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  • Come Up Hither 2

    “Come Up Hither 2” is a captivating and enlightening sequel to the original best-selling book that takes readers on a deeper journey into the realms of the supernatural and the mysteries of God. Building upon the foundation laid in the first book, this sequel dives even further into the realms of spiritual encounters, heavenly visions, and divine revelations.

    In this compelling continuation, the author invites readers to embark on a transformative expedition to explore the hidden treasures and secrets of God’s Kingdom. Through personal anecdotes, biblical insights, and profound teachings, readers will be captivated by the author’s firsthand accounts of encounters with the supernatural realm and the profound wisdom gained from these experiences.

    “Come Up Hither 2” delves into a wide range of topics, including the power of prayer, the significance of worship, the reality of spiritual warfare, and the keys to unlocking divine destiny. It challenges readers to embrace a lifestyle of intimacy with God and to pursue a deeper level of spiritual understanding and growth.

    Drawing from scriptural references and personal testimonies, the book reveals profound spiritual truths and practical principles that will empower readers to walk in greater levels of faith, authority, and supernatural manifestations. It addresses the importance of aligning with God’s purposes, walking in obedience to His Word, and cultivating a vibrant relationship with the Holy Spirit.

    Whether you are a seasoned believer hungry for a deeper spiritual experience or a seeker searching for answers and meaning in life, “Come Up Hither 2” will ignite your spiritual journey and open your eyes to the incredible wonders of the heavenly realms. It offers a roadmap to experiencing the supernatural and embracing the fullness of God’s presence and power in your life.

    Get ready to be inspired, challenged, and forever transformed as you delve into the pages of “Come Up Hither 2.” It will stir your hunger for more of God, awaken your spiritual senses, and equip you to live a life of purpose, significance, and supernatural encounters.


    8.900 CFA
  • Opening Destiny Doors Through Relationships: The Easiest Way to Succeed in Life

    You don’t need to be a Christian to recognize the logic and intelligence behind the teachings in this book. It transcends spiritual principles and embodies universal principles. Although some mysteries may take time to unfold, I guarantee that the insights contained in this book can have an immediate impact on your life.

    Upon reading this book, you can expect to experience a profound elevation and transformation. As you engage with the material, it goes beyond mere mental stimulation; it stirs something within your spirit.

    The knowledge shared in this book has the power to lift individuals from a state of lack to a place of grace and empowerment. Conversely, I have witnessed the consequences of neglecting the wisdom imparted in these pages, leading people from grace to a state of struggle. It will save you from wasting time pursuing superficialities and accumulating spiritually useless information, only to discover their inability to bring about true deliverance. The truths you encounter and embrace will indeed stand the test, revealing what is authentic and genuine when applied to real-life situations, particularly in the context of Opening Destiny Doors Through Relationships.

    7.788 CFA
  • The Ancient Pattern

    The Ancient Pattern” takes readers on a captivating journey through the depths of history and reveals a profound pattern that has shaped civilizations, influenced cultures, and transformed lives. In this thought-provoking book, the author explores the timeless wisdom and principles hidden within ancient civilizations, mythologies, and sacred texts, unraveling a pattern that holds the key to understanding our purpose and unlocking our highest potential. Drawing from extensive research and spiritual insights, the author presents a compelling case for the existence of an ancient blueprint that transcends time and connects humanity to a higher divine order. Through captivating storytelling and thought-provoking analysis, “The Ancient Pattern” unveils the hidden threads that link ancient wisdom traditions and reveals how they hold relevance in our modern lives. Whether it’s the sacred geometry embedded in ancient architecture, the symbolism found in mythological tales, or the spiritual practices that have endured throughout centuries, this book uncovers the interconnectedness of diverse cultures and their shared quest for meaning and enlightenment. As readers delve into the pages of “The Ancient Pattern,” they will gain a deeper understanding of their own journey, discover profound truths about the nature of existence, and uncover practical insights that can guide them towards personal transformation and spiritual growth. This book is a must-read for those seeking wisdom, inspiration, and a deeper connection to the timeless truths that have shaped human civilization. Embark on a transformative exploration of the ancient pattern and unlock the keys to a more purposeful and fulfilling life.


    8.900 CFA
  • The Assignment

    IntroductionIn Acts chapter 1, the disciples did not really have the opportunity to understand the full scope of what Jesus came to do even though Jesus taught them in the fundamentals of the kingdom during His earthwork. Because they were not filled with the holy spirit, there were things they could not bear. Jesus Himself said it. Some of those many things were what He spent forty days teaching them after His resurrection. He said, “I have many things to teach you but you cannot bear them now but when He, the spirit of truth comes, He will guide you. Some of the things that I said but you did not understand, He will bring them back to your remembrance”. So many times, you will see the disciples remembering certain things that Jesus had said.But it is important for us to understand the assignment because not understanding our corporate mandate as believers, where we are coming from and where we are going is one of the reasons why there are a lot of confusions in the body of Christ. There is an old story that predates our existence. We came in the middle of history and it is only intelligent that we look back to be able to understand by the spirit what happened and what it is all about. Church service, miracles, breakthroughs, etc what are they all about? Nothing is supposed to be celebrated in isolation. Everything is supposed to find its credence when and if connected to the kingdom. The challenge is that we have not connected them to the kingdom so while we celebrate them and learn about them, they are just the promotion of flesh and human agenda.


    8.910 CFA
  • The Kingdom Law Part 1

    The subject of wealth and prosperity is one that I think, respectfully speaking, may be one of the most controversial subjects in the body of Christ. Every time we mention the word rich, prosper, wealth, money, there is such a negative atmosphere that rises even from well meaning believers. It is as though it does something to them and so we have such division along this subject. There are people, for instance, who frown and vocally propose a life of mediocrity that does not have the blessing of God as the template for a believer and they support it with scripture. There are some people whose entire life is surrounded by money. They will throw away Jesus a thousand times to keep money.And so, because of these, most preachers don’t want to talk on the subject of money. Even though they know that a good shepherd will have to train, teach and mentor his people along that line. The pain, the backlash and controversies surrounding this area makes most people to leave it silent. And hope that people will find their way. So it takes a lot of love and courage from someone like your pastor to make sure that you learn these principles and stop shadow-boxing. I am unveiling to you the economic system of the kingdom.I confess to you that there is so much about the subject of finance that not even a month can exhaust it. There are many dimensions to it, and the goal is not to do everything but to select a few vitals since I am laying the foundation.


    9.000 CFA
  • The Mystery of the Ark: How a Man Can Host GOD

    I have two assignments that will challenge and inspire you. The first is to believe that you, as a man, can host God within you and become a mobile Ark. Just as those before you gathered the elements and obeyed His commands, you too can experience the resting glory of His presence. The anointing of the Spirit is not random; it can manifest through individuals who carry His presence.

    Imagine being a carrier of His presence, taking it with you wherever you go. Those who oppose you, who are like the Philistines, will soon realize the power they are contending with. You won’t need to declare your strength; the devil himself will witness the consequences, just as the Philistines experienced when they took the ark. The silent ark brought havoc to the enemy’s camp. Similarly, when the ark was brought to the house of Obededom, his life and his family’s life turned around dramatically within 90 days. This means that if you are employed, within three months of being in that position, things should begin to happen as a testament to the arrival of the ark.

    How can you become a mobile ark? Discover the answer within the pages of this book.

    Sitting idly and waiting for God to do everything is a mere joke. Just as it took man to build the ark, it will also take your active participation to create a conducive space for Him. This book will guide you in understanding your role and the steps to take in hosting His presence and experiencing the transformation it brings.

    7.789 CFA
  • Your Light Has Come

    “Your Light Has Come” is a powerful and inspiring book that illuminates the path to personal transformation and spiritual awakening. In a world filled with darkness and uncertainty, this book serves as a guiding light, offering hope, encouragement, and practical wisdom to help you embrace your true identity and purpose.

    Drawing upon timeless spiritual principles and profound insights, this book takes you on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment. It reveals that within you lies a divine spark, a radiant light that can dispel any darkness and illuminate your path to greatness. Through captivating stories, enlightening teachings, and practical exercises, you will uncover the power within you to overcome challenges, manifest your dreams, and live a life of purpose and fulfillment.

    “Your Light Has Come” invites you to embrace your unique gifts and talents, unleash your inner potential, and radiate love, compassion, and joy into the world. It explores topics such as self-love, forgiveness, spiritual growth, and conscious living, providing invaluable tools and guidance to help you navigate life’s journey with grace and authenticity.

    Whether you are seeking personal growth, spiritual awakening, or a deeper connection with your divine essence, this book serves as a beacon of light, reminding you that your light has come and urging you to shine brightly for all to see. Prepare to embark on a transformative adventure that will illuminate your path and empower you to live a life of purpose, passion, and profound meaning.


    8.910 CFA