Showing 1–20 of 834 results

  • “J’ébranlerai toutes choses”

    Dernièrement, nous entendons souvent dire que nous vivons ‘dans la fin des temps’. Dans ce livre, tiré de deux messages donnés dans les années 90, Derek Prince explique certains passages de la Bible, tout en sachant que la Bible est toujours prophétique. Au fil de ce livre, vous allez découvrir qu’il a prédit certains événements pertinents exactement de la façon dont nous les avons vu arriver dans les décennies suivantes, certains même après le départ de Derek Prince en septembre 2003.

    Ce message vous montrera un côté de Dieu dont on n’entend quasiment jamais parler. D’innombrables prêches sont dévoués au fait que Dieu est Sauveur, qu’il est le Bon Berger, qu’il est amour, qu’il est plein de grâce. Mais cette grâce et la patience de Dieu ont pourtant leurs limites. Et Dieu se montrera alors également le Juge de tous.

    La Bible dit clairement que les temps deviendront difficiles. Et avec tout ce qui s’est passé dans ce temps que nous vivons, nous pouvons peut-être commencer à comprendre plus facilement la réalité de cela.

    Nous prions que son message percera les cœurs des croyants, pour les aider à être vigilants, engagés avec le Seigneur, craignant sa Parole et vivant entièrement pour lui et ses objectifs.

    4.925 CFA
  • 10 Points Argent – Le magnétisme vol 2

    Erreurs – mentalités – motifs – mandat – aimant – ministère – miracle – faire – gérer – multiplier

    “Toute religion qui prétend se préoccuper des gens sans aborder les conditions économiques qui les étranglent est une religion sèche et inutile.” – Martin Luther King

    “Combien de fois tant d’autres ont-ils attendu qu’une divinité déverse de grandes bénédictions de richesse sans aucun effort de leur part ? Attendre qu’une puissance supérieure nous donne quoi que ce soit est le premier signe de faiblesse. Nous n’avons jamais été créés pour recevoir sans effort, pour gagner sans essayer, ou pour réaliser sans lutter.” – Ed Montgomery

    L’église de Jésus-Christ continue d’aborder le sujet des finances. Cependant, alors que nous nous rapprochons de la fin des temps et que nous faisons progresser l’Évangile dans ce troisième millénaire, le temps est venu pour nous de comprendre pleinement et de maximiser les jours et les opportunités que Dieu nous a donnés. Le temps est venu pour nous de comprendre la puissance de l’endroit riche, que l’œuvre rédemptrice du Christ a fourni. Il ne s’agit pas seulement de comprendre, mais d’opérer dans le lieu riche (Psaume 66:12).

    L’objectif de ce livre n’est pas une visite occasionnelle mais une vie entière. Il s’agit d’un appel à créer de la richesse pour que les générations à venir puissent en bénéficier et en être bénies. Beaucoup de chrétiens ont vraiment laissé l’esprit du temps les conformer ; il est temps d’être transformé pour vivre dans le lieu riche.


    6.050 CFA
  • 10 Principal Secrets Of Principal People

    In the book, “BE WISE AND RISE”, to which this book is sequel, it was noted that wisdom is of vital importance: Wisdom prolongs life, and foolishness facilitates early death. Wisdom increases the boldness of a man’s countenance. It is the secret of distinction. Wisdom sponsors exploits or mighty works; it gives outstanding results. Wisdom is better than weapons of war. It is better than physical strength. Wisdom uproots mountains. It is the secret of handling impossibilities. That is to say, if there are things you are facing in life today, they can be handled by just one flash of wisdom from God. These and many more, were enumerated as the reasons why wisdom is necessary.
    The principal ways wisdom operates are the principal secrets behind the making of principal people. But what are the ways that lead to wisdom? That is the focus of this book.

    6.825 CFA
  • 12 Major Steps For Perpetuating Wealth

    God gives seed to every man so that they can reproduce themselves in the next generation. We were made to live for a generation and to leave legacies for the coming ones. When we fail to realise this we end up living and dying for ourselves.

    ‘12 Major Steps for Perpetuating Wealth’ explores the many reasons why people end up not creating wealth, and it makes a compelling case for creating perpetual wealth.

    This insightful piece of work will equip the reader with the concepts and practical tools necessary for creating and perpetuating the wealth God puts into their hands.

    The fact that this book challenges the reader to work towards leaving a legacy, makes it a beneficial read – not only for the reader and his generation but also for the generations to come.

    10.525 CFA
  • 12 Mensonges de maris à leur femme

    « Plus nous disons la vérité, plus nous nous rapprochons l’un de l’autre. Moins nous disons la vérité, plus nous creusons le fossé avec notre conjoint. Notre désir d’intimité déterminera dans quelle mesure nous serons honnêtes. » (p. 7).
    Les mariages réussis se vivent dans ces petits riens de chaque jour qui peuvent vite se transformer en pomme de discorde. Par des situations réalistes, les auteurs sauront vous convaincre d’oser la transparence pour favoriser la confiance mutuelle. Quoique vous viviez, vous aurez l’impression qu’ils vous connaissent bien. Vous serez soulagés par leur compréhension. et trouverez passionnant de mieux comprendre votre conjoint !
    Que la véritable communication commence !
    Avec 12 dessins de presse (illustrations de Paco).

    8.800 CFA
  • 214 Facts About Fear & Worry

    “Fear, a malevolent spirit that has shackled countless souls throughout the annals of time, serves as a nefarious tool employed by the devil to imprison and dismantle lives. It is an insidious force that recognizes no boundaries of age, status, or nationality, indiscriminately tormenting its victims and often culminating in untimely deaths. However, in the pages of this transformative book, fear is laid bare, its mystique unraveled, and its malevolence demystified.

    The author embarks on a courageous journey to expose the intricate workings of fear, peeling back the layers that shroud its true nature. Fear is not merely an emotional response; it is a spiritual force that seeks to paralyze and control. By demystifying fear, the book unravels the mechanisms through which it entangles individuals, shedding light on the tactics employed by the adversary to maintain his grip on the hearts and minds of humanity.

    Crucially, this profound exploration does not leave readers defenseless in the face of fear’s onslaught. Instead, it arms them with potent weapons – spiritual and mental tools – to conquer fear and emerge as true champions of faith. The author delves into the arsenal of faith, providing readers with the knowledge and insights needed to dismantle the stronghold fear has erected within their lives.

    Each page unfolds as a strategic battle plan, offering not only a comprehensive understanding of fear but also a step-by-step guide on how to liberate oneself from its clutches. The weapons provided are not mere theoretical concepts but practical, actionable steps that empower individuals to confront and overcome fear head-on.

    Moreover, the book emphasizes that conquering fear is not a passive endeavor but an active engagement with one’s faith. It challenges readers to confront their fears with courage, resilience, and an unwavering belief in a higher power. By fostering a mindset of faith, the author encourages a transformative shift, enabling individuals to navigate life’s challenges with newfound strength and resilience.

    In essence, this book is a beacon of hope and empowerment for those ensnared by the clutches of fear. It serves as a guide to liberation, equipping individuals with the tools needed to break free from the chains that bind them and to step into a future marked by courage, faith, and the triumphant spirit of a true champion.”

    9.000 CFA
  • 22 Laws Of Life (Volume 1)

    In December 2009 in preparation for the cross-over into the New Year (2010) when the LORD began to minister to me about the Laws of Life. He began to make me understand that laws govern life. Every aspect of life is governed by laws. And He said that negative consequences are the outcome when such laws are broken. I realized then, that a clear understanding of the laws of life as well as the wise application of the same, will enhance life both in quality and quantity and in length and depth. It is a secret of positive outcome in life. When these laws are understood and a person applies himself to them, then life can be enhanced in quality and in quantity. Laws cannot be influenced: They can only be obeyed, disregarded or disobeyed with attendant consequences. This book brings to our attention these laws of life and how to apply ourselves to them.

    6.825 CFA
  • 22 Laws Of Life (Volume 2)

    In December 2009 in preparation for the cross-over into the New Year (2010) when the LORD began to minister to me about the Laws of Life. He began to make me understand that laws govern life. Every aspect of life is governed by laws. And He said that negative consequences are the outcome when such laws are broken. I realized then, that a clear understanding of the laws of life as well as the wise application of the same, will enhance life both in quality and quantity and in length and depth. It is a secret of positive outcome in life. When these laws are understood and a person applies himself to them, then life can be enhanced in quality and in quantity. Laws cannot be influenced: They can only be obeyed, disregarded or disobeyed with attendant consequences. This book brings to our attention these laws of life and how to apply ourselves to them.

    6.825 CFA
  • 3 Hommes et une couronne

    Le rideau se lève ; trois hommes entrent en scène. Quel rôle choisiront-ils ? Celui du roi Saül, l’oint de Dieu qui deviendra fou, et dont le pouvoir dévoilera les détours du cœur ? Celui de David, le berger au cœur brisé, que la souffrance conduira, malgré lui, vers la royauté ? Ou celui d’Absalom, le jeune rebelle noble et beau, désireux de réparer les injustices, mais secrètement assoiffé de pouvoir ? Mais chut ! L’histoire commence…
    « Cette histoire est un portrait ou, si vous préférez, une esquisse au fusain de la soumission et de l’autorité dans le Royaume de Dieu. » G.E.

    5.050 CFA
  • 30 Quenchers of Marital Love

    Solomon talks of love as being a path of experience. It is as strong as death in his words. It is as unyielding as the grave and burning like a blazing fire, like a mighty flame. He concludes that true love, real love cannot be quenched by many waters, neither can rivers wash away its effect.

    We, however, all know one or two people whose relationships in life in the area of romance and marriage have not worked out. So truly, many waters may not be able to quench love, rivers may not be able to wash it away but there are certain things that have made themselves quenchers of marital love: money problems, jealousy, sexual problems and many more.

    The whole purpose of this book is to highlight these challenges and to look at biblical answers to the daily problems which married couples or singles intending to marry face. I have attempted at all levels to make the answers biblical as well as contemporary. However, the mind of the Lord in the word of God takes supremacy in the subject of marital love because God thought about marriage first. He initiated it and if it must work we must go back to the original thought and idea of God.

    7.950 CFA

    The word, TOP, is defined as the highest part or point of something. It is taken to be the most important position, most senior rank, or the person occupying it. The top is also seen as the best part or section of something. It is said to be the level of highest excellence. It is an enviable place; a place of shining.
    A person at the top is believed to do better than others or be greater than others in a given field of endeavour. He is the one at the head of a list or hierarchy. He is the most important, senior, successful, and respected. He is a quality person, but much more than that, he is the finest or best in quality – the most excellent.
    In this book, we will be looking at men like David, Joseph, Daniel, Nehemiah, Esther, etc. We will consider what it was that took them to the top. It is possible that when you hear these names, you quickly conclude that, “these were men or women of God.” But I will like you to know that each of them was as secular and civil as you are.

    6.825 CFA
  • 30 Things The Anointing Can Do For You

    30 Things Anointing Can Do For You: Unveiling the Transformative Power of Divine Anointing”

    In the realm of spiritual empowerment, “30 Things Anointing Can Do For You” stands as a unique and enlightening exploration of the profound subject of anointing. Anointing, often described as the burden-removing and yoke-breaking power of God, holds the key to supernatural functionality for both men and women. It is the divine catalyst that empowers individuals to operate beyond natural limitations, enabling them to accomplish feats that transcend the ordinary.

    Authored under the influence of this potent anointing, this book is a comprehensive guide that unpacks the manifold ways in which anointing can impact and transform your life. Rather than merely conceptualizing anointing as a theological abstraction, the author, operating under the anointing’s divine influence, presents a tangible and practical framework for understanding its capabilities.

    Anointing, when activated, becomes the driving force that propels individuals to perform supernatural feats. The book intricately details how anointing serves as the conduit through which divine power flows, imparting the ability to achieve extraordinary things beyond human comprehension. It transcends the mundane and ushers believers into a realm of limitless possibilities, fostering an environment where the supernatural becomes a natural occurrence.

    The thirty revelations within this book unveil the myriad dimensions of anointing, showcasing its multifaceted nature. From healing the sick to breaking strongholds, anointing emerges as a dynamic force with the capacity to bring about transformative change in various aspects of life. The author skillfully navigates through each revelation, providing insights that bridge the gap between theoretical understanding and practical application.

    This book is a must-read for those passionate about delving into the depths of the anointing and harnessing the power of the Holy Spirit. It is a resource that not only imparts knowledge but also serves as a guide for individuals seeking to activate and maximize the potential of anointing in their lives. Through the pages of this insightful work, readers are invited to embark on a journey that unveils the untapped reservoirs of anointing, encouraging them to embrace a life marked by divine empowerment, supernatural accomplishments, and an intimate connection with the Holy Spirit. Don’t miss the opportunity to delve into this transformative exploration of the profound impact that anointing can have on your spiritual journey.”

    4.500 CFA
  • 310 Prières prophétiques pour une liberté totale

    Ce livre est spécialement conçu pour donner l’assistance longtemps attendue pour la découverte de la vérité.  Jacques 4: 3 dit:  Vous demandez, et vous ne recevez pas, parce que vous demandez mal… Beaucoup de problèmes trouvent leur racine dans la sorcellerie, les autels, les alliances ou liens ancestraux et bien d’autres sources. Les réseaux sataniques ravagent notre société par leurs agents qui sont présents dans toutes les maisons et familles.

    Nous savons que vous souffrez et que vous êtes dans la confusion. La sorcellerie a fait plier peut être votre vie  et votre destin sous le poids de l’échec, du retard, de la maladie, des tourments et beaucoup d’autres expériences étranges. Il est encore temps pour vous de vous réveiller, de sortir et d’expérimenter une liberté totale. Soyez prêt à faire votre propre délivrance à travers ces prières prophétiques!

    4.200 CFA
  • 365 jours au coeur des proverbes

    Le Pasteur Jérémy Sourdril, auteur du bestseller francophone « 365 jours aux pieds du Maître », nous présente dans son deuxième livre, 365 courtes pensées édifiantes, inspirées du livre des Proverbes. Vous découvrirez de riches révélations sur la crainte de Dieu, la sagesse, l’inspiration divine, la prière, les finances… plus de 200 thèmes abordés !

    Nous vous invitons à plonger avec nous dans ce voyage passionnant au cœur des Proverbes. En recevant la conviction d’écrire ce livre, nous n’avions pas imaginé qu’une merveilleuse onction de révélation, de plus en plus forte, nous aurait accompagnés pendant sa rédaction. Dieu le Père nous a inspirés ce livre pour vous bénir. Assurément, si vous mettez en pratique les vérités révélées des Proverbes, votre vie ne sera plus jamais la même !

    11.250 CFA
  • 500 Paroles de Sagesse

    Le monde actuel a besoin de la sagesse. Le livre de Proverbes nous présente la valeur de la sagesse et tout le bonheur qu’elle nous apporte. Celle-ci ne vient que de Dieu et est source de tout ce qui est grâce et joie parfaite parce qu’elle nous est accordée par le Saint-Esprit. Courir derrière ce qui est vil et éphémère ne sera que source des maux. Courir après la sagesse nous produira la paix durable ; car c’est écouter la voix de l’Esprit de Dieu.

    12.400 CFA
  • 52 méditations pour prier

    Vous pourriez bien être bousculé par ce recueil ! À l’aide de nombreux versets, l’auteur souligne à la fois la nécessité et la puissance de cette arme donnée par Dieu : la prière ! Ces méditations claires, pratiques et enthousiastes conviennent aussi bien pour une lecture individuelle que pour les réunions de prière.
    « Ce livre m’a remise en question quant à ma légèreté dans cette discipline. Le Seigneur m’a rappelé de prier sans modération, avec sérieux. Je me suis mise au travail et, par la grâce de Dieu, je vois déjà des résultats dans mon être intérieur ! »
    – Sandrine, Alsace

    8.800 CFA
  • 6 Jours en Palestine

    Ce livre raconte l’histoire d’une jeune Française, Hanina, la fille d’un expatrié palestinien. Elle décide d’aller à la recherche de ses origines et se lance dans un pèlerinage en Israël, qui va la mener, en plein Intifada, à la rencontre d’un peuple dont elle est issue. Confrontée à une haine tenace vis-à-vis des Israéliens, elle va se tourner vers les traces spirituelles que porte cette Terre. Et ainsi va t-elle revivre et réaliser son rêve: trouver la paix.

    15.300 CFA
  • 6 Steps to multiplication

    Unlock the Power of Multiplication: Discover the 6 Steps to Supernatural Increase!

    In a world filled with challenges and uncertainties, men of knowledge rise above their circumstances and embrace a path of divine multiplication. Introducing “6 Steps to Multiplication,” the transformative book that will revolutionize your approach to life and lead you to extraordinary testimonies.

    Drawing wisdom from the pages of the Bible, this must-read guide reveals the secrets of men who do not mourn over situations or panic in the face of challenges. Instead, they take deliberate steps, guided by divine principles, that pave the way for supernatural multiplication.

    Within the captivating chapters of this book, you will learn the six crucial steps that men of knowledge embrace to unlock the power of multiplication in their lives. These steps encompass wise choices, strategic actions, and a mindset attuned to the abundance that God desires for His people.

    “6 Steps to Multiplication” is not just another self-help book; it is a blueprint for supernatural increase. By embracing the principles outlined within these pages, you will tap into a realm where your efforts are supernaturally multiplied, where your dreams and aspirations are brought to fruition in ways beyond your imagination.

    This book guarantees a transformational journey towards multiplication in every area of your life. Whether it’s your finances, relationships, career, or spiritual growth, the principles shared in “6 Steps to Multiplication” will empower you to experience divine abundance and unprecedented success.

    Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Step into a life of supernatural multiplication and witness the remarkable impact it will have on your destiny. Order your copy of “6 Steps to Multiplication” today and embark on a journey towards supernatural testimonies and unprecedented multiplication. Your destiny awaits; claim it now!

    David IBYEOME

    7.500 CFA
  • 7 représentations du peuple de Dieu

    Dans cette étude, inspirée presque entièrement de l’épître aux Éphésiens, vous allez découvrir comment le peuple de Dieu est dépeint dans la Bible en sept représentations différentes : l’assemblée, le corps de Christ, Son ouvrage, la famille de Dieu, Son temple, l’armée et l’épouse. Pour ceux qui savent apprécier la richesse de la Parole de Dieu, c’est un livre à lire d’une traite…

    5.250 CFA

    An uncommon woman is rare. She loves to make a difference. There are secrets of an uncommon woman, which Peace Ibiyeomie has exposed in this book.

    An uncommon woman loves commitment, loves God, submits to her husband,  has right perspective, she creates opportunities, keeps right  company, she discovers purpose and pursues it. She is a help meet to her husband. She understands that her husband needs her prayers not curses. Everything she does, begins with a desire. Read this book to enjoy insights that makes you uncommon.

    6.500 CFA