Showing all 5 results

  • Dynamics of Spiritual Power

    There is a key that can take away blindness regardless of your education and level of exposure. There are some things in life that you have to be educated before you can understand them. There are some things in life that you have to be healthy before you can understand them. There are things in life you have to be poor before you understand them. There are some things in life you have to be an ignorant person before you understand them. However, there is a grace that can make all men see regardless of their level and background. Whether you can speak English or not is not an issue. The grace has capacity to quicken your understanding. He say (he shall make him of quick understanding). Whenever the spirit is upon all flesh, his grace can make all men see the mysteries. So, you can partake of a mystery and you can partake of a grace that makes a man to see. Read This Book and Be Blessed.



    8.970 CFA

    There are many errors on the prayer ministry of many people which is why there are no much results when it comes to getting our requests granted through prayer. This book is written to help us on the accurate pattern for praying and communicating with the Father on matters of destiny. Get a copy and stop wasting time in confusion on the ministry of prayer and watch your life have a new glorious look.


    8.500 CFA
  • HOW TO PRAY: The roadmap to effective prayer

    Master the Art of Prayer: Unveiling the Truth and Power of Effective Communication with God

    Join us for an enlightening teaching on the prayer ministry of every believer. Whether you’re seeking a deeper understanding of prayer or longing for immediate answers from our Heavenly Father, this session is designed to equip you with the essential knowledge and principles. Say goodbye to ignorance and misconceptions surrounding prayer as we embark on a journey to maximize our time and walk with God. Discover the true concept of prayer as taught by our Father and unleash the potential for impactful and transformative communication with Him. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your prayer life and experience the remarkable power and intimacy found in effective prayer.


    8.900 CFA
  • The Book God’s General: God the lifter of men

    We embark on a deeply personal and profound exploration of the Holy Spirit—a subject close to my heart. Throughout history, select individuals have developed an intimate relationship with this mysterious ancient Spirit, regardless of their societal background. These chosen vessels have experienced remarkable levels of impact, leaving a void when they depart and leading to a decline in understanding the Holy Spirit’s true nature. Yet, time and again, the Spirit identifies new individuals to showcase His identity and demonstrate His boundless capabilities to the world.

    As I delve into teaching about the Holy Spirit, I urge you to approach this topic with sensitivity. Prepare to encounter spiritual realms and dimensions that will astonish you. The Holy Spirit, also known as the Spirit of the Living God, holds infinite revelations waiting to be discovered.

    My personal journey with God began without seeking fame, power, or a ministry. It was a sincere pursuit, even though blind at first. I sensed that there was more to God, and perhaps my life could be a revelation to my generation. As I attended church, I witnessed powerful sermons addressing the love and healing power of God. Yet, amidst the eloquence, I observed sick, confused, and oppressed individuals in need. This led me to hear the voice of the Lord, declaring, ‘I am drawing you closer, beckoning you to deeper levels of intimacy with Me.’

    Join me on this transformative journey as we uncover the depths of the Holy Spirit’s presence and experience His divine influence like never before.

    7.789 CFA
  • Winning Through Prayer Part 1

    I believe that the Lord is going to help us and grant us understanding (1st Chronicles chapter 12 vs. 32) I used to think God dwells in the realm of eternity until I understood what eternity was, then I found out that God does not dwell in eternity, he dwells in a dimension that only he can define. Eternity is time, just that, it is time that is limitless, and every time you compress God to time you insult his sovereignty, he does not dwell in eternity. Eternity means the summation of infinite dispensations, one dispensation connecting another, but they are still time-dependent. He dwells in a realm that the Bible simply describes as unapproachable light, the Bible says, in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, meaning he was in neither of them, he constructed this dimension of his kingdom and allocated a mystery called times and seasons.
    The Bible says, he made the stars also, having made the sun and the moon, then the Bible says he made the stars, and that the assignment of the stars, among other things, is to signify seasons, which means that they can guide up into times and seasons, so it is true that God does not dwell in time, but he designed man and limited man to function within the circumference of time, that means the greatest gift man has, second only to salvation, is time, and if you understand times and seasons, and you know how to align to the possibilities that come with times and seasons, then you can walk in victory.
    The Bible is very clear about the fact that all things are not possible every time, you may plant during the dry season, as we have in our region here, but you are not guaranteed to have a bumper harvest if you will have one at all because there is an advantage that comes with the rainy season, it saves you the rigor of looking for water, the season was designed with that advantage in view, so if you desire a bumper harvest your assignment is to continue to look at the weather, and find a time when your desire collides with the season that supplies an advantage, with minimal effort you will plant during the rainy season and you will find out that your crops will grow, because part of the possibilities and the advantage that comes with that season is rain you can outsource a system during the dry season to supply water but it will be at a cost that means that not all seasons carry the same possibilities.
    It is important we understand, that every time a season comes, there is always, what God is doing, he’s not always doing the same thing all the time, and he has his emphasis. We see in the Bible, Gabriel appears to people to introduce seasons, the archangel that introduces seasons, he comes to Daniel to introduce a new season, he comes to Mary, the virgin, to announce that she’s about to be with child and that will usher another season, times and seasons, (1st Chronicles chapter 12 vs 32) the Bible says, and the children of Issachar, which were men that had an understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, it says, the heads of them and all their brethren were at their command, what was their advantage, they understood the times, to know what Israel ought to do.
    My assignment, by the wisdom of the spirit, is to be able to guide us, to know what times, and that in a time like this, what is the posture, what is the response, what is the advantage, that this season comes with for the believer.

     Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak

    8.500 CFA