Fulfilling one’s destiny is not easy for everyone; because along the way there will be traps, obstacles, bad company, inadequacies, enemies… And if we are not careful we will delay the fulfillment of these wonderful plans of God for us.

Let us remember Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane; it was a difficult moment when he hoped for another way to save humanity; but aware that he had to drink this cup, despite his tears, despite his pain; because of what he knew, what he saw and what he regularly read about it in the writings of the prophets; so he did not give up; he did not abandon us.

Have you ever heard this quote from Horace: “Words fly away, writings remain”? These words express well the importance of writing to preserve knowledge and maintain memory. So, to protect the vision of your destiny; you must imperatively write. Take a notebook and write!

Write every revelation of God about your destiny;
Write every idea;
Write every need to be resolved;
Write and describe the target of your services;
Write all the means you will need;
Write your plan…

Then the LORD spoke to me, and said: Write the prophecy, Engrave it on tablets, that it may be read fluently. For it is a prophecy whose time is already set, it goes to its end, and it will not lie; if it delays, wait for it, because it will be accomplished, it will certainly be accomplished… But the righteous will live by faith” Habakkuk 2: 2-4

Therefore, know dear young person that writing will allow you to protect your vision from oblivion; but another challenge lies in the level of nutrition. It is not enough to put a plant in the ground, you must ensure its watering and the maintenance of its environment so that it grows and bears fruit. The principle is the same with the vision.

You can know your destination and the path you must take, but if you do not pay attention to public enemy number 1 which is the flesh; you will be a stumbling block for others, instead of being a source of blessing. So, I recommend this magnificent book by the apostle Yvan CASTANOU: Neutralizing public enemy number 1: THE FLESH.

In this book, he teaches us mainly about the nature of the flesh (the world of the five senses), its modus operandi, the dangers to which it exposes us, how it manages to disqualify the children of God, and how to neutralize it…

Man must live, act, move, not on the basis of external information, but of any word or directive that comes from the mouth of GodYvan CASTANOU

This text is an extract from the book “SHINE MY CHILD SHINE!” written by GRACE DANIELLE.

We invite you to read the following article “WHEN AND WHOM TO CONFIDE?“.


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