Showing 61–80 of 251 results

  • Deliverance through the Watches from Sexual Perversion

    Embarking on a transformative voyage, ‘Deliverance Through the Watches from Sexual Perversion’ stands as a beacon of hope and spiritual renewal, offering a comprehensive program meticulously designed to guide participants through a day-long odyssey of self-discovery and liberation. This transformative initiative unfolds in precise three-hour intervals, serving as a powerful antidote to the insidious grasp of sexual perversion that may afflict individuals.

    Commencing at the break of dawn, the program’s inaugural session at 6 a.m. marks the initiation of a profound spiritual journey. Participants are invited to engage in prayer, meditation, and reflection, creating a sacred space to confront and overcome the challenges posed by sexual perversion. This initial Watch sets the tone for the day, establishing a foundation for spiritual growth and healing.

    The second Watch, unfolding at 9 a.m., represents a continued commitment to spiritual introspection. Participants delve deeper into the recesses of their consciousness, seeking divine intervention to break free from the chains of sexual perversion. This interval serves as a pivotal moment for self-examination, fostering an environment of self-awareness and empowerment.

    As the sun reaches its zenith at noon, the third Watch unfolds, providing a midday sanctuary for participants to turn the battle against sexual perversion to the gates of time. This strategic positioning in the day ensures that the program becomes a transformative force, actively engaging with the ebb and flow of daily life to bring about lasting change.

    The afternoon Watch at 3 p.m. serves as a critical juncture for participants to draw upon the reservoir of divine strength, finding the inner fortitude to resist the pull of sexual perversion. It is during this interval that the collective energy of those involved merges, creating a powerful synergy aimed at breaking the chains that bind.

    As evening descends, the program progresses through its fifth, sixth, and seventh Watches at 6 p.m., 9 p.m., and midnight respectively. These sessions serve as checkpoints in the spiritual journey, allowing participants to reinforce their commitment to deliverance from sexual perversion. Each Watch builds upon the spiritual foundation laid earlier in the day, culminating in a midnight session that transcends temporal boundaries, providing a sacred space for profound healing and transformation.

    ‘Deliverance Through the Watches from Sexual Perversion’ extends beyond the confines of a mere program; it represents a holistic approach to spiritual liberation. Within the pages of this transformative book, participants unlock the secrets to conquering the battle against sexual perversion, finding solace, and establishing a renewed connection with their higher selves. This journey, woven with prayer, introspection, and divine guidance, offers a path to lasting deliverance and freedom from the chains of sexual perversion.

    4.500 CFA
  • Délivre-toi des forces maléfiques qui te privent de ton bonheur

    Il est absolument nécessaire que nous nous levions pour arrêter les forces qui nous privent du bonheur et du progrès dans la vie. Les forces sataniques oppressent la destinée des hommes aussi longtemps que rien n’est fait à leur encontre. Mais des hommes et des femmes de toutes nations, de toutes langues prennent conscience de leur droit, de l’autorité, de la puissance qui leur ai accorder par Christ, ils peuvent alors se dégager des chaînes de l’oppression, vaincre l’ennemi et avoir accès à l’avenir merveilleux et glorieux préparer d’avance pour eux.

    Les prières enregistrées dans ce livre vous aideront, durant ces vingt et un jours de batailles spirituelle, à reprendre les rênes de votre vie et à entrer dans une nouvelle dimension de gloire et de miracle au nom de Jésus. Levez-vous donc et prier.

    10.270 CFA
  • Des ténèbres à la lumière… : Osez prier pour la délivrance

    Cet ouvrage a pour fondement la Parole de Dieu. Il se présente comme un bon outil d’annonce de la Bonne Nouvelle de Jésus-Christ, vainqueur du péché et des puissances du mal. A travers des exhortations poignantes, de vivants et passionnants témoignages, l’auteur y déploie le zèle évangélisateur qui le caractérise. Comme dans un manuel d’enseignement doctrinal, catéchétique et théologique, il précise certains aspects des péchés d’idolâtrie, des péchés capitaux et moraux qui exposent aux infestations démoniaques. Non seulement nous y trouvons un éclairage sur les œuvres stériles des ténèbres: occultisme, spiritisme, ésotérisme, nouvelles religiosités liées au Nouvel Age, mais aussi sur certains comportements perturbateurs: avortement, dérives sexuelles, pactes aliénants. Les moyens ordinaires de la grâce qui conduisent à la prière de délivrance, hormis l’exorcisme, y sont étudiés avec rigueur, comme le sacrement de la réconciliation et aussi de l’Eucharistie, particulièrement dans sa dimension de guérison de l’arbre généalogique. Cependant, la portée de l’ouvrage dépasse le cadre spécifique du combat spirituel et touche l’accompagnement qui conduit à la guérison intérieure, à la libération des personnes en détresse. Des suggestions pratiques de prières animées d’un souffle charismatique aideront certainement tous ceux, laïcs ou prêtres, qui s’impliquent dans ce ministère. Puisse l’Esprit Saint se servir de ce livre pour «porter la Bonne Nouvelle aux pauvres, annoncer aux captifs la délivrance, aux aveugles le retour à la vue et rendre la liberté aux opprimés» (Lc 4, 18).

    13.750 CFA
  • Destined For Greatness But Tied: A Step-by-Step Approach to Securing Your Freedom, Untying Your Destiny, Breaking the Cycle of Delay and Manifesting Greatness

    Greatness is an innate desire and aspiration of every normal human being. From your childhood, you have had deep desire to become somebody in life. This desire in you to become great is not a wrong desire but despite your high hope and aspiration, you often find yourself in difficult predicaments. The simple reason why we seem to experience difficult situations, which are contrary to our destinies, is because we have been tied. This causes a mysterious season of setback and delay that is difficult to understand.
    However, all hope is not lost as this book will show you a step-by-step approach to securing your FREEDOM, untying your destiny, breaking the cycle of delay and manifesting greatness in all spheres of life. All God has ever destined you to be is possible, if only you will allow Dr. Chigbundu show you how.

    10.000 CFA

    This is a life changing book. It addresses the roots of destiny related problems, highlights the blueprint for destiny fulfilment, illustrates the principle of experiencing destiny fulfilment and is backed up by destiny fulfilling prayer points. This book will re-write your story and change the course of history in your family lineage.



    5.000 CFA
  • Destroying Destructive Prophecy

    “Destroying Destructive Prophecy”. Prophecy is history in advance. It is foretelling or prediction. There are good and evil prophecies. There are harmless prophecies and there are harmful prophecies. In this book, we shall be looking at the topic titled, “Destroying Destructive Prophecy.” When somebody pronounces a vindictive prophecy against you, what you need to do is to utter a counter prophecy. When two prophecies confront each other, the one that is backed by the power of God will defeat the one that is backed by evil powers. Read on..



    3.600 CFA

    This book unveils the deceptive mask used by the enemy to manipulate millions of innocent souls all over the world. From the pen of an expert in spiritual warfare comes an expose on the enemy’s masquerading antics. The characteristics of satanic masks are outlined; principles of destroying the masks are enumerated. Prayer points for destroying the masks of darkness have been carefully compiled in order to lead the reader unto the realm of victory. This book will unleash terror on the kingdom of darkness. The revelations will unmask the enemy and give you resounding victory.

    4.500 CFA

    The cauldron of darkness is one of the deadly weapons in the devil’s armoury. It has been used to execute the enemy’s agenda (to steal, to kill and to destroy) among mankind over the ages. Its’ use in the dark kingdom is quite diverse and its effect; very catastrophic. The ignorant and the unbelieving are its worst victims. This book provides insightful exposition on the agenda of the cauldron, how the enemy and his agents use the cauldron as well as how you can stop them and their weapon (the cauldron) from prospering in your life. Do you want the wickedness of the wicked to expire in your life? You must destroy the cauldron of darkness working against you? Read and apply the tested and proven winning principles this anointed and bondage-breaking book offers. You will experience great deliverance. This deliverance and spiritual warfare manual will change your story to glory!

    5.000 CFA

    Dreamland is as important as the physical world. In this book, we address the subject of “destructive dreams”.

    We will begin with a few scriptures. The first is the popular Matthew 13:25 which says, “But while men slept, the enemy sowed tares among the wheat and went away. Why did the enemy choose the hour of sleep? Because that is when people are least alert and at that time, which is usually night, a lot of bad activity takes place.

    The devil made a bad planting and went away. The things we are struggling with today are things that the devil planted many years ago and went away. You notice he didn’t wait to water what he planted. He is an evil sower who plants his seed and immediately the condition of the victim’s life is appropriate for the seed to grow.

    Another passage of Scripture is Job 33:13-18: “Wilt thou then contend with him, because he giveth not account? Yet God speaks sometimes in one way, sometimes in another, and no one pays attention (for a man cannot pay attention when God is spoken to once or twice, what does he do). He speaks in dreams, in night visions, when men are in deep sleep, when they are asleep on their beds. He then gives them warnings and seals his instructions. To turn man away from evil, and preserve him from pride. To keep his soul from the pit and his life from the sword. These things can happen in a dream. Your ears may be open to divine instructions. There may be a decision you want to make and God may say to you, “Don’t make that decision” to keep your soul from perishing in the pit. You may also see the terror of ignorance. One brother had a dream that someone was giving him a shot. When he woke up and felt a little pain in his feet, he just rubbed it with his hands and left. After a few weeks, he became very sick, and after tests, he was told he had HIV. With a little more knowledge, he would have been fine…

    3.000 CFA
  • Detained by the grave

    Unveiling the Enigma of the Grave: Understanding and Overcoming Its Esoteric Powers”

    In the labyrinth of spiritual mysteries, the power of the grave emerges as an enigmatic force, casting its shadow over the lives of many. It is a power wielded with intent, a force that, when harnessed against individuals, can create tumultuous challenges. The obscure nature of this power lies in its association with the act of collecting and burying, a ritualistic process that unleashes its potential for disruption and adversity. To navigate this spiritual terrain unscathed, one must grasp the intricacies of withdrawing what has been clandestinely interred. This fundamental knowledge serves as a shield against the troubles that may arise when the powers of the grave are invoked.

    The Psalmist, in his poetic wisdom, alluded to the necessity of deliverance from the grave. His words echo through the corridors of time, resonating with a profound understanding of the gravity of this spiritual phenomenon. To unravel the complexities surrounding the grave’s power, one must embark on a journey into the depths of the Psalmist’s insights.

    Deliverance from the grave becomes a poignant theme, an urgent call to comprehend the intricacies of spiritual entanglements. The power emanating from the grave is not a mere metaphorical abstraction; it is a tangible force, with its roots entrenched in ancient practices and beliefs. The Psalmist’s poignant verses guide seekers toward a path of liberation, away from the clutches of this formidable power.

    As we explore the narrative further, the realization dawns that the grave possesses inherent powers, powers that manifest themselves in what many refer to as ‘difficult cases.’ These difficult cases, shrouded in mystery and often deemed insurmountable, find their origins in the esoteric energies harnessed by the grave. Understanding the dynamics of these powers becomes paramount for those seeking to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges.

    The grave’s power is not a monolithic force but a multifaceted entity, influencing various aspects of human experience. It lurks behind the shadows of adversity, illness, and misfortune, manifesting in ways that confound conventional understanding. To confront the power of the grave is to confront the roots of these challenges, peeling back the layers to expose the spiritual underpinnings that fuel difficult circumstances.

    In essence, the power of the grave represents a call to spiritual discernment and empowerment. It beckons individuals to delve beyond the surface, to unravel the mysteries that entwine their lives. To withdraw what has been buried is not merely a physical act but a symbolic journey into the recesses of one’s soul, a reclamation of personal agency in the face of unseen adversities.

    As seekers navigate the realms of spiritual understanding, the Psalmist’s words serve as a guiding light, illuminating the path to deliverance from the grave’s power. It is a journey that requires not only knowledge but also courage — the courage to confront the unseen, the courage to reclaim what has been buried, and the courage to emerge victorious over the enigma of the grave

    4.500 CFA

    Unlocking Spiritual Insight: Navigating Regional Adversities with Discernment”

    In the intricate tapestry of our world, every geographical expanse possesses its unique array of malevolent forces and dark weaponry, each country harboring its own sinister technologies devised by the forces of darkness. The prayer landscape, therefore, is not a one-size-fits-all; it is a nuanced battleground where specific prayer points wield different degrees of efficacy based on the spiritual challenges endemic to a particular region. This acknowledgment is crucial, for some prayers may prove effective in one locale, yet remain utterly ineffectual in another, simply because the targeted spiritual affliction does not manifest universally.

    The essence of spiritual warfare lies in understanding the specific spiritual dynamics at play in a given area. What may be a prevailing force of malevolence in one region might not hold sway in another. Consequently, the effectiveness of our prayers is intricately linked to the acute awareness of the distinct spiritual landscape we find ourselves navigating. This realization prompts the need for a spiritual discernment, an empowerment of the mind and eyes to perceive beyond the visible, to comprehend the intricate interplay of spiritual forces unique to each geographical setting.

    In the exploration of spiritual warfare, this book emerges as a beacon of enlightenment, guiding readers toward a heightened sense of discernment. The authors illuminate the intricacies of spiritual landscapes, offering insights that transcend the generic, empowering individuals to tailor their prayers to the specific challenges prevalent in their respective environments. It is a call to spiritual intelligence, urging readers to discern the nuances of the spiritual realm with clarity and precision.

    The call to empowerment is a call to cultivate discerning eyes and a discerning mind. It is an invitation to embark on a transformative journey that transcends superficial prayers and ushers in a new era of strategic intercession. The authors delve into the depths of spiritual wisdom, equipping readers with the tools needed to decipher the unique spiritual signatures imprinted on different geographical areas.

    As you navigate the pages of this enlightening volume, you will be empowered with the knowledge that not all spiritual battles are universal. The prayers that effectively combat the spiritual adversaries in one region may lack potency in another. This book serves as a guide, unraveling the mysteries of regional spiritual warfare and providing a roadmap for those seeking to engage in effective, targeted prayers.

    In conclusion, the empowerment offered within these pages is a beacon of hope for those who seek to traverse the spiritual landscapes with discernment. As you absorb the insights and principles presented, you will emerge not only as a prayer warrior but as a spiritually intelligent individual, capable of addressing the specific spiritual challenges entrenched in your unique geographical area. May your discerning eyes and mind be sharpened, becoming powerful instruments in the intricate dance of spiritual warfare and victory

    4.500 CFA

    “Liberty Unveiled: God’s Redemption Blueprint Against Soul Hunters Worldwide”

    In the vast expanse of spiritual warfare, where countless souls grapple with unseen chains, there emerges a divine rescue plan meticulously crafted by God to disgrace the formidable soul hunters that ensnare multitudes worldwide. Under the profound influence of prophetic inspiration, the author extends a lifeline to those ensnared by the sinister forces of bondage, providing a beacon of hope through the pages of this transformative book. The mission is clear: to grant deliverance and spiritual immunity to those who dare to embark on the journey of liberation.

    The core of this revelation lies in the practicality of approach and the simplicity of style employed by the author. The narrative unfolds with a clarity that transcends the complexities of spiritual bondage, making the profound truths accessible to individuals from all walks of life. Yet, woven within the simplicity is a potent anointing that permeates the very fabric of the text, offering a transformative touch that breaks the yokes of oppression.

    At the heart of this book is a call to action—an invitation to carefully apply the principles set forth within its pages. The author, as a skilled spiritual strategist, lays out a roadmap for readers to navigate the challenges posed by wicked soul hunters. The key lies in the effective use of prayer points, potent tools designed to disarm the malevolent forces that seek to shackle the human spirit.

    This is not merely a book; it is a divine intervention that promises to rewrite the histories of those who embrace its teachings. The impact is not theoretical; it is a tangible force that, when harnessed through the application of the principles and fervent prayers, has the potential to shift the trajectory of individual destinies. As readers engage with the transformative content, they embark on a journey toward a redefined identity—one liberated from the clutches of soul hunters.

    As you delve into the pages of this profound work, anticipate a paradigm shift in your spiritual landscape. The carefully articulated insights, coupled with the anointing that saturates the text, will empower you to navigate the intricacies of spiritual warfare with newfound strength. This book is not just a guide; it is a catalyst for personal revival and emancipation from the snares of the enemy.

    In essence, “Disgracing Soul Hunters” is a divine manifesto for those yearning for deliverance and spiritual fortification. It stands as a testament to the transformative power of God’s redemption plan, ready to be unleashed upon those who dare to believe. May the journey through these pages be a stepping stone toward a history replete with triumph over adversity—a history that reflects the indomitable spirit of those who have successfully disgraced the soul hunters that once sought to imprison them.

    3.600 CFA

    You may have been oppressed for a long time by evil powers of the shadows, who have given you no respite in your life, your family, your community, your neighborhood, your city etc… But now the time has come for you to be empowered to crush those who have been oppressing you through prayer. In this book, several strategies have been outlined so that you can face all the challenges in your life and come out on top.


    3.000 CFA

    One of the most powerful spirit  that is contesting with the destiny of man is the power from the waters. It is a dangerous and wicked spirit that has caged men and women. This power has ruined lives, destinies, careers, business etc. It is the power behind poverty, marital troubles, infirmity, barrenness and frustration. However, if you are a victim, do not despair, because solution is here. The book in your hand will show you how to disgrace water spirits and possess your possessions. This book is a must read for all riverine people.

    3.000 CFA

    Many people suffer today because of gross ignorance concerning what is actually going on in the spiritual realm. Some of the stubborn problems that men are struggling with today were actually programmed Into human lives through certain hidden powers. These powers carry out their activities in the day and in the night through association with very powerful spiritual strongholds. The Importance of this message is to show you that many problems are caused by powers which rule the day and the night. These powers have continued to perpetrate all forms of wickedness in the lives of millions, if not billions of men and women. You will experience a great change in your life the moment you begin to understand and control the powers that rule the day and the night.


    5.700 CFA
  • Dream Pointer

    Satan is the master of deceit and is still in the business of misleading people. But God says when we call upon Him; he will show us all we need to know. He can guide us through dreams and keep us out of danger. This book teaches us how to wage war against destructive dreams and gives us prayer points that will crush every poverty dream in our lives.

    13.500 CFA
  • Effective Deliverance Prayers

    Effective Deliverance Prayers is a practical guide to the secrets that will bring about deliverance in your life and in the lives of people around you. It is a simplified book that exposes satanic strongholds, demonic operations and mysteries of evil altars.
    For those going through one form of demonic attack or the other, Effective Deliverance Prayers will give you great insight of the root cause of attack, which will show you how to deliver yourself from demonic powers. This book contains strong prayer points that were given by revelation through the Holy Spirit.

    12.000 CFA
  • En finir avec les pouvoirs maléfiques de la maison de votre père

    Le pouvoir de la maison du père de Moise l’a empêché d’entré dans la terre promise. Le pouvoir de la maison d père de Gédéon a encagé sa destinée. Le pouvoir de la maison du Père de David l’a entrainé dans l’adultère et le meurtre. Le pouvoir de la maison du père de Salomon l’a arrêté dans la prison des femmes étranges.

    A moins qu’un homme ne coupe le flux du mal du pouvoir de la maison de son père, il n’accomplira pas sa destinée. Afin d’aider la génération de Gehazi, il faut revisiter les malédictions prononcées sur lui par Élisée. C’est un livre qui provoquera des agitations dans le royaume des ténèbres. Beaucoup de prisonniers recevront leur libertés. Les destinées enterrées seront déterrées et les cas de turbulences seront divinement arrangée, car les pouvoirs de la maison du père sont gardés sous contrôle.

    10.000 CFA

    True and lasting deliverance is a product of the word of God. You cannot encounter the Word and remain bound by the devil. Read this expository book by David Ibiyeomie and see your freedom established forever.

    5.500 CFA
  • Failure in the school of prayer

    Many people have adopted stubbornness and rebellion as part of their nature.
    The first stronghold in the life of man has to do with rebellion in the heart. A small rebellion in one’s heart will constitute a stronghold of Satan.
    Most Christians tend to resist any form of change in their lives, whereas a believer should change a lot of things to move forward. Without effecting changes, there can be no progress.

    1.780 CFA