Dear Husband, Whatever You Do, DON’T Tell Her…

Dear Husband, Whatever You Do, DON’T Tell Her…

In times of conflict, resist the temptation to throw at your wife phrases like, “Forget it!”, “Shut up!”, “You’re talking nonsense!”. These are the trump cards husbands use to abruptly end a tense conversation and halt the flow of words and emotions from their wives. Dear husband, unwilling to navigate the tumultuous terrain of emotions […]

Dear wife, Ask for your husband’s permission, don’t just inform him!

Dear wife, Ask for your husband’s permission, don’t just inform him!

…Yes, for some women, this may seem shocking. But if you want your husband to take his place as the “head,” give him the opportunity, give him the reins. A woman might think it’s exaggerated and especially old-fashioned… and yet. Your husband feels respected when you seek his blessing for specific decisions or projects. It’s […]

Dear Wife, It’s Now Your Turn To Fuel His “Private Space” Oxygen!

Dear Wife, It’s Now Your Turn To Fuel His “Private Space” Oxygen!

• Encourage your husband to have time for himself. Whether it’s with himself, his family, or his friends, grant him these moments without you. He will come back refreshed like never before to better reconnect with you. • Make yourself available to share his favorite activities moments. Your husband will be delighted to know that […]



You must learn to create a breaches in his wall with respect and gentleness. When you feel he is starting to push back on himself, hold back your blows and automatically introspect. Check if the tone of your voice has exceeded the tolerated decibel threshold. Check if your words haven’t been hurtful while trying to […]

Your Husband Is Not As Skilled As You Emotionaly Speaking.

Your Husband Is Not As Skilled As You Emotionaly Speaking.

One of the things that certainly annoys you, dear wife, is when your husband tends to barricade himself behind the thick walls of his fortress. Especially when a conflict situation arises that requires (in your opinion) lively and frank communication. Know that the vast majority of husbands will react in this way. If you approach […]



You know the proverb that says “silence is golden”? Know that it’s one of men’s favorite statements. Silence is precious because it brings peace. At times, silence speaks more and better than words. It’s sometimes difficult for a wife to understand that her husband can remain in the same room with her without speaking to […]