Dear husband, Love her by showing her all your interest.
Set aside time just for your wife.
Be creative and surprise her by occasionally dropping what you’re doing to spend time alone with her. Take a few unplanned days off just to take your wife on a trip, away from her daily environment, even if it’s just for a night or a weekend at a hotel.
Demonstrate physical affection.
You understand: without any sexual connotation. Hold her in your arms and kiss her for no reason at times. Hold her hand when you’re out in public, whether it’s at the park or in the supermarket.
Acknowledge your mistakes and ask for forgiveness.
Don’t let situations emotionally and physically distance you. Take the first step towards her so as not to let a gap subtly establish between the two of you.
Make sure to always sleep in the same bed.
Don’t opt for the couch or guest room, even if you’re going through a tough situation. That’s the open door to distance. Choose to face the problem and resolve it maturely together. But make the resolution to always sleep together in the marital bed. “When you are angry, do not sin. Your anger should stop before sunset.
Plan common activities.
Whether it’s sports, reading, or going to the movies, plan activities to share with your wife, according to your respective interests. Make these moments precious. Turn off your phones, find a babysitter for the children, and disconnect to be alone together. Whether it’s for two hours, a whole weekend, or even more, make these moments special for your wife. “Place me on your heart like a precious jewel, keep me close to you, like a bracelet engraved with your name.
It’s her attachment oxygen, dear husband.
This text is an excerpt from the book “Love Her, It’s All She Desires and Respect Him, It’s What He Needs” written by Teddy NGBANDA.
We invite you to read the following article “Dear Husband, Do NOT Tell Him…“.
Your love
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