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    The Church faces many problems: internally and externally. Internal problems are called controversies. Those from the outside are apologetic problems, that is to say which call for the defense of the faith. Let us look briefly at some internal issues within the Church, to focus our attention primarily on the challenges that lie at the interface between the Church and the world. Because that is above all where the issue lies.

    There is the problem of priesthood, celibacy, tensions between church leaders, Christian and ministerial ethics, vocations and many others. The refusal to truly confront faith and intelligence, reason and the believing approach are another reality (R. Rémond, Le Christianity en accusation, p. 93). But the real problem may not be there. Isn’t the real problem within the Church above all spiritual decline and the loss of its identity? What could be at the origin of the weakness of the Church? How did she get there?

    Questions plague the mind of any vigilant observer: how does the question about the Church or Christianity constitute a major concern? Why has Christianity encountered so much opposition since its existence? Can he survive in the face of all these fierce attacks? “Are things going well or badly in the Church? » asks the curious little boy. “Good and evil,” replies the Sage. An ecclesiastical response, one might say, but nonetheless the Sage is right. As Nicolas Farrell and Christophe Paya said, we should not think that all of today’s questions are new.

    Certain subjects run through history, like constants. But it is up to each generation of Christians to ask themselves in what world they live, and to listen to the spiritual quest of their contemporaries. The burning questions revolve around the major centers of reflection between and others:

    – theology and the main Christian doctrines and themes;
    – the Bible and the global questions it poses;
    – ethics and the major moral questions of today, sometimes burning and painful questions, whether individual or collective;
    – culture and society, and therefore the main trends in today’s world;
    – faith and religion, in order to situate the Christian faith in the very diverse religious and spiritual world in which modern globalization places us;
    – philosophy and values, in other words the major trends which shape the thinking and behavior of our contemporaries.

    However, the question that arises is the following: has the Church, since its existence, remained the same? Has it kept its values, its power, its authority? Students of higher studies in Theology will find what they are looking for in this book.

    It is a wide-ranging theological tool for theology teachers and church leaders.

    Jérémie TCHINDEBE

    Read  the free extract of the book “CHRISTIANITY AND ITS CHALLENGES”.


    13.500 CFA
  • Glasses And Mirrors Of The Bible

    See things as God sees.

    The Bible compares the Word of God to a mirror in which the Christian looks at himself. However, every mirror speaks. Imagine a life without a mirror. Many will come out of their homes with half-combed hair, poorly worn pants, unwashed faces, etc. Generally speaking, it has been shown to be difficult for men and especially women to live without a mirror or glance in the mirror. If we naturally understand the importance of the mirror, it is important for us to also remember the importance for man to always look into the perfect law of God, into his living and transforming Word.

    You who read this thought, be encouraged every day to always look in the mirror of God, his word, in order to see yourself as he sees you, to see them as God sees and to do what he asks you to do. God bless you !


    Read the free extract Of The Book “Glasses And Mirrors  Of The  Bible”.

    6.000 CFA
  • Les coupes à boires pour régner sur la terre et dans l’Éternité


    …Ordonne, lui dit-elle, que mes deux fils, que voici, soient assis, dans ton royaume, l’un à ta droite et l’autre à ta gauche…Jésus répondit: Pouvez-vous boire la coupe que moi, je vais boire?

    Matthieu 20: 21 à 21


    Jésus en posant cette question à ses serviteurs montrait de facto que toute ascension sur la terre et dans l’éternité à un prix, un coût que chaque humain se doit de payer pour réussir.

    Dans le système du monde, au fur et à mesure que votre “ Âme” meurt (se désintègre) vous aurez de l’ascendance dans tout ce que vous entreprenez alors que dans le royaume des Cieux Dieu veut que vous prospériez comme prospère l’état de votre “ Âme “.

    Dans ce livre, le mystère caché de comment l’homme doit procéder pour réussir dans le royaume a été révélé afin de montrer surtout aux jeunes gens de cette génération les voies à suivre pour arriver à déployer le plein potentiel que Dieu à déployer en eux.

    Aussi, le voile a été levé sur ce qu’il convient de faire selon Dieu à chaque étape (tranche d’âge) de votre vie pour vivre de manière consciente et sans tâtonner une vie divine sans stress, ni envie. Dieu à un plan pour vous et je vous promets qu’absolument tout ce que vous voulez dans cette vie est accessible à condition de suivre le protocole du royaume pour les obtenir.

    Apôtre Joshua Selman Nimmak, Kenou Landry Hinnouho

    10.500 CFA
  • Provoking God’s Visitation

    God wants to visit you and when God comes to visit, He is coming with the intention to come and dwell with, sojourn and reside with you for a period of time. Our discourse in this book is about when God visits: a divine visitation.

    Divine visitation is that dimension of God that takes challenges far away from you. It breaks you free from the power of stress, looses you from the control of tension and makes you grow in the blessings of God.

    God visits you because whatever affects you, affects Him. The Bible calls us, “His people and the sheep of His pasture.” Your health is of concern to Him. Your marriage is of concern to Him. Your financial welfare is of concern to God. Your vision in life, and how it pans out, is of concern to Him and because of His love for you, He does not want you to go in the wrong direction.

    God has a purpose and plan for your life that will provoke His visitation. By prayerfully reading this book you will discover why God wants to visit you; what you can do to provoke His visitation and the blessings that you will experience when God visits you.

    Matthew ASHIMOLOWO

    Read free extracts from the book “Provoking God’s Visitation”.

    6.155 CFA
  • The Bible Based Illustrated Dictionary of Prophetic Symbols and Prophétic Acts

    Discover the hidden treasure of divine meanings with our latest masterpiece: “Bible-Based Illustrated Dictionary of Prophetic Symbols and Prophetic Actions.” » This is not just an ordinary dictionary, but a work imbued with divine wisdom itself!

    Delve into the most comprehensive illustrated Bible dictionary ever compiled of prophetic and dream symbols. It is much more than a simple collection of words; it is a deep exploration of the mysteries revealed by God. Divine revelations are abundant, but few truly understand their essence. This authoritative book guides you through the parabolic language of symbols with Holy Spirit-inspired articulation.

    We celebrate the infinite grace and mercy of our Lord who chooses to communicate with His children through prophetic symbols and actions. This unique dictionary intelligently bridges the gap between prophetic revelation and its application in daily life. As a bonus, it includes an expanded version of the best-selling Illustrated Bible Dictionary of Dream Symbols.

    Designed by experts and inspired by the Holy Spirit, this book is divided into four engaging parts that go far beyond simple definitions. Each page resonates with the word Rhema and divine prompting, transporting the reader into an unprecedented spiritual experience.

    The author, firmly grounded in the Bible, explores in detail topics such as the diversity of ways God communicates. He emphasizes that God speaks to everyone, but not in the same way, whether through dreams, visions, plain language, riddles or parables. It encourages each individual to refine their methods of divine reception, thereby avoiding stereotyping the ways in which God chooses to speak.

    With this powerful tool in your hands, say goodbye to the frustration of not understanding your dreams and eliminate the danger of misinterpretation. You are invited to discover a wealth of revealed knowledge about symbols and symbolic actions, creating a deep connection with divine communication. This dictionary is much more than a book, it is a spiritual adventure that will transform your understanding of divine mysteries!

    Dr Joe IBOJIE

    Read the free extracts of books  “The Bible Based Illustrated Dictionary of Prophetic Symbols and Prophétic Acts”.

    16.450 CFA

    Giving thanks is an attitude of heart.

    Life, especially a fulfilled life, has secrets that many people have difficulty discovering.

    Many Christians live without experiencing the abundant life promised by the Lord Jesus Christ.

    In this book, you will discover these secrets:
    -What thanksgiving is;
    -Why practice thanksgiving?
    -How to give thanksgiving;
    -The law of giving;
    -To whom to give thanks;
    -When to give thanksgiving;
    -The blessings of thanksgiving.

    The desire of our heart finds full satisfaction in God. This is another truth to be grasped at all costs. These are hidden secrets. Have you ever thought about delighting in God? God says “delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart”. This does not mean that God will accomplish everything we think or wish. Rather, what he means is that he will put new desires within us – divine desires, the type of desires that are in him. Then He will grant those desires because He put them in our hearts first.
    All this happens when we delight in the Lord. When we find true joy, real pleasure and authentic satisfaction in our personal relationship with the Lord. Then we are invaded by the blessed peace flowing from the desires that he himself has placed in our hearts and that he wants to share with us, desires whose fulfillment will be beneficial to us.

    Prosperity is found in close relationship with God through self-giving. However, we cannot give to God and to our fellow human beings if we have not given ourselves to God!

    God bless you as you read this book!


    Jérémie TCHINDEBE

    Read the free extract of the book “THE BLESSINGS OF THANKSGIVING”.

    5.500 CFA

    Know your enemies to free yourself from them.

    Man’s enemies are numerous. We are prisoners of our excesses and vices: taste for danger and risk, consumption of more or less dangerous products (tobacco, alcohol, narcotics, etc.). On the other hand, excess in what is best in us can also lead to our downfall; love for a person, for one’s own, for freedom, for justice, for the homeland. In short, man’s nature is already a problem since there is nothing good in it. We have many kinds of enemies. Enemies close to us. Those who are far from us. Are they all dangerous? This book sheds light on this subject.

    Man’s enemies are numerous. They are of different natures. This book sheds light on this subject with a critical approach based on realities but also on the Bible.

    Jérémie TCHINDEBE

    Read the free extract of the book “THE ENEMIES OF MAN”.

    4.500 CFA
  • Turn Your Rejection To Direction

    Someone had said that 99% of the population of the earth will go through the experience of rejection at some time in their life.

    Rejection is a major stumbling block in your journey to success. It is an evil thing that looms largely over almost all of us. We have to find it, face it and finish it.

    Rejection is like a disease that can spread. Whilst it is given permission, it can take over the whole of your life, put you in bondage and hold you down. However, it can also be used to propel you to the highest height you could ever reach.

    This book will take you through 21 manifestations of rejection, the reasons why people accept it, the devastating effect it has on your life and more importantly how to make rejection a thing of the past and walk in the fullness of God’s election and calling for your life.


    Matthew Ashimolowo

    7.075 CFA
  • Why This Tumult Among The Nations ?

    Learning from international conflicts.

    Humans have long been concerned about the final collapse of civilizations, but today more than ever the world has become a frightening place: religious wars, international terrorism and genocides are constantly in the news and, with access to the Internet , the information age will have led to the age of anxiety”. (Sylvia Browne)

    Indeed, the world is in turmoil. On virtually every continent on our planet, people are waking up, and the wind of protest is rising in many capitals, in opposition to the power in place. Is it possible to see similarities between these different movements? What can they have in common? These protests first have a certain meaning for the concept of democracy. Some democracies are marked by the rise of a form of nationalism, of withdrawal, exploited by some of their conservative politicians – this is the case of Viktor Orbán -, who readily speak of “illiberal democracy”.

    If each case is indeed unique, many nevertheless follow a form of logic that is ultimately quite similar, of which here are some essential elements: It is, often, the youth who carry the torch of protest. It is not a question of the poorest, nor of the least or most educated, but of the young, those who have the future ahead of them in, if I dare say, biological terms, but who, from a point of view economic, social or political view, have the feeling of not having a future.

    If the nature of the protests can take on diverse contours, the message they carry sometimes has elements in common, such as the denunciation of the corruption of the elites in power or the rejection of social inequalities that are too glaring. In a certain number of countries, the political explosion is most often the product of a questioning of the existing status quo by those in power itself.

    Let us think, in Iran, of this spectacular increase in the price of gasoline, or, in Hong Kong, of the questioning of the formula “one state, two systems” symbolized by the end of the jurisdictional exception of Hong Kong and this famous extradition law. A dialectical logic follows, the crowd taking to the streets in opposition to this upset balance, then the crowd subsequently repressed, the repression further strengthening this popular opposition. In other cases, I am thinking here of Lebanon or Chile, there are straws that break an already very full social vase, and quickly transform economic anger into a political revolt. It is also, probably, the direct consequence of globalization increasingly perceived as unfortunate. The great crisis of 2008 is no stranger to this.

    The world is in turmoil today, because it is moving in all directions. On the one hand, nationalism is growing, on the other hand, liberal currents could prove resilient.
    Everywhere, there is social protest or resistance. The situation in certain European countries is indicative of this turmoil. (Dominique Moïsi)

    What does the Bible say about this turbulence? Will there be a way out of this?


    Read the free exract of the book’s “Why This Tumult Among The Nations ?”.

    12.000 CFA