Healing Scriptures

By (author)Faith A. Oyedepo

7.000 CFA

Are you passing through challenging health issues that have defied medical science? Are you passing through the valley of the shadow of death?

Relax, for it’s not yet over with you. No sickness is strong enough to negate what God has spoken concerning you and your family.

You hold in your hand, a life-transforming and anointed compilation of healing scriptures!

In this book, Pastor (Mrs.) Faith Oyedepo says: “Recently, I passed through the valley of the shadow of death… But God’s Word, the scriptures, quickened my physical body. Today, I am alive and well, declaring the everlasting gospel with undeniable proofs.” What a testimony!

This new book is simply irresistible!!


Title: Healing Scriptures



  • Old Testament
  • New Testament
  • Healing prayer for you

Embracing Healing Amidst Health Challenges: A Guiding Light Through the Valley of Shadows

In the face of daunting health challenges that seem to defy the limits of medical science, and as you find yourself navigating the dark valleys shadowed by the specter of death, there is a beacon of hope urging you to relax—your journey is far from over. No matter the severity of the sickness you face, it is not potent enough to annul the promises that God has declared over you and your family.

What you now hold in your hands is not just a book; it is a transformative and anointed compilation of healing scriptures, carefully curated to breathe life into your circumstances and infuse your spirit with unwavering hope.

Within the pages of this book, Pastor (Mrs.) Faith Oyedepo shares a deeply personal experience, recounting a time when she traversed the perilous valley of the shadow of death. Yet, in the midst of this harrowing journey, she discovered the life-altering power encapsulated in God’s Word—the scriptures. These divine verses quickened her physical body, defying the grasp of illness, and today, she stands as a living testimony, declaring the everlasting gospel with undeniable proofs. Her life is a testament to the potency of these healing scriptures.

This new book is more than just a literary creation; it is an irresistible force—a testament to the triumph of faith over affliction. Its allure lies not only in the transformative narratives shared but in the tangible impact it promises to impart to those who dare to delve into its pages. The resonance of Pastor Faith Oyedepo’s testimony reverberates throughout the book, beckoning readers to embrace the life-transforming potential of the scriptures.

As you journey through the carefully selected healing scriptures within these pages, you are invited to witness firsthand the undeniable power of God’s Word in bringing about miraculous healing and restoration. This compilation becomes a wellspring of hope, a source of strength, and a guide through the darkest valleys of health challenges.

In conclusion, ‘Embracing Healing Amidst Health Challenges’ stands as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit anchored in unwavering faith. It extends an invitation to every reader to partake in the transformative journey illuminated by the healing scriptures. Pastor (Mrs.) Faith Oyedepo’s book is not just a literary work; it is a lifeline, offering solace, inspiration, and the undeniable assurance that, in the face of adversity, the healing power of God’s Word remains an irresistible force for those who believe

Weight 0,289 kg
Dimensions 21 × 13,5 × 1,4 cm
Emmanuel Menie

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