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  • How To Be Anointed By God

    How To Be Anointed By God” is an insightful and practical guide that unlocks the keys to experiencing the anointing of God in your life. Drawing from biblical principles, personal anecdotes, and deep spiritual insights, this book takes you on a transformative journey to understand and receive the anointing that comes directly from God.

    In this compelling read, the author explores the meaning and significance of God’s anointing, revealing how it empowers believers to fulfill their divine purpose and walk in supernatural power. Through the pages of this book, you will discover the steps and principles necessary to position yourself to receive the anointing and experience a profound spiritual transformation.

    From cultivating a deep intimacy with God to embracing humility and surrender, each chapter offers practical wisdom and actionable steps to help you develop a lifestyle that attracts the anointing of God. You will learn how to align your heart, mind, and actions with God’s will, creating an environment where His anointing can flow freely and abundantly.

    Moreover, “How To Be Anointed By God” addresses common misconceptions about the anointing and provides biblical clarity on how to discern true anointing from counterfeit manifestations. The book emphasizes the importance of spiritual maturity, integrity, and a genuine hunger for God’s presence as foundational elements in receiving and stewarding the anointing.

    Whether you are a seasoned believer desiring a deeper experience of God’s anointing or a new believer seeking to understand its significance, this book offers practical guidance, inspiring stories, and scriptural principles to empower you on your journey.

    As you read “How To Be Anointed By God,” you will be encouraged to cultivate a life of prayer, worship, and obedience, positioning yourself for encounters with the Holy Spirit and His anointing. Through personal reflection questions, practical exercises, and powerful insights, you will be equipped to pursue a greater level of spiritual anointing and experience the transformative power of God in your life.

    Get ready to unlock the secrets of the anointing and step into a new level of spiritual empowerment. This book will inspire, challenge, and guide you as you embark on a journey to be anointed by God and fulfill your God-given destiny.


    8.900 CFA
  • Initiation Of The Holy Spirit

    The Dynamics of Divine Calling: Unveiling the Multi-Faceted Anointing”

    When God calls someone into ministry, it’s crucial to recognize that the anointing is not the sole blessing bestowed upon them. Every ministry encompasses various spiritual attributes. As an individual responds to God’s call, they receive an anointing derived from their knowledge, personal pursuit of God, and their specific spiritual office. Furthermore, there is an anointing connected to discernment and participation in the ongoing move of God. These anointings are distinct from one another. Additionally, there is an anointing that accompanies the revelation of truth and propels individuals into new dimensions as per God’s intended direction for His people.

    Moreover, depending on the calling and office, there are covenants—divine vows that God has made with individuals regarding their specific destiny assignments on earth. These covenants are independent of the person’s individuality. Furthermore, angelic manifestations and presence play a significant role. Some angels work alongside believers and are assigned to them, providing support and protection. Other angels are assigned to anointings or specific offices, not necessarily tied to an individual’s identity. They are part of the equipping of the kingdom, similar to providing someone with an office and its accompanying resources.

    The presence of angels signifies divine revelation, as it is not solely dependent on the anointing. The book also explores the revelation of Jesus Christ, which was imparted to John, His servant.

    Immerse yourself in this enlightening book and experience the blessings that come from understanding the intricacies of divine calling and the multifaceted nature of the anointing. Gain insights into the role of angels, the power of covenants, and the depths of revelation. Read this book and be blessed as you embark on a journey of spiritual enlightenment and divine empowerment.

    7.789 CFA
  • The Mandate of The Anointing

    The Mandate of The Anointing” is an illuminating and empowering book that delves into the profound significance of the anointing in the life of a believer. Drawing from biblical teachings, historical accounts, and personal experiences, the author unveils the purpose, power, and responsibilities that come with carrying the anointing.

    In this captivating exploration, readers will gain a deep understanding of the divine calling and mandate that accompanies the anointing. The book reveals how the anointing is not merely a spiritual gift or anointing oil, but a divine impartation of God’s presence, authority, and power upon an individual for a specific purpose.

    Through thought-provoking teachings and real-life examples, the author demonstrates how the anointing enables believers to walk in supernatural realms, operate in spiritual gifts, and fulfill their unique assignments. Readers will be inspired to pursue a deeper relationship with God and to embrace the anointing as a tool for bringing about transformation in their lives and the lives of others.

    “The Mandate of The Anointing” also explores the challenges and responsibilities that accompany the anointing, emphasizing the need for humility, integrity, and dependence on God. The author offers practical insights and guidance on how to steward the anointing with wisdom and discernment, avoiding the pitfalls of pride, selfish ambition, and misuse of spiritual gifts.

    Furthermore, the book addresses the misconceptions and controversies surrounding the anointing, shedding light on the importance of biblical discernment and the need to align with God’s Word and His purposes. It emphasizes the importance of seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit and being sensitive to His leading in order to fulfill the mandate of the anointing effectively.

    “The Mandate of The Anointing” is a valuable resource for believers who desire to deepen their understanding of the anointing and its significance in their lives. Whether you are a pastor, minister, or an individual seeking to walk in greater spiritual authority, this book will equip you with the knowledge and insights needed to embrace and fulfill your God-given mandate.

    Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and empowered as you embark on a journey to discover the transformative power of the anointing. Through its pages, you will gain a renewed sense of purpose, a greater awareness of God’s presence, and a deeper desire to fulfill the divine mandate entrusted to you through the anointing.


    8.900 CFA