Divine Compensation

4.500 CFA

Our God is a God who adequately rewards the services and faithfulness of His people. He is not a debtor, but Salan works behindthe scene to rob lis of the reward of our labour. This Book tells us what to do and Ihe correct prayers lo say in order not to miss our Divine Compensation.



Title: Divine Compensation


CHAPTER 1: Divine compensation

CHAPTER 2: Defeating anti-breakthrough power

CHAPTER 3: The mriracle cry

CHAPTER 4: The God of Daniel

CHAPTER 5: Provoke your rainfall


Unlocking Divine Compensation: Navigating the Path to God’s Reward”

In the grand tapestry of divine interactions, our God stands as the ultimate arbiter of justice, a benevolent deity who intricately rewards the services and unwavering faithfulness of His people. Unlike a debtor who withholds recompense, our God is characterized by a profound commitment to honoring the labor and devotion of His followers. However, amid the cosmic symphony of divine benevolence, a subtle adversary, Satan, clandestinely operates behind the scenes, seeking to undermine and rob us of the rightful rewards of our earnest toil.

This transformative book is a beacon of enlightenment, offering insights into the nuanced dynamics of divine compensation. It serves as a guide through the intricate dance between divine justice and the malevolent schemes of the adversary. The central thesis is clear: to unveil what actions to take and articulate the correct prayers that will safeguard us from missing out on the bountiful rewards destined for us by a gracious and just God.

The essence of this revelation lies in the profound understanding that our God is not only a just arbiter but a God of abundance who desires to bestow upon His faithful servants a compensation that exceeds their expectations. The journey toward divine compensation is a sacred quest, one that necessitates both spiritual insight and strategic prayers to navigate the challenges posed by the subtle machinations of Satan.

Within the pages of this book, a compendium of wisdom unfolds, outlining practical steps and offering fervent prayers that align with the divine order. It is a roadmap that empowers believers to actively participate in the orchestration of their divine compensation, rather than passively succumbing to the stealthy tactics of the adversary.

The book invites readers to engage in a deliberate and intentional pursuit of their divine compensation. It is not merely a theoretical discourse but a practical guide that empowers believers to take charge of their spiritual destiny. By providing a nuanced understanding of the tactics employed by Satan to obstruct divine rewards, the book equips readers with the spiritual discernment needed to thwart such machinations.


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