Following Jesus can be translated as “doing all of Jesus’ will.” In the same way that a slave does all the will of his master, this is how the person who truly follows Jesus does all His will. In his epistle to the Romans, the apostle Paul makes the connection between slavery and obedience. He […]

Tips for Bearing Much Fruit in Christ:

Tips for Bearing Much Fruit in Christ:

The Bible teaches us that one day King Solomon made a very great offering to God. God felt so honored by Solomon that He decided to bless him in return. God then asked Solomon what he desired, and Solomon replied that he wanted wisdom to better lead the people. The Bible says that God decided […]

Reasons Christians Do Not Abide in the Word.

Reasons Christians Do Not Abide in the Word.

Unlike the time of the apostles when the Word of God was rare, we have the grace to live in an era where everyone has access to the Word of God and Biblical teachings. Access to knowledge has never been as easy as it is in our time. However, it is unfortunate to realize that […]

God is Interested in Fruits.

God is Interested in Fruits.

When I started writing books, I remember making a resolution to write three in 2021. I had done everything possible to achieve this, and the Lord graciously allowed me to reach my goal by the end of September that year. While I was rejoicing over this accomplishment, I heard an inner voice urging me to […]

It Is Important to Develop Potential.

It Is Important to Develop Potential.

One of the mistakes many people make is believing that potential alone is enough to achieve great feats. This category of people ends up doubting their potential when they see that their lives do not produce much. The truth is that a tree seed needs to grow in order to release the trees and forests […]

The Seed and the Quantity.

The Seed and the Quantity.

One day, I heard a Nigerian businessman explain how he became one of the most important rice producers in his country. After purchasing a hundred hectares of arable land in his village, he decided to sow rice on about ten hectares. When he went to the field with rice cultivation experts, he happened to ask […]

Seed For The Sower.

Seed For The Sower.

GRACE And God is able to make all grace (every favor and earthly blessing) come to you in abundance, so that you may always, under all circumstances and whatever the need, be self-sufficient, possessing enough to require no aid or support and be able to provide abundantly for every good work and charitable donation. 2 […]

HONOR: an inheritance in Christ

HONOR: an inheritance in Christ

Honor is your inheritance in Christ. You have been called to honor, not to shame. The time for your honor has finally come. But what is the key to accessing it? Although it is yours through redemption, you cannot enjoy it without the proper key in your hands. You will only watch others benefit from […]

Review on Seeds 3. Wednesday, July 3rd.

Review on Seeds 3. Wednesday, July 3rd.

Over the past two days, I have discussed ways to yield harvests from the seeds you sow. Today, I will focus on seeds that are sown according to God’s instructions. These types of seeds yield beyond 100; they produce unlimited returns. In 1 Kings 17:8-16, when Elijah told the widow to bring him her last […]

Review on Seeds 2; Tuesday, July 2nd.

Review on Seeds 2; Tuesday, July 2nd.

Yesterday, I discussed the importance of ensuring that seeds are sown in good soil. Today, I will examine the returns to expect from seeds even when planted in good soil. First, let’s focus on sowing into the life of a man of God. “He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall […]