Showing 61–80 of 204 results


    Deliverance: God’s Medicine Bottle presents fresh insights into the subject of Deliverance. It is comprehensive, practical, powerful and insightful. The Author, a versatile deliverance minister himself, explains facts of deliverance, provides answers to pertinent questions, guides the reader into every nook and cranny of the subject and offers help to those who are desperately seeking for deliverance. This is a handbook for deliverance candidates and ministers alike. Though presented in a handy form, it is undoubtedly one of the most powerful deliverance manuals ever written.



    4.000 CFA

    There is no denying the fact that, multitudes want their marriages salvaged or delivered. This book on Deliverance Highway Code has been packaged by the Holy Ghost to bring honey into your home and make your marriage a sort of heaven on earth. The highway code contains rules and information relating to safeguarding and the use of public roads. The agenda of the highway code is to prevent people from road accidents. If the highway codes are important in the physical realm, how much more important are they in the spiritual realm. The Deliverance Highway Code is God’s answer to the high spate of divorce, marital distress, frequent squabbles between couples and the collapse of many marriages. The Deliverance Highway Code is both preventive and curative. It prevents marital accidents, goes ahead to heal marriages that are suffering hiccups and restores marriages that have hit the rock. Guaranteed. This book will change your marriage forever.


    9.500 CFA

    The author has bequeathed on Christendom, a book that will be read by both the high and mighty as well as those who may not be classified as exceptional in terms of natural development. Deliverance of The Brain is without doubt, a masterpiece. Reading it will add value to your brain. It brings to the fore, the depth of your intellectual endowment and shows you what it takes to obtain, experience and retain sound mental health. While this book will show you how to maximize your mental capacity, it will also lead you unto deliverance from every form of mental affliction. This book will move every reader forward. It will put an end to every activity of the enemy in the area of the brain.


    4.500 CFA

    Lots of problems in life are rooted in the conscience. When the conscience is under bondage every area of life will remain under bondage. However, when the conscience is totally delivered; every department of life will be totally set free. With uncommon insight, the author provides deep answers to questions that have bothered the minds of multitudes. Dr Daniel Olukoya has wriiten a book that will transform lives and make every earnest reader experience complete wholesomeness. This book contains arrow-head prayer points that will enable you locate your destiny and experience miraculous transformations in every area of your life. Now you can say bye-bye to every negative problem orchestrated from the kingdom of darkness. With this book in your hands you can be free indeed!


    3.600 CFA

    God has given Man a lot of powers, and one of such powers is that of the tongue. The Tongue can either produce life or death so when it becomes uncontrollable, it can be a very dangerous destroyer. How to put this powerful organ of the body to a profitable use and repair what has been damaged are demonstrated in this book.


    3.000 CFA
  • Deliverance Through the Watches for Business Breakthroughs

    Deliverance through the Watches is prayer programme that runs throughout a whole day in 3 hours interval starting 6am. This gives a total of 7 Prayer Watches. It gives you focus in the place of prayer.



    4.500 CFA
  • Deliverance through the Watches for Dealing with Satanic Dreams

    Unveiling Spiritual Victory: Deliverance through the Watches for Overcoming Satanic Dreams

    In the realm of spiritual warfare, ‘Deliverance through the Watches for Dealing with Satanic Dreams’ emerges as a powerful prayer program, meticulously designed to confront and overcome the challenges posed by disturbing and malevolent dreams. This transformative journey unfolds across the span of an entire day, characterized by seven distinct Prayer Watches, each strategically set at three-hour intervals commencing at 6 am. More than a mere program, this initiative becomes a fortress of spiritual focus and resilience, empowering individuals to combat the unsettling influence of satanic dreams.

    The spiritual expedition initiates with the ‘Dawn Vigil’ at 6 am, symbolizing the break of a new day and the commencement of a sacred battle against malevolent forces in the dream realm. This inaugural Watch establishes a foundation of spiritual alignment, inviting participants to seek divine protection, wisdom, and discernment in the face of satanic dreams. As the day unfolds through subsequent Watches, each session serves as a distinct chapter in the journey of deliverance, offering participants a comprehensive and targeted approach to overcoming the malevolent influences in their dreams.

    The deliberate three-hour intervals between Watches serve as strategic checkpoints, providing sacred pauses for reflection, meditation, and deep connection with the divine. These intervals are crucial interludes for spiritual rejuvenation, enabling participants to navigate through the day with sustained focus and resilience. The rhythm of the Watches aligns with the belief that specific times carry unique spiritual significance, amplifying the efficacy of each prayerful session.

    ‘Deliverance through the Watches’ transforms into a spiritual curriculum, a guided expedition for individuals grappling with the unsettling manifestations of satanic dreams. Themes such as spiritual warfare, protection, and divine intervention are meticulously woven into the fabric of each Watch, offering a holistic and purposeful approach to dealing with the spiritual warfare that occurs in the dream realm.

    Within the sacred space of prayer, participants are encouraged to express their vulnerabilities, fears, and uncertainties associated with satanic dreams. The program embraces a variety of prayer styles, including fervent supplication for protection, contemplative meditation for discernment, and intercessory prayer for spiritual fortification. This diversity caters to the unique spiritual inclinations and needs of participants, fostering a profound and personalized connection with the divine.

    As the Watches progress throughout the day, participants engage in a spiritual journey of resilience, strength, and victory over satanic dreams. The culmination of the day’s spiritual battle occurs in the final Watch, marking a sacred juncture for reflection, gratitude for divine protection, and surrendering any lingering concerns about satanic dreams into the hands of a higher power.

    In essence, ‘Deliverance through the Watches for Dealing with Satanic Dreams’ is not just a prayer program; it is a transformative pilgrimage for those seeking victory in the realm of spiritual warfare. By participating in this initiative, individuals embark on a guided journey of deliverance, fortified by focused prayer, spiritual resilience, and a profound connection with the divine. May this program be a source of solace, strength, and ultimate triumph for all who engage in the battle against satanic dreams.

    4.500 CFA
  • Deliverance Through the Watches for Healing

    Deliverance through the Watches is a transformative prayer program designed to guide participants through a profound spiritual journey that unfolds over the course of an entire day, divided into seven distinct Prayer Watches with three-hour intervals, commencing at 6 am. This meticulously crafted program is dedicated to cultivating a heightened sense of focus and connection in the sacred space of prayer.

    Commencing at the break of dawn, the first Prayer Watch at 6 am sets the tone for the day, inviting participants to embark on a spiritual odyssey that spans until the late hours. Each of the subsequent six Watches is strategically timed to create a seamless progression, ensuring a continuous and immersive prayer experience. This intentional scheduling allows individuals to align their energies with the unique spiritual significance associated with each three-hour interval.

    The first watch, often referred to as the “Dawn Vigil,” serves as a spiritual awakening, where participants are encouraged to seek divine guidance and set positive intentions for the day ahead. This initial phase establishes a foundation for the subsequent Watches, fostering a sense of spiritual continuity that unfolds throughout the program.

    As the day unfolds, participants transition through various Watches, each with its thematic emphasis and spiritual significance. Themes such as healing, breakthrough, and divine intervention are explored in depth during specific Watches, providing a comprehensive and structured approach to prayer. The Watches serve as distinct chapters, each contributing to the overarching narrative of spiritual deliverance.

    The midday Watches provide an opportunity for reflection and renewal, allowing participants to recharge spiritually and reinforce their connection with the divine. The afternoon Watches delve into themes of empowerment and perseverance, instilling a sense of resilience and strength in the face of life’s challenges.

    The evening Watches, as the day draws to a close, focus on gratitude, thanksgiving, and surrender, creating a harmonious conclusion to the prayer journey. Participants are encouraged to reflect on the day’s experiences, express gratitude for answered prayers, and surrender any lingering concerns to the divine.

    Throughout Deliverance through the Watches, participants are guided through a series of prayerful exercises, meditations, and reflective practices. These are carefully curated to enhance the spiritual experience and deepen the connection between participants and the divine. The program incorporates a variety of prayer styles, including intercession, supplication, and contemplative prayer, catering to the diverse spiritual needs of participants.

    In essence, Deliverance through the Watches is more than a prayer program; it is a holistic and immersive spiritual encounter. By delving into the intricacies of each Watch, participants are offered a transformative experience that transcends the boundaries of conventional prayer. This meticulously structured program not only provides a framework for spiritual growth but also fosters a deepened connection with the divine, creating a sacred space for personal reflection, revelation, and deliverance.

    4.500 CFA
  • Deliverance through the Watches for Ministerial Upliftment

    Embarking on a Journey of Ministerial Upliftment with Deliverance through the Watches

    Deliverance through the Watches stands as a beacon of spiritual transformation, offering a comprehensive prayer program meticulously designed for the upliftment of ministers and individuals dedicated to the divine calling. This immersive prayer experience unfolds throughout the entirety of a day, marked by seven distinct Prayer Watches, each lasting three hours and commencing at the sacred hour of 6 am. This intentional structure creates a tapestry of prayerful moments, enhancing focus and connection in the sacred space of ministerial devotion.

    The inaugural Prayer Watch, heralding the dawn at 6 am, sets the stage for a day of profound spiritual engagement. Aptly named the “Dawn Vigil,” this initial session invites ministers to align their hearts and minds with the divine, fostering a sense of spiritual awakening and readiness for the ministerial journey ahead. As participants progress through the subsequent Watches, a thematic richness unfolds, providing a diverse and purposeful exploration of ministerial upliftment.

    Each of the seven Watches serves as a dedicated sanctuary for ministerial growth, addressing specific facets of the spiritual journey. Themes such as divine guidance, anointing, wisdom, and empowerment are intricately woven into the fabric of the Watches, offering ministers a structured and dynamic approach to their personal and professional development. The intervals between Watches are strategically designed, aligning with the rhythm of the day to maximize the impact of each prayerful session.

    Deliverance through the Watches becomes more than a prayer program; it becomes a sacred curriculum for ministerial advancement. Participants are guided through moments of reflection, gratitude, and supplication, fostering a deepened connection with the divine. The program recognizes the unique challenges and responsibilities faced by ministers and provides a space for seeking divine intervention, rejuvenation, and an infusion of spiritual strength.

    In the place of prayer, participants are encouraged to focus not only on personal upliftment but also on the collective well-being of the ministerial community. Intercessory prayer, a key component of the Watches, allows ministers to uplift and support one another in their spiritual journeys, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.

    The diversity of prayer styles incorporated into the Watches caters to the multifaceted nature of ministerial service. From contemplative prayer for spiritual discernment to fervent supplication for breakthrough moments, the program offers a holistic approach to ministerial upliftment. Each Watch becomes a unique chapter in the narrative of ministerial growth, creating a cohesive and transformative experience.

    As the day unfolds, ministers are invited to embrace the ebb and flow of spiritual energy, moving through the Watches with intention and devotion. The culmination of the seventh Watch marks a powerful moment of reflection and consecration, where ministers express gratitude for answered prayers, seek divine guidance for the future, and surrender any burdens to the higher power.

    In conclusion, Deliverance through the Watches emerges as a profound journey of ministerial upliftment, providing a structured yet flexible framework for spiritual growth. Beyond the confines of time, it creates a sacred space for ministers to commune with the divine, fostering a deepened sense of purpose, unity, and empowerment. This program becomes a transformative pilgrimage for those dedicated to the divine calling, paving the way for sustained ministerial upliftment and spiritual flourishing.

    4.500 CFA
  • Deliverance through the watches for revelational knowledge

    Unveiling the Depths of Spiritual Wisdom: Deliverance through the Watches for Revelational Knowledge

    Embarking on a spiritual sojourn, Deliverance through the Watches for Revelational Knowledge stands as a transformative prayer program meticulously curated to illuminate the seekers of profound spiritual insights. This immersive experience unfolds across the tapestry of an entire day, with seven dedicated Prayer Watches, each spanning three hours and commencing at the sacred hour of 6 am. The program serves as a conduit for seekers to attain a heightened state of revelational knowledge, fostering focused and purposeful prayer in the sacred space.

    Commencing with the Dawn Vigil at 6 am, the initial Prayer Watch serves as the gateway to a day infused with divine illumination. This pivotal moment invites participants to embrace a spirit of expectancy and receptivity, laying the groundwork for a journey of revelational discovery. The subsequent Watches follow, each with a thematic focus designed to unravel the layers of revelational knowledge.

    The deliberate intervals between Watches are carefully structured, aligning with the natural rhythms of the day to maximize the impact of each prayerful session. These intervals provide participants with a sacred pause, encouraging reflection, meditation, and a deepening connection with the divine. The fluid progression from one Watch to the next creates a seamless spiritual flow, allowing participants to explore the multifaceted aspects of revelational knowledge.

    Deliverance through the Watches transcends the conventional boundaries of prayer programs; it becomes a spiritual curriculum for seekers eager to delve into the mysteries of divine wisdom. Themes such as spiritual discernment, prophetic insight, and divine revelation are intricately woven into the fabric of each Watch, providing participants with a comprehensive and purposeful exploration of revelational knowledge.

    As participants traverse through the Watches, they engage in various prayer styles, including contemplative meditation, supplication for wisdom, and intercession for heightened spiritual understanding. The program caters to the diverse spiritual inclinations of participants, offering a holistic approach to revelational knowledge that goes beyond the surface of traditional prayer practices.

    In the sacred space of prayer, participants are invited to focus their intentions on seeking not only personal enlightenment but also collective wisdom for the greater spiritual community. Interwoven with moments of gratitude and surrender, the Watches create a harmonious balance between individual spiritual growth and the collective pursuit of revelational knowledge.

    The culminating Watch, marking the end of the day, serves as a sacred juncture for reflection and integration. Participants are encouraged to express gratitude for the revelations received, seek guidance for the path ahead, and surrender any lingering uncertainties to the divine source of wisdom.

    In essence, Deliverance through the Watches for Revelational Knowledge emerges as a transformative odyssey, offering seekers a structured yet fluid framework for attaining spiritual wisdom. Beyond the confines of time, this program becomes a sacred conduit for those yearning to unravel the depths of revelational knowledge, fostering a profound connection with the divine and paving the way for sustained spiritual enlightenment and growth.

    4.500 CFA
  • Deliverance through the Watches for Revelational Knowledge

    Embarking on a Spiritual Odyssey: Unveiling the Depths of Revelational Knowledge with ‘Deliverance through the Watches’

    In the sacred realm of spiritual exploration, ‘Deliverance through the Watches for Revelational Knowledge’ emerges as a transformative program, meticulously designed to unfold throughout an entire day. Operating within three-hour intervals, this immersive journey spans the breadth of seven distinct Watches, each a unique portal to divine revelation. Commencing at the symbolic hour of 6 am, this program becomes a sacred pilgrimage, guiding seekers through a tapestry of prayerful moments to attain a profound state of revelational knowledge.

    The inaugural chapter of this spiritual saga, known as the ‘Dawn Vigil,’ beckons participants to the dawn of a new day at 6 am. It sets the tone for a day infused with divine wisdom, creating an atmosphere of anticipation and openness to revelation. Each subsequent Watch unfurls its own thematic richness, offering seekers a multifaceted exploration of revelational knowledge.

    The deliberate three-hour intervals between Watches serve as sacred interludes, encouraging participants to delve into moments of reflection, meditation, and communion with the divine. The program’s chronological rhythm is intricately woven into the fabric of natural daily cycles, maximizing the impact of each prayerful session and fostering a seamless spiritual flow.

    ‘Deliverance through the Watches’ transcends the conventional boundaries of typical prayer programs. It becomes an immersive curriculum, a guided expedition for seekers eager to unravel the mysteries of divine wisdom. Themes such as spiritual discernment, prophetic insight, and divine revelation are carefully threaded into the essence of each Watch, facilitating a comprehensive and purposeful exploration of revelational knowledge.

    As participants traverse through the Watches, they engage in diverse prayer styles, from contemplative meditation to fervent supplication for wisdom. The program caters to the diverse spiritual inclinations of participants, providing a holistic approach to revelational knowledge that extends beyond the surface of traditional prayer practices.

    Within the sacred space of prayer, participants are invited to channel their intentions not only towards personal enlightenment but also to contribute to the collective wisdom of the greater spiritual community. Interwoven with moments of gratitude and surrender, each Watch creates a harmonious balance between individual spiritual growth and the communal pursuit of revelational knowledge.

    The climactic moment, marking the end of the day’s spiritual voyage, serves as a sacred juncture for reflection and integration. Participants are encouraged to express gratitude for the revelations received, seek guidance for the path ahead, and surrender any lingering uncertainties to the divine source of wisdom.

    In essence, ‘Deliverance through the Watches for Revelational Knowledge’ is a transformative odyssey that offers seekers a structured yet fluid framework for attaining spiritual wisdom. Beyond the constraints of time, this program becomes a sacred conduit for those yearning to unravel the depths of revelational knowledge, fostering a profound connection with the divine and paving the way for sustained spiritual enlightenment and growth.

    4.500 CFA
  • Deliverance through the Watches for Stubborn Situations

    Unlocking Spiritual Victory: Deliverance through the Watches for Overcoming Stubborn Situations

    In the pursuit of divine intervention and triumph over seemingly insurmountable challenges, ‘Deliverance through the Watches for Stubborn Situations’ emerges as a powerful prayer program, meticulously crafted to provide sustained spiritual support. The journey unfolds through dedicated prayer sessions spaced every three hours throughout the day, spanning seven consecutive days. The strategic prayer times include 6 am, 9 am, 12 noon, 3 pm, and 6 pm, creating a rhythm that seeks to break through and overcome stubborn situations. This prayer program serves as a potent tool for those seeking transformation, promising a path to victory in the face of persistent challenges.

    At the break of dawn, the spiritual expedition begins at 6 am, initiating the ‘Dawn Vigil.’ This early prayer session sets the tone for the day, creating a sacred space for seekers to align their spirits with the divine and fortify their resolve to confront stubborn situations. The subsequent Watches, spaced strategically throughout the day, form a harmonious sequence, allowing participants to delve deeper into their prayers and maintain a continuous connection with the divine.

    The unique structure of ‘Deliverance through the Watches’ makes it more than just a prayer program; it becomes a spiritual journey of perseverance and breakthrough. Each prayer session carries its own thematic significance, addressing different dimensions of the stubborn situations individuals may be facing. Whether it be financial challenges, health concerns, or relational difficulties, the program provides tailored prayers for a holistic approach to overcoming diverse and persistent issues.

    The intervals between Watches serve as sacred interludes, offering participants moments for reflection, meditation, and rejuvenation. This strategic pacing encourages sustained focus and provides an opportunity for participants to recharge spiritually between prayer sessions. The rhythm of prayer throughout the day aligns with the natural ebb and flow of daily life, ensuring that participants are consistently engaged in their quest for divine intervention.

    To partake in this transformative prayer experience, individuals are invited to place their orders for the prayer books now. The carefully curated resources guide participants through the specific prayers for each Watch, offering insightful reflections and scriptural guidance. Ordering the prayer books is a proactive step towards unlocking the spiritual arsenal needed to confront and overcome stubborn situations.

    In extending blessings, the call to ‘place your order now’ is an earnest invitation for individuals to seize this opportunity for spiritual breakthrough. The richness of God’s blessings is anticipated to accompany participants on this transformative journey, offering solace, strength, and a sense of divine presence throughout the seven days.

    In conclusion, ‘Deliverance through the Watches for Stubborn Situations’ is more than a routine; it is a dynamic and purposeful engagement with the divine. By placing an order for the prayer books, individuals embark on a spiritual expedition that promises not only deliverance from stubborn situations but also a profound transformation of the spirit. May this prayer program be a beacon of hope, resilience, and ultimate victory for all who embark on this journey of faith.

    4.500 CFA
  • Deliverance Through the Watches for Supernatural Conception

    Deliverance through the Watches for Supernatural Conception is prayer programme that runs throughout a whole day in 3 hours interval starting 6am. This gives a total of 7 Prayer Watches. It gives you focus in the place of prayer.

    4.500 CFA
  • Deliverance Through the Watches for Wisdom

    Embarking on a transformative journey, ‘Deliverance Through the Watches for Wisdom’ stands as a profound prayer program meticulously designed to unfold its spiritual tapestry across the span of an entire day, orchestrated with precision in 3-hour intervals commencing at 6 a.m. This meticulously structured initiative unfolds across a series of seven distinct Prayer Watches, each a sacred interval where seekers converge to engage in a profound communion with the divine.

    As the first rays of dawn pierce the sky at 6 a.m., the inaugural Prayer Watch commences, marking the initiation of a day-long odyssey into the realms of spiritual elevation. With unwavering commitment, participants are beckoned to partake in the rhythmic cadence of prayer sessions, each strategically positioned to foster a deep sense of focus and contemplation.

    The second Watch, unfolding at 9 a.m., serves as a continuation of the spiritual voyage. In this sacred timeframe, individuals are encouraged to delve further into the recesses of their spiritual consciousness, seeking enlightenment and divine guidance. The synergy of collective prayers during this interval creates an atmosphere of heightened spiritual resonance, fostering a transformative experience for all involved.

    As the sun ascends its zenith at noon, the third Prayer Watch ensues, providing a midday sanctuary for introspection and communion. The spiritual energy cultivated during this phase serves as a pivotal anchor, grounding participants in a sacred connection with the divine.

    Moving into the afternoon, the fourth Watch at 3 p.m. unfolds, inviting participants to tap into the wellspring of divine wisdom. It is during this juncture that the spiritual fabric woven throughout the day begins to crystallize, forming a tapestry of collective consciousness and shared devotion.

    The fifth, sixth, and seventh Watches, occurring at 6 p.m., 9 p.m., and midnight respectively, continue to guide participants on this spiritual odyssey. Each subsequent interval builds upon the preceding ones, fostering a crescendo of spiritual intensity and enlightenment that culminates in the final midnight Watch—a profound communion that transcends the boundaries of time.

    ‘Deliverance Through the Watches for Wisdom’ thus stands not merely as a prayer program but as a transformative expedition into the depths of spiritual awareness. With each Watch meticulously crafted, participants are offered a unique opportunity to traverse the sacred landscape of prayer, unveiling the mysteries of the divine and fostering a profound connection with the source of all wisdom and enlightenment.

    4.500 CFA
  • Deliverance through the Watches from Sexual Perversion

    Embarking on a transformative voyage, ‘Deliverance Through the Watches from Sexual Perversion’ stands as a beacon of hope and spiritual renewal, offering a comprehensive program meticulously designed to guide participants through a day-long odyssey of self-discovery and liberation. This transformative initiative unfolds in precise three-hour intervals, serving as a powerful antidote to the insidious grasp of sexual perversion that may afflict individuals.

    Commencing at the break of dawn, the program’s inaugural session at 6 a.m. marks the initiation of a profound spiritual journey. Participants are invited to engage in prayer, meditation, and reflection, creating a sacred space to confront and overcome the challenges posed by sexual perversion. This initial Watch sets the tone for the day, establishing a foundation for spiritual growth and healing.

    The second Watch, unfolding at 9 a.m., represents a continued commitment to spiritual introspection. Participants delve deeper into the recesses of their consciousness, seeking divine intervention to break free from the chains of sexual perversion. This interval serves as a pivotal moment for self-examination, fostering an environment of self-awareness and empowerment.

    As the sun reaches its zenith at noon, the third Watch unfolds, providing a midday sanctuary for participants to turn the battle against sexual perversion to the gates of time. This strategic positioning in the day ensures that the program becomes a transformative force, actively engaging with the ebb and flow of daily life to bring about lasting change.

    The afternoon Watch at 3 p.m. serves as a critical juncture for participants to draw upon the reservoir of divine strength, finding the inner fortitude to resist the pull of sexual perversion. It is during this interval that the collective energy of those involved merges, creating a powerful synergy aimed at breaking the chains that bind.

    As evening descends, the program progresses through its fifth, sixth, and seventh Watches at 6 p.m., 9 p.m., and midnight respectively. These sessions serve as checkpoints in the spiritual journey, allowing participants to reinforce their commitment to deliverance from sexual perversion. Each Watch builds upon the spiritual foundation laid earlier in the day, culminating in a midnight session that transcends temporal boundaries, providing a sacred space for profound healing and transformation.

    ‘Deliverance Through the Watches from Sexual Perversion’ extends beyond the confines of a mere program; it represents a holistic approach to spiritual liberation. Within the pages of this transformative book, participants unlock the secrets to conquering the battle against sexual perversion, finding solace, and establishing a renewed connection with their higher selves. This journey, woven with prayer, introspection, and divine guidance, offers a path to lasting deliverance and freedom from the chains of sexual perversion.

    4.500 CFA
  • Délivre-toi des forces maléfiques qui te privent de ton bonheur

    Il est absolument nécessaire que nous nous levions pour arrêter les forces qui nous privent du bonheur et du progrès dans la vie. Les forces sataniques oppressent la destinée des hommes aussi longtemps que rien n’est fait à leur encontre. Mais des hommes et des femmes de toutes nations, de toutes langues prennent conscience de leur droit, de l’autorité, de la puissance qui leur ai accorder par Christ, ils peuvent alors se dégager des chaînes de l’oppression, vaincre l’ennemi et avoir accès à l’avenir merveilleux et glorieux préparer d’avance pour eux.

    Les prières enregistrées dans ce livre vous aideront, durant ces vingt et un jours de batailles spirituelle, à reprendre les rênes de votre vie et à entrer dans une nouvelle dimension de gloire et de miracle au nom de Jésus. Levez-vous donc et prier.

    10.270 CFA
  • Des Disciples de Jésus-Christ Pour Faire des Disciples Pour Jésus-Christ

    Les messages contenus dans ce livre ont été prêchés du 8 au 17 décembre 2019, lors de la troisième convention mondiale de la Communauté Missionnaire Chrétienne Internationale, dont le siège est basé à Koumé – Bertoua, au Cameroun. Ces messages ont été adressés aux frères de la Communauté en provenance de 93 nations des six continents. Nous étions rassemblés dans le but de rendre compte à Dieu, Lui dire merci et Le célébrer ; Lui qui nous a bénis et nous a permis d’accomplir le but de la Phase 2 de notre œuvre.

    Ces messages sont une orientation en vue de la poursuite du but, et des directives pour notre œuvre dans les cinq ou sept prochaines années. Dans la poursuite de ces directives en tant que mouvement de formation des disciples, avec l’aide de Dieu et tout en comptant sur les bénédictions du Seigneur, nous aspirons à être une Communauté où chaque membre aime le Seigneur Jésus ou retourne à son premier amour pour le Seigneur Jésus.

    Le cri de notre cœur vers le Seigneur est que ces messages nous maintiennent sur la bonne voie et nous motivent à travailler dur dans l’accomplissement du but que nous avons joyeusement accepté et que nous nous sommes engagés à accomplir devant notre Seigneur et Maître béni, Jésus-Christ.

    8.000 CFA
  • Des ténèbres à la lumière… : Osez prier pour la délivrance

    Cet ouvrage a pour fondement la Parole de Dieu. Il se présente comme un bon outil d’annonce de la Bonne Nouvelle de Jésus-Christ, vainqueur du péché et des puissances du mal. A travers des exhortations poignantes, de vivants et passionnants témoignages, l’auteur y déploie le zèle évangélisateur qui le caractérise. Comme dans un manuel d’enseignement doctrinal, catéchétique et théologique, il précise certains aspects des péchés d’idolâtrie, des péchés capitaux et moraux qui exposent aux infestations démoniaques. Non seulement nous y trouvons un éclairage sur les œuvres stériles des ténèbres: occultisme, spiritisme, ésotérisme, nouvelles religiosités liées au Nouvel Age, mais aussi sur certains comportements perturbateurs: avortement, dérives sexuelles, pactes aliénants. Les moyens ordinaires de la grâce qui conduisent à la prière de délivrance, hormis l’exorcisme, y sont étudiés avec rigueur, comme le sacrement de la réconciliation et aussi de l’Eucharistie, particulièrement dans sa dimension de guérison de l’arbre généalogique. Cependant, la portée de l’ouvrage dépasse le cadre spécifique du combat spirituel et touche l’accompagnement qui conduit à la guérison intérieure, à la libération des personnes en détresse. Des suggestions pratiques de prières animées d’un souffle charismatique aideront certainement tous ceux, laïcs ou prêtres, qui s’impliquent dans ce ministère. Puisse l’Esprit Saint se servir de ce livre pour «porter la Bonne Nouvelle aux pauvres, annoncer aux captifs la délivrance, aux aveugles le retour à la vue et rendre la liberté aux opprimés» (Lc 4, 18).

    13.750 CFA
  • Destined For Greatness But Tied: A Step-by-Step Approach to Securing Your Freedom, Untying Your Destiny, Breaking the Cycle of Delay and Manifesting Greatness

    Greatness is an innate desire and aspiration of every normal human being. From your childhood, you have had deep desire to become somebody in life. This desire in you to become great is not a wrong desire but despite your high hope and aspiration, you often find yourself in difficult predicaments. The simple reason why we seem to experience difficult situations, which are contrary to our destinies, is because we have been tied. This causes a mysterious season of setback and delay that is difficult to understand.
    However, all hope is not lost as this book will show you a step-by-step approach to securing your FREEDOM, untying your destiny, breaking the cycle of delay and manifesting greatness in all spheres of life. All God has ever destined you to be is possible, if only you will allow Dr. Chigbundu show you how.

    10.000 CFA

    This is a life changing book. It addresses the roots of destiny related problems, highlights the blueprint for destiny fulfilment, illustrates the principle of experiencing destiny fulfilment and is backed up by destiny fulfilling prayer points. This book will re-write your story and change the course of history in your family lineage.



    5.000 CFA