Showing 21–40 of 102 results

  • Comment Méditer la Parole de Dieu.

    Découvrez un trésor spirituel extraordinaire avec notre nouveau livre : “Comment Méditer la Parole de Dieu”. Basé sur la sagesse biblique intemporelle, ce guide pratique vous aidera à cultiver une relation profonde avec Dieu à travers la méditation de Sa Parole.

    La méditation de la Parole est bien plus qu’une simple activité spirituelle. C’est une clé puissante qui ouvre les portes de la présence divine dans votre vie. En méditant sur les vérités sacrées, vous attirez inéluctablement la présence de Dieu autour de vous, ainsi que Sa faveur abondante. Imaginez-vous marcher main dans la main avec le Créateur, vous imprégnant de Sa sagesse et de Sa paix à chaque instant.

    Ce livre vous enseignera à profiter de tous les moments creux de la journée pour vous plonger dans la méditation de la Parole. Que ce soit pendant votre trajet quotidien, lors d’une pause-café ou avant de vous endormir, chaque moment peut devenir une occasion de rencontre profonde avec Dieu. Et ne sous-estimez pas le pouvoir de ces instants ! Certains jours, vous toucherez le jackpot spirituel, vous sentant transporté dans les profondeurs des vérités divines. D’autres jours, vous ferez simplement un petit pas de plus dans la connaissance de Dieu, et cela sera tout aussi précieux.

    Rappelez-vous, l’essentiel est de persévérer. La méditation de la Parole est une discipline qui porte des fruits avec le temps. En pratiquant régulièrement, vous renforcerez votre relation avec Dieu et vous développerez une compréhension profonde de Sa volonté pour votre vie. Chaque pas en avant compte, même les plus petits, car ils vous rapprochent de la vérité et de la plénitude que Dieu a préparées pour vous.

    Ne manquez pas cette occasion de transformer votre quotidien en une aventure spirituelle. “Comment Méditer la Parole de Dieu” vous accompagnera pas à pas dans ce voyage fascinant. Alors, préparez-vous à découvrir la richesse infinie de la Parole divine et à recevoir la bénédiction incommensurable qui en découle.


    Victoire Lufuluabu KALALA

  • Daily Manna : A Daily Devotional Guide Kumuyi 2023

    A Divine Journey of Insight and Transformation

    Free delivery

    Unlock the riches of God’s Word with Daily Manna, an extraordinary compilation designed to bring you closer to God each day. This powerful devotional guide extracts the essence of divine wisdom, offering insightful exposition and compelling analysis that will ignite your spiritual journey.

    Every day, you will discover a manageable text specially chosen for reading and meditation. Immerse yourself in the detailed examination of the selected passages, enriched by biblical and contemporary illustrations. Witness as these timeless teachings seamlessly integrate with real-life situations, providing you with divine instruction, exhortation, counsel, warning, encouragement, and support.

    But that’s not all. Daily Manna aims to leave an indelible mark on your heart and soul. As you delve deeper into the lessons, you’ll encounter a thought-provoking reflection—a profound finale that resonates within you, ensuring lasting appeal, retention, internalization, and impact.

    Are you yearning for spiritual nourishment? Are you truly committed to seeking God and walking closely with Him? Daily Manna has been meticulously crafted for individuals like you. This compendium of devotional readings holds treasures and depths of God’s riches and grace. With wholehearted reception and obedient application, these gems possess the transformative power to transcend the boundaries of the carnal realm.

    Experience a divine journey like no other. Let Daily Manna guide you toward a deeper connection with God, enriching your life with profound meaning, and propelling you toward a life of purpose and fulfillment. Embark on this transformative quest today and witness the miracles that unfold as you align your heart with the eternal wisdom of God’s Word.

    Daily Manna – Your pathway to spiritual growth, nourishment, and transcendence.


  • Delighting in God

    Discover your true identity and purpose by understanding who God is. Delight in God and fulfill your calling to serve and adore Him. In his book, Delighting in God, Tozer reveals the attributes of God as the key to understanding the Christian life of worship and service. Embrace your reflection of God’s character and nature and become all that He wants you to be. Experience fulfillment, joy, and comfort by acknowledging who God is, the source of all goodness in your life. Start your journey towards divine wisdom and order Delighting in God today.

  • Encountering God’s word

    Beginning Biblical Studies

    Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey through the sacred pages of the Bible? Discover the true essence of “Encountering God’s Word,” a compelling book designed to guide you through the profound experience of studying Scripture and living out its timeless teachings. Drawing upon the wisdom found within the biblical text, this remarkable collection offers an unparalleled understanding of the Word, tailored to meet the needs of both academic and evangelical audiences.

    Studying the Bible goes beyond the boundaries of traditional settings. Whether you find yourself within the hallowed halls of academia, engaging in spirited discussions during church services, or sharing profound insights within your house group, “Encountering God’s Word” recognizes the shared goal of all Christian readers: to grasp and embrace the rich meaning of the text, empowering you to live a life that reflects its profound truths.

    In the pursuit of biblical knowledge, formal courses in universities and theological colleges present unique challenges and opportunities. While delving deep into the academic realm, students are exposed to a wealth of information and diverse opinions that may seem inconsequential to the average Bible reader. However, these intellectual exercises are vital in shaping a comprehensive understanding of the Scriptures. “Encountering God’s Word” equips you with the necessary tools to navigate this intellectual terrain, empowering you to evaluate differing perspectives while holding steadfast to your core beliefs.

    Moreover, as a Christian, you may encounter worldviews that diverge from your fundamental convictions. The questions that arise within your own presuppositions about the Bible’s nature and content can be daunting. Fear not, for “Encountering God’s Word” embraces the challenges head-on, providing invaluable insights to help you navigate these complex waters. Evangelicals will find solace in encountering various Christian perspectives, gaining the intellectual and spiritual fortitude to address the toughest questions with confidence.

    With the needs of evangelical students at the forefront, this groundbreaking collection acts as a guiding light through the labyrinth of biblical academia. It seamlessly complements standard texts and lecture courses, offering accessible and up-to-date surveys of key issues. Delve into essays crafted by esteemed scholars, each meticulously designed to orient you to essential topics while providing practical advice to enhance your spiritual growth.

    Unlock the profound treasures of the Bible as you embark on a transformative journey with “Encountering God’s Word.” Immerse yourself in its pages, and witness the power of biblical wisdom as it permeates your life, enriching your understanding of God’s eternal message. Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and forever changed.

  • Everyday a Friday

    Be happier seven days a week.

    Looking for a way to boost your happiness and positivity every day? Look no further than Lakewood Church pastor Joel Osteen and his powerful words of wisdom. With his #1 New York Times bestseller, Osteen shows readers how to tap into the joy of God’s message and maintain a positive attitude no matter what life throws their way.

    Research shows that people are happiest on Fridays, but why wait for the end of the week to feel good? Osteen’s teachings will help you generate that same level of contentment and happiness every single day. Through personal experiences, biblical insights, and practical principles, he’ll show you how to find true joy in every moment and situation.

    Osteen’s message is a central theme of his ministry, and with good reason. His consistent positivity and unwavering faith have helped millions of people around the world find hope and happiness, no matter what they’re facing. If you’re ready to discover the joy of God’s message and start each day with a positive attitude, then don’t miss out on this powerful book from Joel Osteen.

  • Family life Marriage Bible

    Introducing The FamilyLife Marriage Bible – the perfect tool for couples looking to strengthen their marriage and deepen their connection with God. This Bible is not just a regular Bible, it is a comprehensive guide that covers the most important issues faced by husbands and wives today.

    Authored by Dennis and Barbara Rainey, this Bible is filled with their insights and wisdom gained from decades of experience in marriage counseling and ministry. Whether you are looking to resolve conflicts, communicate effectively, raise Godly children, or rekindle your romance, The FamilyLife Marriage Bible provides practical advice and biblical guidance to help you navigate through these challenges.

    In this Bible, you will find many helpful resources including devotionals, study guides, and personal reflection questions that will help you apply biblical principles to your daily life. Whether you are a newlywed or have been married for many years, this Bible will help you grow closer to God and to each other.

    At the core of this Bible is the belief that God does not intend for husbands and wives to navigate the great mystery of marriage without Him. The FamilyLife Bible is designed to point you in the right direction, to help you discover God’s plan for your marriage, and to empower you to build a strong and lasting relationship with your spouse.

    Invest in your marriage and order The FamilyLife Marriage Bible today. Let it be your guide as you seek to build a healthy and vibrant marriage that honors God and strengthens your relationship with each other.

  • God Covenant

    Experience a transformative journey through the timeless wisdom of the Bible with “God Covenant” by Jen Wilkin. In this captivating Genesis Bible study, embark on a remarkable exploration of chapters 12-50, delving into the lives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph—foundational figures in the faith we hold dear.

    With this all-encompassing Bible study kit for women, Jen Wilkin guides you through 10 engaging sessions that will unveil the divine orchestration behind every event, revealing how God’s glory intertwines with the well-being of His people. Witness the unchanging nature of our God of creation and covenant, a steadfast presence yesterday, today, and forever.

    Within “God Covenant,” you will discover more than just a book. Additionally, it offers downloadable resources designed to aid leaders in facilitating group discussions, making it perfect for both church-based and community Bible studies. Complementing the comprehensive kit is a women’s Bible study book, meticulously crafted to support your personal growth.

    Jen Wilkin, a trusted voice in Christian teachings, accompanies you every step of the way. Her written insights, combined with the immersive video teachings, provide a holistic approach to understanding the Bible. Through her guidance, you will unravel profound truths, illuminating the presence of Jesus in the narratives of His people.

    Unlock the boundless wisdom and grace contained within the pages of “God Covenant.” Prepare to be captivated, inspired, and transformed as you embark on a spiritual expedition, deepening your connection to the unfailing love and unwavering promises of our God.

    Order your copy of “God Covenant” today and embark on an unforgettable journey of faith.



    Jen Wilkin

  • God of Creation – Bible Study Book

    A Study of Genesis 1-11

    Embark on an incredible journey through the opening lines and chapters of Genesis with our transformative study resource, “God of Creation – Bible Study Book.” In these foundational passages, you will encounter profound truths about God’s character and His magnificent work.

    In this 10-session study, immerse yourself in a verse-by-verse exploration of the first 11 chapters of Genesis. Through three crucial stages of understanding—comprehension, interpretation, and application—you will gain invaluable insights into the power and wisdom of our Creator. This study is designed to challenge your existing knowledge, expand your understanding of familiar stories, and uncover deeper meanings within the text.

    Accompanied by essential teaching videos, each session (ranging from 30 to 35 minutes) will bring the study to life, reinforcing the concepts explored in your personal study. These videos are available for purchase or rent, ensuring you have the most enriching experience possible.

    “God of Creation – Bible Study Book” offers a range of features to support your growth:

    1. Personal study segments: Engage in meaningful reflection with homework assignments between the 10 weeks of group sessions. Deepen your personal connection with God’s Word.
    2. Leader helps: Receive guidance for facilitating discussions and answering questions within small groups. Benefit from the collective wisdom and insights of fellow participants.
    3. Verse-by-verse study: Uncover the layers of meaning within the text, building a solid foundation for comprehension, interpretation, and application.

    By investing in this Bible study book, you will experience a multitude of benefits:

    1. Discover God’s nature: Gain profound insights into God’s character, attributes, and promises through the pages of Scripture. Deepen your understanding of who He is.
    2. Love God with your mind: Move beyond a purely emotional connection with God and embrace intentional study, fostering a love for Him that engages both your heart and your intellect.
    3. Challenge your understanding: Take familiar stories and historical figures and delve deeper into their significance. Through the three stages of understanding, you will challenge and expand your existing knowledge.
    4. Know yourself through God: As God reveals Himself through Scripture, gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in His creation. Allow His Word to shape and transform your life.

    For the ultimate experience in studying “God of Creation,” we recommend purchasing or renting the accompanying teaching videos. This dynamic combination will bring the study to life, enhancing your understanding and application of the material.

    Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to grow in your faith and understanding. Order your copy of “God of Creation – Bible Study Book” today and embark on a transformative journey through the pages of Genesis. Discover the wonders of our Creator and His immeasurable love for His creation.


    Jen Wilkin

  • He Dwelt Among Us

    Experience the captivating teachings of A.W. Tozer through his newly adapted writings on the Gospel of John. Delve deeper into the heart of the Incarnation and its profound impact on the lives of believers. Tozer, renowned for his prophetic voice, shares his passion for Christ through the lens of John’s captivating portrayal of the Beloved. Discover a renewed and overwhelming desire for our Lord and experience the transformative power of his love. No other New Testament writer presents Christ with such passion as John, and Tozer captures that spirit with alluring and exciting prose. Join us in discovering the One we call Lord and be captivated by his glory.

  • Health Food

    Looking for a powerful tool to help nourish your spiritual journey? Look no further than “A Daily Guide to Spiritual Food for the Soul.” This incredible book is a must-have for anyone seeking to deepen their faith and draw closer to God.

    Compiled from Kenneth Hagin’s teachings on healing during his first year at the School of Prayer and Healing in 1979, this book is the perfect companion for those who want to receive a daily dose of God’s Word. Written in a day-to-day devotional format, it provides readers with the spiritual nourishment they need to stay strong and healthy in their faith.

    Through the power of meditation and reflection on God’s Word, this book teaches readers how to discover the joy of a healthy life, free from pain and disease. With its insightful teachings, you’ll learn how to initiate healing in your life and find the strength to overcome any obstacle.

    So if you’re ready to take your spiritual journey to the next level, pick up “A Daily Guide to Spiritual Food for the Soul” today. With its powerful teachings and practical insights, it’s the perfect tool to help you grow in your faith and experience the fullness of God’s love.

  • Hebrews For You

    Find your anchor in Jesus with the book of Hebrews. In ‘The Son in All His Glory: A Guide to Hebrews,’ Seminary Professor Michael J. Kruger breaks down this powerful text verse by verse. Discover how Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s plan and why He is better than anything else. Use this exposition as a devotional tool, teaching resource, or preaching aid. Strengthen your faith with insightful themes like ‘A Great Salvation,’ ‘The Living Word and the Perfect Priest,’ and ‘Nothing but the Blood of Jesus.’ Don’t quit on your faith, dive deeper into the book of Hebrews today!


    KRUGER Michael

  • Holy Bible

    Discover the true Word of God with the Authorized King James Version of the Holy Bible, which has been providentially appointed by God for the whole world. This version reveals the names of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and provides the path to salvation through Jesus.

    Experience the text of the Pure Cambridge Edition of the King James Bible, which is the definitive electronic text that has been published without any typographical errors. The text is entirely based on the Traditional Received Text and is scrupulously exact in composition, even in italics and punctuation.

    This accurate edition of the King James Bible was produced in Australia with the purpose of exalting the Bible in Australasia and is necessary for a true Pentecostal revival throughout the Earth.

    Unlike other modern editions, the Pure Cambridge Edition is the product of the process of textual purification that has taken place since 1611, making it the true Word of God.

    Download these Holy Bible files and use them as the definitive standard for all your uses, including further publication. Discover the beauty and truth of the King James Bible and experience the power of God’s Word in your life.

  • Holy Bible : Bibeli Mimọ

    Welcome to the Bibeli Mimọ, the Holy Bible that combines the King James Version in both English and Yoruba! This divine creation has been made with the utmost care and quality, ensuring that you receive the best possible experience while studying the word of God.

    One of the most unique features of Bibeli Mimọ is the diglot design. This means that the KJV text has been translated accurately into Yoruba, making it a perfect tool for your study. No more struggling to understand difficult words or phrases, you can now easily grasp the meaning and intent behind the scriptures.

    Bibeli Mimọ is also designed for lovers of large print Bibles. With a clear 10-point type, you can read the text easily without straining your eyes. The Bible also comes with a ribbon marker, allowing you to easily keep track of where you left off in your reading.

    Packaged in a beautiful cover that comes in a variety of colors and different types, including Polyethylene Urethane with a zip fastener, Bibeli Mimọ is not only an excellent study tool, but also a stylish accessory that you can carry with you wherever you go.

    Invest in the Bibeli Mimọ today and take your Bible study to the next level. With its exceptional quality, accurate translation, and user-friendly features, Bibeli Mimọ is the perfect choice for any devoted Christian seeking to deepen their understanding of God’s word.

  • Holy Bible KJV

    Introducing the “Holy Bible KJV” – your perfect companion for a life-changing spiritual journey. This compact and affordable Bible is crafted to make a profound impact on your life and the lives of those around you. With its user-friendly design, it is an ideal choice for outreach programs and bulk distribution.

    Experience the joy of Bible reading like never before with its carefully crafted text and exceptional features. The words of Christ are highlighted in red, allowing you to easily navigate His teachings. The read-along reference feature enables you to delve deeper into the scriptures, enhancing your understanding and connection with the Word of God.

    Discover a treasure trove of devotional help, providing guidance and inspiration for your daily walk of faith. Expand your biblical knowledge with the word list, helping you to deepen your understanding of important terms and concepts. Immerse yourself in the wisdom of the Bible with the all-year-round Bible quotations, allowing you to draw strength and guidance from the scriptures every day. And with the convenient word index, finding specific verses and passages has never been easier.

    Available in various cover types, including soft, pearl vinyl, and hardcover, and a wide range of colors, the “Holy Bible KJV” is not only a source of spiritual nourishment but also a stylish accessory. Don’t miss out on this incredible low-price edition that brings the timeless wisdom of the Holy Bible within your reach. Get your copy today and embark on a transformative journey that will last a lifetime.

  • Holy Bible KJV

    Introducing the beautifully crafted leather bound King James Bible – a true treasure for anyone seeking divine guidance and wisdom. Made with quality materials imported from Italy, this bible features a stunning burgundy faux leather cover with an intricately engraved decorative border and gold foiled debossed title, giving it a look and feel of real leather.

    Navigating through this bible is made easy with its indented sections, making it perfect for daily readings or as a treasured family heirloom for generations to come. Its gold gilt-edged pages, complete with thumb indexing and attached ribbon page marker, provide a sense of luxury that will make every reading session feel special.

    This KJV version of the bible is the first full translation of the bible into English and has been the most widely used version for centuries. It’s reader-friendly with subheadings, a double-column format, and words of Christ printed in red ink. You’ll also find a helpful Scripture verse finder by topic and a one-year Bible reading plan, making it the perfect companion for your spiritual journey.

    Invest in a bible that will not only enhance your spiritual life, but also make a beautiful addition to your book collection. Order your copy of the beautifully detailed Burgundy Faux Leather Bound King James Bible today and start your journey towards a deeper connection with God.

  • Holy Bible revised standard version

    The perfect choice for anyone who loves a stylish and portable Bible that is easy to read and understand. This version is designed to meet the needs of modern readers who require a compact and lightweight Bible that can be taken anywhere, whether for private reading, religious worship, or academic study.

    With its simple language and clear translation, the RSV is an ideal choice for anyone looking for a Bible that is easy to comprehend and follow. The addition of footnotes provides clarity on key words and references for certain verses, making it perfect for both personal reflection and scholarly pursuits.

    But that’s not all – this Bible is a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in Nigeria’s history and its leaders. Photos of past and present leaders of the country are inserted within its pages, providing a wealth of knowledge for both young and old.

    The hard cover of this Bible is designed to last, making it resistant to damage and perfect for regular use. Its lightweight design means it can be carried with you wherever you go, without weighing you down.

    If you are looking for a Bible that is both fashionable and durable, the Revised Standard Version of the Bible is the perfect choice for you. Buy now and enjoy the convenience and ease of use that this version offers!

  • How Do We Know That Christianity Is Really True?

    Are you curious about God, faith, and the Bible? Do your friends ask you questions about Christianity that you don’t know how to answer? Look no further! Chris Morphew, a Christian studies teacher and school chaplain, has written a fun and easy-to-read book for kids ages 9-13 that examines the evidence for Jesus’ resurrection and explains why we can trust the gospels as historical records. This book is part of the ‘Big Questions’ series, designed to help young readers grow in confident, thoughtful faith. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to explore the truth of Christianity for yourself. The most important questions such as: How much do we really know about Jesus? When were our sources about Jesus written? How do we know Jesus’ followers didn’t just make it all up? Do Jesus’ biographies match up with the rest of history? Find their answers here and the evidence of the evidence of Jesus’ life on earth.


    MORPHEW Chris

  • James For You.

    What is the difference between genuine faith and counterfeit faith? How can we know for sure that our faith is real? How can we know joy even in trials, and patience even in suffering?

    Jacques is a book full of practical, life-changing help for real life. James For You clarifies its teaching and applies its challenges to the experiences of everyday Christians. Sam Allberry brings his clarity, wisdom and humor to every page.

    You can read this book like a normal book… skim through it as part of your daily Bible reading routine… or use it to help you teach this letter, whether in small groups or in the pulpit .

  • John 1–12 For You

    Discover the life-giving power of John’s gospel with Josh Moody as your guide. Whether you’re a seasoned reader or new to this biblical book, you’ll experience the richness of Jesus’s message like never before. Explore the seven signs that illustrate the fullness of life as a disciple of the Word made flesh.
    Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.’ – John 6:35
    This verse from John’s gospel speaks to the fulfillment that comes from living as a disciple of the Word made flesh. When we come to Jesus, our deepest needs are met and we experience true satisfaction in life. As we follow Him, we will never be lacking or in want. Jesus is the source of life and by coming to Him, we receive life in all its fullness. This is the message of hope and truth that we find in John’s gospel, and it’s waiting for us to discover.
    With verse-by-verse exposition, this guide is both accessible and applied, making it the perfect resource for personal devotions, small group studies, or sermon preparation. Get ready to dive into the deep waters of John’s gospel and discover the life-changing power of the Word of God.


    MOODY Josh
