In his book titled “Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences”, American psychologist Howard Gardner explains that there are several types of intelligences, including linguistic intelligence, musical intelligence, spatial intelligence, and both interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence.
We all know people, whether in our surroundings or elsewhere, who possess one or more forms of intelligence but are unable to live in peace with themselves and others. One of the most remarkable examples I can think of is the man the world dubbed “the King of Pop.”
Michael Jackson was internationally renowned for his extraordinary musical intelligence. He is undeniably one of the greatest stars of all time. Despite being adored by millions of fans worldwide, the King of Pop had to take antidepressants and many other medications to find even a brief moment of inner peace.
His recurring lack of peace and serenity drove him to consume more medications, eventually leading to his death from an overdose. I believe that if he had prioritized inner peace and sought out and applied the principles of peace, he would not have met such a tragic end. I also know several people with extraordinary academic intelligence who are responsible for serious conflicts within their families and communities.
These are individuals who, because of their numerous academic distinctions, believe they have earned the right and power to dominate over those who do not share the same level of achievement. They have become arrogant and egocentric tyrants, unhesitant in disregarding established order. As a result, they divide families and communities in order to impose their supposed supremacy.
These intellectuals then create an atmosphere of hatred that, if left unchecked, leads to a war where everyone loses. I believe the educational system should include courses on the importance of peace so that all intellectuals can value peace and become its promoters…
This text is an excerpt from the book “THE SECRETS OF INNER PEACE” written by Dominique MBOG.
We invite you to read the following article: “INNER TURMOIL WEAKENS THE BODY.”
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