that we have received it.
The famous American speaker Les Brown once said in one of his conferences that it took him only a few months to become a millionaire, but it took him several years to believe that he was capable of earning millions. Les Brown wanted to convey to his audience that believing in one’s ability to manifest something is a prerequisite for achieving it.
He also wanted to emphasize that changing one’s mindset or believing in a new revelation is not always as easy as one might think. It is not enough to tell a poor person that they are capable of making millions for them to believe it. The poor person may accept this information intellectually, but for it to sink into their subconscious and drive them to action, they must consistently immerse themselves in it over time.
Just as one must believe in the ability to make millions in order to achieve it, in the same way, a child of God must believe that they have received peace and that they are capable of manifesting it. The child of God who does not manifest the peace of Jesus should simply examine their level of faith and then take the necessary steps to adjust. This is how they will begin to experience the benefits of that inner peace which is not dependent on any circumstance…
This text is an excerpt from the book “The Secrets of Inner Peace“ written by Dominique MBOG.
We invite you to read the following article: “They Were Intelligent, But They Had No Peace.“
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