It Is Important to Develop Potential.
One of the mistakes many people make is believing that potential alone is enough to achieve great feats. This category of people ends up doubting their potential when they see that their lives do not produce much. The truth is that a tree seed needs to grow in order to release the trees and forests hidden within it. Without this growth or development process, no farmer can see the wonders hidden inside the seed. Although they are all aware of their potential, exceptional entrepreneurs know that they need to follow its development process to continue discovering the wonders that can emerge from their lives. The Bible teaches us that Jesus Himself followed the development process of His spiritual, mental, and physical potential. A tree seed needs to grow in order to release the trees and forests hidden within it.
“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” Luke 2:52
The American author Jim Rohn used to say during his conferences that the person who wants to be successful should not seek success. Instead, this person should look for ways and means to become a person of value. He explained that as your personal value increases, your success will also increase. In other words, what we can receive from life will depend on our level of personal development.
In his book titled “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind,” the author T. Harv Eker explains that after going bankrupt, American billionaire Donald Trump told a journalist that he was not worried about all the billions he had just lost because his ability to earn new billions was not lost. Donald Trump knew that his level of development made all the difference.
Prayer for Potential
Father of grace and goodness, I want to thank You for creating me with unlimited potential. Thank You for revealing to me that everything is possible for those who believe. Grant me the grace to value my potential and to develop it to the maximum.
May every obstacle to the development of my potential be destroyed in the name of Jesus. Just as Jesus grew in wisdom, stature, and favor, give me the desire, determination, and discipline necessary to achieve this as well.
I give You thanks because I know that You have heard my prayer and that You have answered me.
To You be the glory and honor.
In the name of Jesus
Amen …
This text is an excerpt from the book “THE MINDSET OF EXCEPTIONAL PEOPLE” written by Dominique MBOG.
We invite you to read the following article “The Seed and the Quantity.“
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