The Jehu Prayers

17.000 CFA

The devil has used the dragnet of witchcraft to hold on to the world. The revival of satanism on the face of the earth is a sign of desperation. Right now, the children of darkness have opened their doors to train men in wickedness. There is an enemy that hates mankind and his progress with perfect hatred. This enemy is known as witchcraft. To confront this spirit, we must be ruthless towards it. Operation Jehu is caught and destroy, throw and destroy, cage and destroy.

Title: The Jehu Prayers


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Introduction the Jehu Prayers

Section One: Weapons of Warfare

Chapter 1: Violence By Fire (1)

Chapter 2: Violence By Fire (2)

Chapter 3: Killing The Dragon

Chapter 4: Let Me Be Wiser Than My Enemies

Chapter 5: Enough Is Enough

Chapter 6: Crushing Wickedness

Chapter 7: Power Against Battle Extenders

Chapter 8: Breaking The Dark Mystery Over Your Life

Chapter 9: Dealing With Satanic Robbers

Chapter 10: Dealing With Abortion Of Opportunities

Chapter 11: Killing Glory Killers

Chapter 12: Silencing Enemies Of My New Songs

Chapter 13: Bury Your Haman

Chapter 14: Pulling Down Strongholds

Chapter 15: Where Is The Lord God Of Elijah?

Section Two: Obtaining Your Portion

Chapter 1: Interview Success

Chapter 2: Prayer Points To Secure Contracts

Chapter 3: Speedy Promotion

Chapter 4: I Must Manifest

Chapter 5: Arresting Slippery Blessings

Chapter 6: I Shall Sing My Song and Dance My Dance

Chapter 7: Let My Jordan Divide

Chapter 8: Breaking the Yoke of Bad Luck

Chapter 9: Victorious Laughter

Section Three: Winning the Marriage Battle

Chapter 1: My Marriage Come Forth

Chapter 2: Breakthrough Prayers For Supernatural Conception

Chapter 3: Protection Of Children

Chapter 4: Marital Sanitation

Chapter 5: Breakthrough Prayers For Supernatural Conception 1

Chapter 6: Breakthrough Prayers For Supernatural Conception 2

Chapter 7: Power to Defeat Miscarriage

Chapter 8: Crushing Miscarriages

Chapter 9: O God of Possibilities Arise

Chapter 10: Breakthrough Prayers For Supernatural Conception 3

Chapter 11: 77 Prayers to Bring Honey into Your Marriage

Section Four: Jehu Prayers; Breaking the Chains

Chapter 1: Dealing With Hidden Bondage

Chapter 2: Divine Medication

Chapter 3: Healing Capsules

Chapter 4: Divine Internal Surgery

Chapter 5: Breaking Internal Chains

Chapter 6: Holy Purging

Section Five: Winning Foundational Wars

Chapter 1: Power Against Ancestral Powers

Chapter 2: Attacking Satanic Warehouse

Chapter 3: Go Forward By Fire

Section Six: Vitamins For Explosive Manifestation

Chapter 1: Delivery Vitamins

Chapter 2: Bringing Forth Vitamins

Chapter 3: Let My Bones Receive Strength

Chapter 4: Breakthrough Tablets

Chapter 5: Rapid Manifestations

Chapter 6: Deliverance Of The Brain

Chapter 7: Fire Prayers

Chapter 8: Holy Purging


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