Showing 21–40 of 53 results

  • Know Your Invisible Enemies

    As you journey through life you will discover that the invisible world is the real world and this physical world only manifests some of the things in the invisible world.

    Just as you have visible enemies, you also have invisible enemies. Can you fight your enemy without knowing him, his strategies, his style and his weapons?

    This book is an essential tool for your life’s journey. In this book you will learn who your invisible enemies are, the root of their existence, their characteristics and how to win the fight against them.

    Dag heward-mills

    12,46 CHF
  • La Délivrance de la Tête

    Plongez dans les pages de cette œuvre prouvée par les expérience du Pasteur Dr D.K. OLUKOYA et explorez les profondeurs du combat spirituel, en vous libérant des forces obscures qui s’attaquent à votre esprit.

    Dans “La Délivrance de la Tête”, vous découvrirez les vérités cachées derrière des pratiques sinistres telles que la manipulation maléfique à travers les coupes de cheveux, la consommation de cheveux coupés, les crèmes démoniaques et les incisions sur la tête. L’auteur explore également le tabou souvent négligé de la coupe des cheveux des morts, révélant l’impact spirituel profond que cela peut avoir sur votre vie.

    Ce livre unique en son genre propose une approche basée sur la sagesse biblique pour vous aider à comprendre les mécanismes de l’oppression spirituelle et à trouver la délivrance pour les têtes malades. L’auteur partage des histoires inspirantes, des enseignements puissants et des conseils pratiques pour vous aider à rompre les chaînes de l’emprise démoniaque et à restaurer votre esprit.

    Au fil des chapitres captivants, vous apprendrez à identifier les signes de l’oppression spirituelle et à vous armer avec les vérités bibliques qui vous permettront de résister à l’influence néfaste. Vous découvrirez comment vous libérer de l’emprise des forces obscures qui cherchent à vous affaiblir, et comment reconstruire votre vie sur des fondations solides de foi, d’espoir et de liberté.

    Que vous soyez confronté à des défis spirituels, émotionnels ou mentaux, “La Délivrance de la Tête” vous apportera une lumière d’espoir et un chemin vers une nouvelle réalité. Ne laissez plus les forces ténébreuses entraver votre croissance personnelle et votre épanouissement spirituel. Ouvrez les pages de ce livre, et laissez la sagesse biblique vous guider vers une vie de délivrance, de clarté et de victoire.

    Plongez dans “La Délivrance de la Tête” aujourd’hui et commencez votre voyage vers une transformation profonde et durable. Libérez votre esprit, retrouvez votre pouvoir et embrassez une vie de liberté totale.

    6,08 CHF
  • Le Chemin du Combat Spirituel

    Plongez dans les profondeurs indiscutables de ce livre à la dimension prophétique édifiante et révélatrice. L’auteur, Z.T. Fomum, exhorte l’Église à soutenir activement l’entreprise de l’Évangile par une vie de prière active et dynamique. À travers ses enseignements, il expose la nature de l’ennemi, son armée, ses armes et ses stratégies, offrant ainsi une perspective éclairante.

    Dans “Le Chemin du Combat Spirituel”, le professeur Z.T. Fomum révèle l’autorité dont Dieu a doté l’Église. Cette autorité est un héritage précieux acquis par Jésus-Christ lui-même lors de sa mort à la croix, où Satan a été vaincu à jamais. Cette victoire ne se limite pas seulement au diable, mais elle triomphe également des maladies et de toutes les infirmités.

    En parcourant les pages de ce livre, vous découvrirez que chaque être humain est engagé dans un conflit spirituel. Les non-croyants sont soit activement, soit passivement engagés dans le camp de Satan – il n’y a pas de neutralité. Cependant, en tant que croyants, nous sommes appelés à nous engager pleinement dans le camp de Jésus. Nos principales armes sont l’obéissance et la prière, des outils puissants qui nous permettent de faire face aux défis spirituels avec confiance.

    “Le Chemin du Combat Spirituel” vous invite à embrasser cette vérité fondamentale et à adopter une vie de prière active et obéissante. Il est temps de revendiquer votre autorité en Christ et de vivre victorieusement dans le combat spirituel. Préparez-vous à être transformé et à expérimenter une nouvelle dimension de la puissance de Dieu dans votre vie !

    Rejoignez-nous dès aujourd’hui et commandez votre exemplaire de “Le Chemin du Combat Spirituel”. Un voyage inspirant vous attend pour découvrir les secrets de la prière et de l’autorité spirituelle. Ne manquez pas cette opportunité unique de grandir dans votre foi et de vivre une vie de victoire spirituelle.

    10,26 CHF

    Are you dissatisfied with the quality of your spiritual life? Are you burdened by the moral decadence visible in families, the church, and the society these days? Are you in search of a meaningful touch of God in any area of your life? This book will show you how to tackle these questions.
    Read this book and learn how to obtain freedom from the devil’s manipulations. Also, discover how to prepare yourself to become an instrument of revival, reformation, transformation and restoration, in the move of God that is coming to the land. You are the next man or woman of God who is about to manifest God’s glory to this generation!

    Godson T. Nembo

    9,23 CHF
  • Life Overflowing

    The spiritual walk of the believer

    Introducing “Life Overflowing” – a groundbreaking book that will revolutionize your understanding of your purpose and destiny. Drawing upon the timeless wisdom of the Bible, this powerful guide reveals the transformative impact of living a life aligned with God’s divine plan.

    In today’s world, the Church represents Jesus Christ to humanity. As His children, we are called to embody His love and light in the earth. But what exactly is our responsibility as individuals in fulfilling God’s purpose for our lives? The apostle Paul directs our attention to this vital question in the opening verse of Ephesians chapter four:

    “As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” (Ephesians 4:1, NIV)

    While countless books flood the market, offering strategies for personal achievement and success, they often emphasize self-reliance and personal ambition. However, the believer’s journey is different. We are called to walk out God’s plan for our lives.

    In “Life Overflowing,” you will discover the divine mandate given to the Church—the mandate to step into the promises of God and claim the abundant life He has prepared for us. Refusing to move forward, remaining stagnant in sin, delaying our growth, or denying our true identity leads to spiritual death. That is not the path God intended for us. Instead, we are called to be a beacon of light, dispelling darkness, and bringing prosperity and peace to the hearts of mankind.

    Through a responsible walk, we honor and give glory to the One who saved us, healed us, and set us free. We embrace our new identity in Christ, reflecting His character and compassion to all we encounter. Our walk is characterized by supernatural strength, relying not on our own abilities, but on the limitless power of our Heavenly Father. We walk hand in hand with Jesus and our fellow believers, united in love and purpose, empowering us to impact and transform the world.

    In “Life Overflowing,” you will discover the keys to walking in wisdom and alignment with God’s heart and mind. No longer driven by human folly, you will learn to navigate life guided by the truth revealed through His Word and the Holy Spirit. As you embark on this journey, expect your life to overflow with blessings, fulfillment, and divine purpose.

    Don’t settle for a mediocre existence. Dive into the depths of “Life Overflowing” and uncover the incredible life that awaits you. Embrace your calling, experience supernatural empowerment, and witness the world around you transform in the presence of God’s abundant love. Order your copy today and embark on the extraordinary adventure of a life overflowing with God’s blessings!

    T.D Jakes

    11,72 CHF
  • Living Sexually Free

    This book unravels the mystery of how a person can live in victory over the sins of fornication and adultery. It outlines a strategy for victory over these sins and equips the reader with the knowledge of the truth that is able to bring him into genuine freedom.

    12,75 CHF
  • Mighty Prevaling Prayer

    Are you ready to experience a prayer life beyond your wildest dreams? Prepare to witness the wonders of God’s response to your heartfelt prayers. “Mighty Prevailing Prayer” is your personal gateway to a life of impactful and transformative prayer. Allow this book to penetrate your heart, lead you to your knees, and equip you with the tools to obtain answers to prayer even in the most challenging and resistant situations.

    Renowned evangelist Leonard Ravenhill hails this volume as an indispensable encyclopedia that you’ll want to read and refer to time and time again. It is time to address the sin of prayerlessness that has permeated the evangelical church. Author Wesley Duewel presents a biblically grounded exposition of prevailing prayer, offering practical suggestions to help you prevail in prayer.

    Let the wisdom within these pages become your trusted companion, guiding you into a deeper understanding of the power of prayer. Discover how to overcome obstacles, experience breakthroughs, and witness God’s mighty hand at work in your life. This book is more than a mere guide; it is a key that unlocks the doors to a vibrant and dynamic prayer life.

    Prepare to be inspired, convicted, and empowered as you delve into the timeless truths of “Mighty Prevailing Prayer.” Learn to align your prayers with God’s will, tap into His unlimited resources, and experience the transformative power of persistent and faith-filled prayer. No longer settle for mediocre prayers embrace the extraordinary!

    Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Order your copy of “Mighty Prevailing Prayer” today and embark on a journey that will forever change your prayer life. Allow the teachings within to transform your mindset, revitalize your prayer habits, and lead you to a place of mighty prevailing prayer. Open the door to a new level of intimacy with God and witness the incredible answers that await you.


    Wesley L. Duewel

    19,05 CHF
  • On Experiencing God’s Power

    Are you longing to see God’s promises manifested in your life? Look no further than this extraordinary anthology by Derek Prince, containing nine of his greatest books. Within these pages, you will gain invaluable insights on how to activate God’s power and experience transformative results in various aspects of your spiritual journey.

    In “Derek Prince on Experiencing God’s Power,” you will find a comprehensive guide that addresses critical areas such as healing, marriage, spiritual warfare, finances, prayer, and the Holy Spirit. By embracing the scriptural principles unveiled in this book, you will unlock the secrets to:

    • Impacting world events
    • Engaging in spiritual warfare
    • Becoming a bold witness for Christ
    • Finding peace amidst troubled times
    • Receiving answers to your prayers
    • Discerning God’s will for your life
    • Cultivating a profound union with God
    • Harnessing God’s mighty power to combat evil
    • Overcoming rejection, betrayal, and shame

    Drawing from the timeless wisdom of the Scriptures, Derek Prince reveals the path to experiencing the fullness of God’s joy in your life, as stated in John 15:11, “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.”

    “On Experiencing God’s Power” is not just an ordinary book; it is a unique and invaluable resource that will empower you to embark on a life-changing spiritual quest. Whether you are seeking physical healing, financial breakthrough, or a deeper encounter with the Holy Spirit, this anthology will equip you with the tools and knowledge needed to manifest God’s best in every area of your life.

    Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Order your copy of “On Experiencing God’s Power” today and unlock the supernatural abilities that lie within you. Let Derek Prince guide you on a journey of spiritual empowerment and witness the powerful results that await you. Your destiny awaits—embrace the power of God today!


    Derek Prince

    27,85 CHF
  • Percée Surnaturelle: 10 Lois de la percée (Série: Le pouvoir doit changer de camp)

    Avez-vous besoin de percée spirituelle, financière, dans votre ministère, votre foyer et votre carrière ? Sachez qu’il y a un secret derrière toute percée tout comme il y a une clé spécifique pour ouvrir une porte particulière. Les lois et principes divins sont des clés qui donnent accès à des percées surnaturelles. Dieu a prévu que la vie soit régie par des principes bien définis et non par des miracles. C’est la raison pour laquelle les personnes qui se distinguent sont des personnes de principes. La percée vous est garantie si vous savez ce qu’il y a lieu de faire et que vous le faites. Vous avez un rôle clé à jouer pour jouir d’une vie épanouie en tant qu’enfant de Dieu. “Percée Surnaturelle” sera votre guide à ce sujet. Si vous osez appliquer les principes qui vous sont révélés dans cet ouvrage, les percées seront votre pain quotidien.
    Ce livre contient plus de 500 sujets de prières relatifs à la percée qui vont propulser votre vie de prière à une autre dimension.

    Godson T. Nembo

    9,22 CHF
  • Personal and Family Deliverance

    No one can pretend to ignore the heinous activities of the devil and his agents nowadays. Many folks and even some Christians live in horrific demonic bondage because they are ignorant of this truth on deliverance.

    The sad reality in Christendom today is that most believers ignorantly shy away from the deliverance ministry. Others who are zealous to liberate the oppressed and possessed lack the skills required of effective deliverance minister.

    This book is an indispensable tool for you who are under demonic harassment and want to pray to liberate yourself. It is also an excellent weapon for you who want to practice the deliverance ministry with tangible results.

    “Personal and Family Deliverance” is simple and practical for all!

    Godson T. Nembo

    7,69 CHF
  • Plans Purposes and Pursuits

    In the Old Testament, the enemy entered and stole the gold from the temple of the Lord. Then King Rehoboam came and replaced the gold with brass. Christians have done the same today. They substituted the gold of the temple—God’s plans, purposes, and pursuits for His New Testament Church—for the brass of the world. They have brought worldly and carnal demonstrations into the church and substituted them for the real working of the Spirit of God.

    The next great spiritual outpouring that God wants to bring to earth will require man to abandon his own plans, designs and pursuits and pursue the true worship of God. The Body of Christ is in the shallow waters of a new beginning of God’s glory manifested on earth, but this new wave of God’s blessing can only come when the Body of Christ takes the brass out of the temple.
    Chapter headings include: • Plans, goals, pursuits • What is your goal? • A change in the order of worship • Reverence: key to God’s presence and power • Paying the price

    15,90 CHF
  • POWER MUST CHANGE HANDS vol.1: Dealing With Evil Foundations

    If you’re tired of working in vain, if your spiritual life is sick and dry, if certain specific problems keep coming back to haunt you, if you have a meager income but work like crazy, if you want to know what’s going wrong in your life, if you’re tired of your situation and want to put an end to it. This is the book for you! It’s packed with secrets that will lead you to victory after victory, and guarantee you a prosperous Christian life. It’s a guide to 30 days of intensive prayer for your foundation. It contains teachings on ;
    -Bad foundations
    -Evil alliances
    -How to destroy the power of evil names
    -Overcoming bad dreams and more
    This book offers you over 500 revolutionary prayer topics that will undoubtedly open a new page in your spiritual life.

    Godson T. Nembo

    12,90 CHF
  • Power Up !: Getting Changing With God’s Power

    Introducing Divine Power, the solution to the spiritual power failure in the Church! Just like electricity powers our physical world, Divine Power empowers us to live a life of purpose and passion.

    With Divine Power, you’ll experience a deeper connection to your faith, a stronger sense of community, and a greater understanding of your spiritual gifts. Say goodbye to the outward form of godliness and hello to a genuine and powerful faith that will light up your life and those around you.

    Don’t settle for a powerless existence. Invest in Divine Power today and watch as your faith ignites with a renewed sense of purpose and vitality. Join the thousands of believers who have already experienced the life-changing benefits of Divine Power. Get started now and let Divine Power light up your world!

    7,11 CHF
  • Praying Through The Promises Of God

    Discover the extraordinary journey of faith and warfare through the enlightening pages of “Praying Through the Promises of God.” In this captivating masterpiece, Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams reveals the secrets to engaging your prophetic word, shielding it from the clutches of the enemy, and preserving your divine destiny.

    Warfare invariably surrounds the birth of a miracle. When God’s promises are declared over your life, the enemy takes notice, seeking to steal and sabotage what rightfully belongs to you. But fear not! As a believer, you possess the authority to take hold of that spoken word and manifest it in the earthly realm through unwavering prayer and dedicated fasting.

    Gone are the days of disappointment caused by a mere affirmation of faith. It’s time to gain a profound understanding of the rules of engagement. In “Praying Through the Promises of God,” you will be empowered to translate your promise into tangible reality. You will unearth the deep wisdom and insights needed to navigate the spiritual battlefield and emerge victorious.

    Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams, the Presiding Archbishop and General Overseer of Christian Action Faith Ministries (CAFM), imparts his three decades of ministry experience to guide you on this transformative journey. CAFM, with its extensive network of over 150 affiliate and branch churches spanning North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa, is a testament to the impact of his teachings worldwide.

    As the Founder and President of Prayer Summit International and Global Prayer Invasion, Archbishop Duncan-Williams has touched the lives of countless individuals by spreading the message and power of prayer across the globe. Renowned as the “Apostle of Strategic Prayer,” he carries a unique anointing in the realm of intercession and has earned the respect and accreditation of numerous church leaders.

    Not only has God used Archbishop Duncan-Williams to counsel and speak into the lives of world leaders, but he has also remained deeply connected to the everyday struggles of the common man. His endearing title, “Papa,” reflects the love and compassion he extends to all.

    Embark on a life-altering journey as you uncover the transformative power of prayer and learn to navigate the spiritual battles that surround God’s promises. Let “Praying Through the Promises of God” ignite your faith, empower your prayers, and position you for breakthroughs beyond your imagination. Grab your copy now and unlock the hidden treasures of divine fulfillment.

    14,65 CHF
  • Praying with Power

    How to Pray Effectively and Hear Clearly from God.

    Are you yearning for a deeper connection with God? Do you desire to pray with confidence and hear His voice clearly? Look no further than “Praying with Power” by C. Peter Wagner, a transformative guide to effective prayer and spiritual warfare.

    In this compelling book, Dr. Wagner shares his most personal insights into the dynamics of prayer. Drawing from his own experiences, he unveils practical steps for deepening and strengthening your prayer life. With wisdom rooted in biblical teachings, “Praying with Power” will empower you to engage in intimate, life-changing communication with your Heavenly Father, the Almighty God.

    Dr. Wagner addresses common questions about prayer, offering personal and practical answers. Discover how to make your prayers more effective, enhance your ability to hear God’s voice, and intercede for your community with purpose. Learn how to connect with like-minded prayer warriors, forming a powerful network of spiritual support. Drawing from his missionary work in Bolivia for nearly two decades, Dr. Wagner also sheds light on topics such as witchcraft, two-way prayer, and the significance of corporate prayer, expanding your understanding in profound ways.

    Moreover, “Praying with Power” provides practical guidance on establishing a prayer ministry within your church or small group. Discover the transformative potential of using prayer to bring healing to past wounds, both personally and within your community. As you delve into the pages of this book, you will embark on a journey that draws you closer to God, strengthening your faith and transforming your prayer life.

    Don’t miss out on the life-changing insights awaiting you in “Praying with Power.” This book is a gateway to a deeper, more impactful prayer experience. Step into a realm where your prayers carry greater weight, where you can discern God’s voice with clarity, and where you become a catalyst for change in the world around you.

    Order your copy today and embark on a transformative journey. Experience the joy and power of praying with confidence, knowing that “Praying with Power” will bring you closer to the heart of God.

    21,98 CHF
  • Pulling Down Strongholds

    As a citizen of the kingdom of God through faith in Christ, you are automatically at war with the kingdom of Satan. You need to recognize this reality, become spiritually equipped, and learn how to fight against Satan’s kingdom.
    Legendary author and Bible teacher Derek Prince examines the concept of spiritual warfare as an unmistakable aspect of Christian living. Thanks to this crucial teaching, you will…

    • Learn why spiritual warfare exists
    • Understand how Satan’s kingdom operates
    • Discover the weapons of spiritual warfare
    • Bind the “strong man” and release people from demonic bondage
    • Tear down the “high places” that make you spiritually vulnerable
    • Live in the overcoming power of the Holy Spirit

    Don’t be a victim of spiritual warfare. Grow mighty in God by resisting Satan’s attacks and overthrowing strongholds!


    Derek Prince

    8,50 CHF
  • Pursue, Overtake and Recover all

    You have in your hands a book that exposes the different dimensions of blessings that the devil has stolen from individuals, families, churches, tribes, and even nations and how to recover them. “POWER MUST CHANGE HANDS: Pursue, Overtake and Recover All” also guides you through 30 days of aggressive prayer. As you read and pray with “POWER MUST CHANGE HANDS: Pursue, Overtake and Recover All” get ready for multiple divine encounters that will lead to multi-dimensional breakthroughs in your life.
    “POWER MUST CHANGE HANDS: Pursue, Overtake and Recover All” contains teachings and prayer points on key topics like:
    •Anointing for Total Recovery
    •Dealing with Strongholds
    •Breaking the Yoke of Fear
    •Destroying Evil Spiritual Marriages
    •Revival in The Church and The Nation
    •War Against Idols
    •Breaking the Yoke of Poverty and Stagnation
    It also contains more than 500 powerful prayer points that will enable you pray your way to unstoppable breakthroughs.

    Godson T. Nembo

    12,90 CHF
  • Raise an altar

    Spiritual people know how to engage divine principles for supernatural turnarounds. Elijah knew what to do, when he came face to face with the prophets of Baal, on Mount Carmel. He raised an altar, then, began to pray. Heaven responded with fire that led to divine restoration in Israel. Raising godly altars, is God’s unchanging strategy in activating the fire for total deliverance and restoration, for individuals, families, Churches, communitie, and nations. Are you passionate about a supernatural turnaround in any of the aforementioned areas? This book, will show you what to do. Some of the topics treated are:
    •Pillars of Breakthrough
    •How to Raise Godly Altars
    •Breaking Curses Over Your Life
    •Freedom from Family Bondages
    •Identifying and Destroying Evil Altars
    •An Anointed Priest of the Lord
    •An Anointed Soldier of the Lord
    This book that contains more than 800 prayer bullets, to enable you pray your way to deliverance, healing, breakthrough, and restoration, also provides a guide on how to pray the Scriptures over your life.

    Godson T. Nembo

    12,90 CHF

    “SEVENTY REASONS FOR SPEAKING IN TONGUES” is a groundbreaking book that unveils the hidden purposes and incredible benefits of speaking in tongues, a gift bestowed upon Spirit-baptized Christians. Shockingly, about 95 percent of believers with this gift remain unaware of its true potential.

    With over 600 million Christians having received the Holy Spirit, it’s time to tap into the full power of this precious gift. Even those who regularly speak in tongues often fail to grasp the abundant blessings it brings. In this eye-opening book, you will discover how to unlock the potential of your spirit language to witness answered prayers, ignite unwavering faith, experience healing and victory, and unleash the overflowing love and power of God in your life and ministry.

    “SEVENTY REASONS FOR SPEAKING IN TONGUES” provides a comprehensive guide to utilizing the gifts of the Holy Spirit through speaking in tongues. Within its pages, you will explore:

    • 15 Biblical Proof Reasons: Uncover the scriptural foundation for speaking in tongues, understanding its significance in the context of God’s Word.
    • 30 Personal Benefit and Blessing Reasons: Experience the transformative effects of speaking in tongues in your daily life, as it brings personal growth, spiritual enrichment, and an intimate connection with the divine.
    • 25 Powerful Spiritual Ministry Reasons: Discover how speaking in tongues empowers you to impact others, equipping you for greater effectiveness in your ministry, and enabling you to manifest God’s kingdom on earth.

    “SEVENTY REASONS FOR SPEAKING IN TONGUES” is a must-read for Spirit-filled believers and those seeking a deeper understanding of this awe-inspiring, Holy Spirit-infused gift. It’s a guide that has touched hearts and transformed minds for generations, and now it’s your turn to embark on a remarkable journey of spiritual discovery.

    Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock the full potential of speaking in tongues. Order your copy of “SEVENTY REASONS FOR SPEAKING IN TONGUES” today and embark on a life-changing adventure filled with supernatural encounters, divine breakthroughs, and an intimate connection with the heart of God.

    17,59 CHF
  • Solid Ground

    25 Years Of Evangelical Theology.

    Are you seeking a firm foundation for your understanding of God, the world, and yourself? Look no further than “Solid Ground,” a remarkable book steeped in biblical wisdom and filled with enlightening insights. Drawing upon the rich heritage of Evangelical Theology, this captivating masterpiece offers you the opportunity to delve into the depths of faith and knowledge.

    For decades, Evangelical Theology has strived to provide individuals with a solid ground upon which to build their beliefs. Now, in celebration of the 25th year in circulation, we present a compilation of selected articles from the renowned theological journal, ‘Themelios.’ Aptly named after the Greek term for ‘solid ground,’ this book encapsulates the essence of theological thought and delivers it directly into your hands.

    Within the pages of “Solid Ground,” you will encounter a treasure trove of thought-provoking articles crafted by world-renowned evangelical theologians. These writings, specifically curated for non-experts like yourself, explore topics of perennial interest. Immerse yourself in profound discussions on faith, morality, spirituality, and the mysteries of life. Engage with the wisdom that has stood the test of time and be inspired to embark on a journey of personal growth and understanding.

    Whether you are a seasoned theologian or simply curious about the complexities of life, “Solid Ground” provides a roadmap to navigate the vast terrain of theological knowledge. Its accessible language and compelling narratives will captivate your mind, elevate your spirit, and empower you to embrace a deeper connection with your faith.

    Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity to uncover the timeless wisdom found within the pages of “Solid Ground.” Step onto the firm foundation of Evangelical Theology and let it shape your understanding of God, the world, and yourself. Order your copy today and embark on a transformative journey toward a more profound spiritual insight.

    24,91 CHF