Catching the Vision.
Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.” —ISAIAH 6:8
This book contains a vision for the church of Jesus Christ. It is a vision of mercy. It is a vision of ministering to broken lives that have been devastated by sin. It is a vision of being used by the Holy Spirit to reach out and bring forgiveness and restoration to those broken lives. More to the point, it is a vision of actively working to tangibly demonstrate the overwhelming mercy of God in both word and deed. It is also a vision of the church transforming people through the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The message is simple: every Christian is obligated to extend God’s mercy to those who need to experience the forgiving love of Jesus Christ and the transforming work of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Just as we have been shown mercy by God, so must we show mercy to others. Jesus said, “Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy” (Matthew 5:7, kjv). And just as Christ came to us and acted on our behalf, so must we go to those in need and actively intervene on their behalf.
Since I began working with troubled youth in 1973, many interesting observations have afforded me insight into the reasons social problems exist. God didn’t intend for us to abuse our bodies with drugs, alcohol, illicit sex, and extra pounds. Yet these abuses are increasing, resulting in complex problems.
These problems are much deeper than what lies on the surface. They represent not only what people are doing but also why they are doing it. There are root causes in people that bring about the multiple social problems our society is facing today. We must deal with the root causes and not just their symptoms. Drug abuse and teen pregnancy are only outward manifestations of greater inward problems. The inward problems may be things like self-hate, fear, insecurity, guilt, unforgiveness, and hurts from the past.
Many people have been victims of incest, rape, physical and sexual child abuse, and other tragic experiences in unpleasant childhoods; they have been deeply wounded. In order for these people to have happy lives, they must deal with the past hurts, be relieved of the guilt, and destroy the root causes. This can only happen through a personal experience of the love and forgiveness of God—then they can move toward success in other areas.
As you read of God’s unfailing faithfulness to Mercy Multiplied and the rich rewards that come from being faithful to Him, I hope and pray that the Holy Spirit will give you a vision of healing the brokenhearted, proclaiming deliverance to the captives, and setting at liberty those who are bound. (See Isaiah 61:1.) The purpose of this book is not to promote any one ministry, but to provoke you to ask yourself how you can take part in Christ’s command to show mercy and bring restoration to broken lives.
This text is an extract from the book “ECHOES OF MERCY” written by Nancy Alcorn.
We invite you to read the following article “Life Without Mercy”.
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