Showing 121–140 of 1832 results


    Si nos prières ne trouvent pas de réponses, est-ce parce que nous nous sentons obligés de prier ou parce que nous prions pour les mauvaises choses ? Nos prières sont-elles censées être une liste de ce que nous voulons, ou plutôt un dialogue continuel avec Dieu à propos de ce que lui veut ? Peut-être que si nous alignions nos prières sur la mission de Dieu, nous le verrions répondre de façon surnaturelle. Au-delà de ce que nous pouvons imaginer.

    8.760 CFA

    Dieu prodigue à chacun de nous le don du Saint-Esprit, la source de notre puissance surnaturelle. Mais aujourd’hui, l’Église n’agit ni au «super» ni au «naturel». Alors, comment s’impliquer dans le mouvement impulsé par l’Esprit ? Il se peut que, lorsque nous comprendrons qui est le Saint-Esprit, l’Église cessera d’être si banale et que nous serons enfin les acteurs du changement que Dieu nous demande d’être dans le monde.

    8.720 CFA

    À quoi Jésus pense-t-il quand il nous demande de le suivre ? Suffit-il d’être d’accord avec ce qu’il dit, ou veut-il vraiment que nous agissions comme lui et menions la vie qu’il a menée ? Une fois que nous avons compris ce qu’est suivre Jésus, nous saisissons tout le poids des difficultés qui nous attendent. C’est alors que la vraie interrogation surgit?: non plus comment, mais avant tout pourquoi voulons-nous réellement le suivre ?

    8.720 CFA
  • Basic Prayer Patterns

    Basic Prayer Patterns challenges the reader to examine the primacy of prayer. Prayer is practically defined. Types of prayer are listed. Opportunities for prayer are brought out in Basic Prayer Patterns. This book will draw you to the place of prayer. You will discover the various ways you can take your requests to God. The benefits of using various patterns in prayer are directly and indirectly brought out. The method is topical. The approach is practical.The scope is encompassing. This book will take you to vast fields of prayer. You will discover that prayer is one spiritual exercise which you can be involved in and gain unprecedented benefits. This book will make you an expert in the prayer ministry.

    4.500 CFA
  • Bath-Chéba une femme pardonnée

    Bath-Chéba : son nom reste synonyme pour certains de séduction et de péché. Dieu choisit pourtant de l’appeler son enfant, et la rend digne de figurer dans la généalogie de son propre Fils. Cette histoire retrace le cheminement dune femme touchée par la grâce illimitée de Dieu.

    7.500 CFA
  • Bâtir une équipe performante et motivée

    La réussite d’un projet repose avant tout sur les hommes, leur motivation et leur détermination à aller jusqu’au bout dans le respect des délais et des coûts prévus.

    Quels types de talents et de comportements réunir au sein d’une équipe pour qu’elle soit le plus efficace possible ? Comment clarifier les “règles du jeu”, motiver les membres de l’équipe et leurs responsables hiérarchiques, pour un fonctionnement harmonieux du projet ?

    Ce guide détaille 10 bonnes pratiques pour construire une équipe et la motiver dans la durée.

    10.500 CFA
  • Battle Cry Compendium vol 4

    Battle Cry Compendium Volume 4 Battle Cry Compendium is a compilation of spiritual warfare bulletins of messages by Dr. D. K. Olukoya, the General Overseer of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries Worldwide, for prayer warriors and intercessors. It is an outstanding collection for those who seek spiritual power from the Almighty.

    Dr. D. K. Olukoya

    15.000 CFA
  • Battle cry Compendium Vol: 3

    Battle Cry Compendium Volume 3 Battle Cry Compendium is a compilation of spiritual warfare bulletins of messages by Dr. D. K. Olukoya, the General Overseer of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries Worldwide, for prayer warriors and intercessors. It is an outstanding collection for those who seek spiritual power from the Almighty.

    Dr. D. K. Olukoya

    15.000 CFA
  • Be The Best

    Be the Best: 9 Powerful Keys to a Successful Life – Rising Above Mediocrity” is an inspiring book that reveals the essential keys to unlocking the hidden treasures in your life. The author invites you to take these keys and explore the vast untapped capabilities that await you.

    Through nine captivating steps, you’ll discover how to rise above mediocrity and achieve a truly successful life. These steps include managing your time effectively, defining your destination, the path to financial independence, the importance of renewing your thoughts, strategizing for success, and the adage that “not guts, not glory.”

    This book guides you with wisdom and insight, encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace a life full of success and accomplishment. By applying these nine powerful keys, you will be able to overcome obstacles, achieve your most ambitious goals, and live a truly fulfilling life.

    “Be the Best: 9 Powerful Keys to a Successful Life – Rising Above Mediocrity” is a valuable companion for anyone who aspires to live an exceptional life. By immersing yourself in this book, you will be equipped with the tools needed to unlock your full potential and let the best version of yourself shine.

    Matthew ASHIMOLOWO

    Read extracts from the book “BE THE BEST” for free

    13.200 CFA
  • Be the Best Rising Beyond Mediocrity

    In life, we are all invited to partake in the abundance of blessings that surround us, but oftentimes we lack the keys to unlock the door to that treasure house. In “Be the Best: Rising Beyond Mediocrity”, you will find the keys that will enable you to unlock your full potential and discover the greatness within you.

    Author Matthew Ashimolowo presents nine important keys that will help you tap into your untapped abilities and rise beyond mediocrity. By managing your time effectively, defining your destination, finding your financial freedom, discovering the power of a transformed mind, strategizing for success, and knowing that no guts, no glory, you will have the tools necessary to overcome any obstacle and achieve the success you desire.

    Based on biblical wisdom, this book offers a practical guide to unlocking your full potential and living a life of abundance. You will learn how to apply the principles of success to every area of your life and discover the greatness within you that has been waiting to be unleashed.

    Don’t settle for a life of mediocrity. Order your copy of “Be the Best: Rising Beyond Mediocrity” today and discover the keys to unlocking your full potential and living a life of success and abundance. With these keys, you will have the power to unlock the door to the treasure house of life and take as much as you want.

    13.200 CFA
  • Beaucoup sont appelés

    Nous sommes souvent encouragés lorsque nous pensons au fait que « beaucoup sont appelés ». Subitement nous nous décourageons lorsque nous méditons sur le fait que « … peu sont choisis ». Vous pouvez être comptés parmi les nombreux qui sont appelés et les quelques-uns qui sont choisis si vous faites de ce livre une partie de votre vie.

    Dans ce livre incroyable de Dag Heward-Mills, vous découvrirez selon la Bible pourquoi vous pouvez dire avec confiance que vous êtes appelé. Vous connaîtrez les caractéristiques des « personnes appelées » et vous serez encouragé à être fidèle jusqu’à la fin de votre course chrétienne.

    Dag Heward-Mills

    4.350 CFA
  • Beaucoup sont appelés

    Découvrez le livre qui changera votre perspective : « Beaucoup sont appelés » par Dag Heward-Mills. Inspiré par la sagesse biblique, ce trésor littéraire vous rappellera que vous faites partie des nombreux appelés. Mais ne vous arrêtez pas là, car ce livre vous guidera également vers l’essentiel : faire partie des quelques-uns qui sont choisis.

    Lorsque vous plongerez dans les pages de cet ouvrage extraordinaire, vous serez éclairé par les vérités bibliques qui vous permettront de proclamer avec confiance votre appel. Vous découvrirez les caractéristiques des « personnes appelées » et vous serez encouragé à persévérer fidèlement tout au long de votre parcours chrétien.

    Ne laissez pas le doute et le découragement vous freiner, car ce livre est conçu pour vous aider à saisir pleinement votre destinée spirituelle. Soyez parmi les nombreux appelés qui répondent à leur vocation divine, et parmi les quelques-uns qui sont choisis pour accomplir de grandes choses dans la foi.

    Laissez la sagesse de Dag Heward-Mills vous guider vers une vie épanouie et déterminée par votre appel divin. Faites de ce livre une partie essentielle de votre vie et embrassez le potentiel de devenir l’un des rares élus, décidés à faire une différence dans ce monde.

    Osez répondre à l’appel et devenir l’un des choisis. Obtenez votre exemplaire de « Beaucoup sont appelés » dès aujourd’hui et transformez votre vie en une œuvre extraordinaire au service de Dieu et de l’humanité.

    6.350 CFA
  • Beaucoup sont appelés

    Nous sommes souvent encouragés lorsque nous pensons au fait que « beaucoup sont appelés ». Subitement nous nous décourageons lorsque nous méditons sur le fait que « … peu sont choisis ». Vous pouvez être comptés parmi les nombreux qui sont appelés et les quelques-uns qui sont choisis si vous faites de ce livre une partie de votre vie.

    Dans ce livre incroyable de Dag Heward-Mills, vous découvrirez selon la Bible pourquoi vous pouvez dire avec confiance que vous êtes appelé. Vous connaîtrez les caractéristiques des « personnes appelées » et vous serez encouragé à être fidèle jusqu’à la fin de votre course chrétienne.

    4.350 CFA
  • Become a Better You: 7 Keys to Improving Your Life Every Day

    In become a better your: 7 Keys to improving  your life every day, Joel Osteen, America’s best-known pasror, will inspire and motivate you live with more joy, hope, nd peace. Joel will help you look deep inside yourself to become a better spouse and parent, a better boss or employee, a better community leader, a better friend, in short person! In a straghtforward, easy-to-understand style, he explains seven key biblical values; each of the seven keys has its own section, complete with a set of pratical action points. Become a better you will encourage you to reach your unique. God-given potential, and help you to enjoy envery day of your life, despite your circumstances. A you incorporate joel’s easy-to-grasp principales into your life, you will be pleasantly surprised at how much more God has in store for you, and how quikly you become a better you!

    12.000 CFA
  • Becoming A Personn Of Influence

    Looking to make a greater impact in your personal or professional life? Look no further than Maxwell and Dornan’s groundbreaking book, Becoming a Person of Influence. This powerful guidebook will help you unlock your full potential and become a true influencer in any area of your life.

    With practical advice and easy-to-follow tips, Maxwell and Dornan teach readers how to interact more positively with others and achieve unprecedented levels of success. Whether you’re a manager looking to inspire your employees, a parent seeking to connect with your children on a deeper level, a coach hoping to see your players blossom, or a salesperson aiming to break records, this book is the ultimate resource for anyone looking to make a real impact.

    Drawing on decades of experience in both the business and nonprofit worlds, Maxwell and Dornan share their unique insights and wisdom with readers, helping them to become the best possible version of themselves. Their advice is practical, actionable, and easy to apply to everyday life, making it the perfect resource for anyone looking to grow personally and professionally.

    So why wait? Order your copy of Becoming a Person of Influence today and start making a real difference in your life and the lives of those around you!

    21.350 CFA
  • Becoming Like Christ Or The Mystery Of Passover

    Are you longing for sermons that ignite a fire within, stirring your spirit and inspiring a deeper connection with God? Prepare to embark on a transformative journey that will reshape your relationship with the divine. Introducing the remarkable book, “Becoming Like Christ: The Mystery of Passover,” where timeless wisdom meets the profound teachings of Pastor Mohammed SANOGO.

    This extraordinary sermon has the power to shake your core, urging you to reevaluate every facet of your bond with God and propelling you towards your ultimate destiny. If your heart yearns to mirror the radiant likeness of Jesus, this captivating message is specially crafted for you.

    Do you find yourself entangled in persistent challenges, desperately seeking deliverance? Look no further – this sermon holds the key to your liberation. Discover the profound truths within these pages that will break the chains holding you back and set you on a path towards freedom.

    Are you ready to witness a miraculous transformation in every area of your life? This divine revelation has the potential to revolutionize your existence. Unlock the secrets embedded in the Mystery of Passover, and watch as your life is imbued with divine purpose and fulfillment.

    Do you thirst for a deeper connection with God, longing to drink from the well of His boundless love? Allow the teachings within this book to quench your spiritual longing and restore your soul. With each word, you will be drawn closer to the heart of God, enveloped in His grace and compassion.

    Do you aspire to become more like Christ, to walk in His footsteps and radiate His divine essence? This message is precisely what you’ve been yearning for. Through the profound insights shared by Pastor Mohammed SANOGO, you will learn the secrets to emulate Christ’s character, kindness, and unconditional love.

    “Becoming Like Christ: The Mystery of Passover” is not just a book; it is a transformative experience that will leave an indelible mark on your soul. Dare to embark on this extraordinary journey of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and divine empowerment. Your destiny awaits within these sacred pages.

    Don’t miss out on this life-altering opportunity! Order your copy of “Becoming Like Christ: The Mystery of Passover” today and witness the miraculous transformation that awaits you. Step into the fullness of God’s love and grace as you embrace your true calling to become like Christ.

    9.999 CFA
  • Becoming rich & wealthy

    Attention all seekers of financial prosperity and abundance! Are you tired of living a life of average and poverty? Are you ready to embrace the wealth that God has designed for all of us? If so, then “Becoming Rich and Wealthy” is the book for you!

    Written by the apostle of Greatness Mandate, this timely reading material is designed to impart wisdom for wealth creation. With his thundering voice, the author reminds us that wealth is not the exclusive preserve of a few. Rather, God has designed wealth and riches for all of us. All we need to do is to change our wealth-limiting mentality to a wealth-creating mentality.

    The wisdom contained within these pages will guide you on your path to financial prosperity with ease. You will learn God’s timeless secrets for engendering financial greatness and sustainable wealth. But it all starts with embracing the instructions and advice in this life-changing book.

    Don’t settle for a life of mediocrity and financial struggle. Embrace the abundance that God has in store for you. Order your copy of “Becoming Rich and Wealthy” today and take the first step on your journey towards a life of financial freedom and prosperity.


    Joe Jesimiel Ogbe

    3.000 CFA
  • Before you do

    Introducing Bishop T.D. Jakes’ newest book, Before You Do! As a bestselling author, trusted advisor, counsellor, and pastor, Jakes has turned his focus to cultivating relationships in the best way possible with the most important people in your life. Learn how to support and love your parents, children, spouse, and other loved ones in the most meaningful way possible.

    Before You Do is the ultimate guide for those who are about to take major steps in their lives, from proposing marriage to sending children off to school or putting elders into assisted living facilities. Jakes draws from his own experiences and lessons learned from his marriage and family life to encourage and inspire readers to give and receive the greatest love possible.

    Make sure you’re making the right decisions for you and your loved ones with the help of Before You Do. Order now and gain invaluable insights into how to build and maintain healthy relationships with the people who matter most.

    7.800 CFA
  • Beyond Good How Technology is Leading a Purpose-Driven Business

    Introducing Beyond Good – the book that every business leader needs to read! Written by top tech influencers Theodora Lau and Bradley Leimer, Beyond Good is a compelling call to arms for business leaders to recognize their potential in doing well by doing good. With global climate change and social inequalities on the rise, it’s time for corporations to step up and make a difference.

    Business for good is the philosophy that businesses can pursue profits while achieving sustainability and societal goals, and it’s already bringing about significant changes in the business world. Beyond Good delves into how fintech is leading the charge in this philosophy, and what we can all learn from it. The book features exclusive interviews with B-Corp world experts, policy makers, and executives, giving readers an insider’s look into how companies like Microsoft, Flourish Ventures, Ant Financial, Sunrise Bank, and Paypal are making a positive impact on the world.

    But Beyond Good is more than just a book about successful businesses; it’s a guide for businesses of all sizes to take actionable steps towards a better future. By unlocking the possibilities of new technologies and serving often overlooked demographics, businesses can make financial health and inclusion a reality for everyone.

    Join the movement towards a better world with Beyond Good. Read it today and discover how your business can do well by doing good!

    23.850 CFA
  • Biblical Principles of Dream Interpretation

    Throughout the scriptures, we have discovered some outstanding characters who remain symbols of excellence till date. The characters attained great feats and broke new ground after experiencing a life changing encounter with God. The author, with the pen of a ready-writer skilfully draws powerful principles from their experiences. These principles are laid bare for the modern day Christian to apply in their personal walk with God. This book will help you experience the divine presence which will move your life forward. You would receive spiritual vision. The way of divine encounter will take you to a realm where demons will see you and tremble and evil powers will be frightened stiff when they discover the transforming power of an encounter with God. The book will flag off a new passion for God in your life.

    7.500 CFA