Showing all 8 results

  • Am I Good for Nothing

    Anyone who does not use his God-given talents for the kingdom, is unfruitful and is the image of salt that has lost its savour. Jesus said, an unprofitable servant is good for nothing. Are you good for nothing in the kingdom? You are the salt of the earth, so you must make your presence felt in this earth! This prophetic and thought-provoking book about salt and its mysterious influence and prophetic usefulness to the kingdom of God, will have you deeply consider your usefulness or lack thereof, to God. You will learn in this challenging book what it means to be good for nothing by analysing and understanding the role of salt in our lives. May you NOT be good for nothing!

    Dag Heward-Mills

  • Bema: Judgment and Justice

    In this insightful book, Dag Heward-Mills discusses what will happen at the BEMA – the judgment seat of Christ. Even though we are forgiven for our sins there is a judgment that awaits all believers. Judgment is based on what you have done, what is hidden and the motives for your actions. Decisions are very important in life. The absence of judgment is the absence of decisions! The absence of judgment leads to chaos! The author’s perspicacity in answering questions such as “What is Judgment?” “Why Judgment?”, and why God loves judgement, will lead you to the conclusion that judgment and justice are things that must be studied, understood and learnt in order to be ready for Judgment Day!

    Dag Heward-Mills

  • Bibliothèque Makarios : Pack de 100 livres

    Le Makarios offre une compilation de 100 ouvrages essentiels couvrant une vaste gamme de sujets, allant des fondements de la vie chrétienne à l’art d’être un leader efficace dans l’œuvre divine. Cette collection comprend :

    • Une série complète d’ouvrages dédiés au ministère pastoral,
    • Plusieurs livres explorant l’évangélisation et son importance cruciale,
    • Des publications approfondies sur la loyauté et la déloyauté, particulièrement pertinentes pour les dirigeants ecclésiastiques et les fidèles,
    • Des écrits éclairants sur la vie chrétienne, offrant des conseils pratiques et spirituels,
    • Des guides sur le mariage exemplaire et le service ministériel conjugal,
    • Une série dédiée à l’onction divine et son rôle dans la vie du croyant,
    • Des ouvrages détaillant les stratégies d’implantation et de croissance des églises.

    Dag heward-mills

  • Fruitfulness

    The eternal purpose of God for us is that we should be fruitful. In John 15:16, the Lord Jesus admonished His disciples to “go and bring forth fruit”. God sees you as a tree that must bear fruit. In this practical book, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills takes us through various biblical Laws of Fruitfulness culled from the Bible. You will be stirred up to bear much fruit – fruit that will abide!

    Dag heward-mills

  • Going Deeper and Doing More

    It is very difficult to get somebody to have a drink when he is not thirsty. Only a hunger and thirst for God can start you on a journey to go deeper. Do you want to enjoy the deeper things of God? I am sure you do and that is why you are reading this gratifying book. Remember, “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.” May you be filled as you go deeper and do more!

    Dag heward-mills

  • The Word of My Patience

    Anything that God says requires patience is a “Word of my patience”. Most of the promises of God are examples of the “Word of my patience”. God promises many things in the Bible, but most of these promises need patience to see them fulfilled.
    The “Word of my patience” is a Word that requires you to endure much provocation, annoyance or pain without complaint. The “Word of my patience” is a Word that requires you to endure tests and temptations and misfortune without losing your temper or becoming irritated. The “Word of my patience” requires a steady, quiet perseverance and diligence if you are to ever see the manifestation of the promise of God.
    Once again, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, painstakingly outlines in this exposé, the experiences of great men in the Bible who had to endure the “Word of my patience” in order to receive God’s promises.
    Dear friend, in fulfilling the will of God and surging forward to experience the “Word of my patience” you must accept that you will go through many things which you must accept with calmness, forbearance and fortitude in order to see His promises come to pass in your life.

    Dag heward-mills

  • Weeping and Gnashing

    Jesus used the phrase “weeping and gnashing” on five different occasions in the Bible. It is a prophetic warning about the pain, the anger, the sorrow, the regret, the remorse and the sense of loss that will be felt on getting into heaven without being ready for it.
    All those who end up weeping and gnashing their teeth would have missed out on the eternal rewards they could have had in heaven! They will miss the joy they could have had and they will miss the crowns of glory.
    Renowned author, Dag Heward-Mills in his usual unequivocal style, describes the frightening reality of how many will regret the lost opportunities while on earth. You must do whatever you can to avoid becoming one of the people who will be weeping and gnashing their teeth in regret!

  • Why Few are Chosen

    Many are called but few are chosen. (Matthew 22:14) It is a fact of life that many people are offered great opportunities but few end up making the most of these opportunities. All through the Bible we see a pattern of many people being called but few being chosen in the end. Why are few chosen? Why few are chosen is the big question we are seeking to answer in this book. After reading this choice book by best-selling author Dag Heward-Mills, you will discover how this pattern of many people being called and few being chosen comes about. May you not trivialise the call and may you work hard to become one of the few who are chosen!

    Dag heward-mills
