Ruling your world

By (author)David O. Oyedepo

8.000 CFA

Until something changes within you, nothing change around you. Every change begins frm within. Without a change within there can never be a change without.

This book unequivocally asserts that you must accept responsibility for change before you can is experience a change. Emphasizing that nobody will build developing nations but the nationls because places don’t make people; it is people that makes places. It is a wake-up call particularly for the believers in developing nations to rise up and build their nations.

All through history, the move of God has always resulted in the advancement of mankind. By the time you are through reading this book, you will not just be challenged but you shall emerge as an agent of change.


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Content of the book “Ruling your world”.


Chapter 1: The cost of change

Chapter 2: The power of information

Chapter 3: The power of purpose

Chapter 4: The power of preparation

Chapter 5: The power of ideas

Chapter 6: The power of skill

Chapter 7: The power of commitment

Chapter 8: The power of attitude


Overview of the book “Ruling your world”.

Someone has said, and I totally agree with him, that, “You are not a failure, until you look for who to blame for it.” I believe that developing nations have no one to blame for their state of affairs. In my opinion, we are not backward because we are black; I believe we are backward largely because we are blind! For instance, there are banks of scientific facts that point to the fact that Africa is a land of unlimited opportunities, endowed with vast natural resources. I consider it, therefore, a paradox that multitudes in this same blessed continent still live far below the poverty line.

We are backward, not because we are black, but because we have been blind. We live in a land of unlimited opportunities, yet we are too blind to see them. A blind man has no sense of value for the treasures around him. An expatriate was once quoted as saying (referring to one of the African nations), “This nation is so rich that you can literally pick money on the streets; but the nationals are so blind they cannot see it.”

I believe it is high time we came out of our deplorable state, and positively changed our identity, by first improving our lot as individuals. It is a developed people that result in a developed nation. That is, getting to know what to do, going ahead to do it, and thereby moving ahead. It is time to take our destinies in our hands, and make the most of them.

In my opinion, when you give a man purpose, he will be committed; get him committed, and he will be creative. If creative, he becomes productive; when productive, he becomes successful. When outstandingly successful, he becomes impactful! That is the purpose of this book.

Anyone can make the most of his life.

You can make your lite count; anyone can enhance his worth. All you need is to acquire the relevant information, coupled with the intelligible application and a sense of mission. This will result in outstanding success and impact. Zig Ziglar said, “Just any dummy can succeed, if he cares to know what it takes.”

You will agree with me that there cannot be a move without a mover. This is what this book is all about. It’s about the reengineering of our value systems as Africans, which will change our approach, so as to bring about the socio-economic transformation we have long desired.


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