Showing 61–80 of 4550 results

  • 23 Erreurs à éviter avant le mariage

    Le mariage est une institution divine. A ce titre, il ne peut débuter par une simple rencontre ou une simple relation sexuelle. Il faut le prendre très au sérieux car loin d’avoir pour premier but la procréation, c’est une affaires de destinée, de don de soi. Le mariage va au delà du sexe; c’est tout ce que l’on a qui est partagé. C’est pour cette raison que Dieu Dit, les deux deviendront une seule chair.

    Sans le savoir, certains ont vendu leur destinée à la suite d’une relation sexuelle ou d’une jouissance de quelques minutes. D’autres regrettent amèrement le choix qu’ils ont fait simplement parce qu’il n’ont pas eu la bonne information à temps. “Mon peuple est détruit parce qu’il lui manque la connaissance” Osée 4: 6.

    Ce livret aidera toute personne désireuse de fonder un foyer heureux et surtout de bien préparer son mariage.

    2.500 CFA
  • 23 Minutes en Enfer

    Bill Wiese a vu les flammes dévorantes de l’enfer, il a ressenti la plus profonde des solitudes, et fait l’expérience de l’odeur putride et nauséabonde, des cris assourdissants d’agonie, des démons terrifiants et enfin, de la main puissante de Dieu l’élevant pour le sortir de la fosse.

    “Dis-leur que je viens très, très bientôt”

    La visite de Bill dans l’antre du diable n’a duré que vingt-trois minutes, mais il en est revenu avec de vifs détails gravés dans sa mémoire. Depuis cette épreuve qui a bouleversé sa vie, il a passé ces 7 dernières années à étudier les Écritures pour y trouver les réponses et a recensé plus de 150 versets bibliques faisant référence à l’enfer.

    Tout le monde est curieux de connaître l’au-delà, c’est pourquoi Bill partage ici sa révélation et répond aux questions les plus fréquemment posées telles que:








    “Même si vous ne croyez pas Ii mon histoire, j’espère que vous croirez les Écritures et échapperez ainsi à l’enFer. “

    11.500 CFA
  • 25 Choses Stupides: que les filles ne devraient pas faire au nom de l’amour

    Dans la sagesse biblique, il est dit que pour conquérir le cœur d’un homme, il faut savoir comment s’y prendre, au risque de répéter à chaque fois la phrase : “Tous les hommes sont pareils.” Cependant, il est important de se rappeler que chaque individu est unique, créé à l’image de Dieu, et mérite d’être traité avec respect et dignité.

    C’est pourquoi nous vous présentons le livre “25 Choses Stupides que les Filles ne Devraient pas Faire au Nom de l’Amour”. Cet ouvrage est bien plus qu’un simple guide, il est un précieux conseiller qui vous aidera à éviter les pièges de l’amour et à construire des relations solides, basées sur des valeurs chrétiennes.

    En suivant les enseignements de ce livre, vous serez en mesure de prendre des décisions éclairées, de ne pas vous engager naïvement, et de préserver votre cœur des blessures. Vous découvrirez comment bâtir des fiançailles sur des fondations solides, afin de construire un mariage épanoui, en harmonie avec les principes bibliques.

    Laissez la sagesse de ce livre vous guider dans votre recherche de l’amour véritable, en vous aidant à comprendre que l’amour, lorsqu’il est fondé sur la foi et la compréhension, peut transcender les clichés et les généralisations. Ne laissez pas l’amour vous aveugler, mais laissez la sagesse biblique vous éclairer. Commandez votre exemplaire de “25 Choses Stupides que les Filles ne Devraient pas Faire au Nom de l’Amour” dès aujourd’hui et préparez-vous à vivre une relation de fiançailles saine et un mariage béni par Dieu.



    7.000 CFA
  • 25 Ways to Win with People: How to Make Others Feel Like a Million Bucks

    You’ve read John Maxwell’s best-selling Winning with People, and now you’re ready for some specific action steps to build on the knowledge you gained. 25 Ways to Win With People has just what you need! This complementary companion to the full-sized book is ideal for a quick refresher course on interpersonal relationships.

    A small sampling of the twenty-five specific actions readers can take to build positive, healthy relationships includes:

    • Complimenting People in Front of Others
    • Creating a Memory and Visiting It Often
    • Encouraging the Dreams of Others
    9.500 CFA

    26 prières sont regroupées dans ce recueil afin de prier l’Esprit saint, confesser la foi en Dieu, fils et Saint-Esprit, prier avec des cantiques et des psaumes, demander pardon et louer Dieu pour sa puissance et sa gloire.

    6.500 CFA
  • 3 Clefs d’Or pour la Guérison Divine

    Il arrive que les gens à qui vous parlez de la guérison miraculeuse que vous avez reçue de Dieu, vous disent, “C’est formidable !” mais dans leur tête ils pensent que ce n’est pas possible pour eux. Ne dites pas que la guérison est pour les autres et que pour vous “ça ne peut pas marcher”, car la guérison divine vous appartient! Changez votre façon de penser, ayez foi en Dieu et confessez cette parole de Jésus: “Tout et possible à celui qui crois!” (Marc 9:23)

    6.200 CFA
  • 3 Hommes et une couronne

    Le rideau se lève ; trois hommes entrent en scène. Quel rôle choisiront-ils ? Celui du roi Saül, l’oint de Dieu qui deviendra fou, et dont le pouvoir dévoilera les détours du cœur ? Celui de David, le berger au cœur brisé, que la souffrance conduira, malgré lui, vers la royauté ? Ou celui d’Absalom, le jeune rebelle noble et beau, désireux de réparer les injustices, mais secrètement assoiffé de pouvoir ? Mais chut ! L’histoire commence…
    « Cette histoire est un portrait ou, si vous préférez, une esquisse au fusain de la soumission et de l’autorité dans le Royaume de Dieu. » G.E.

    5.050 CFA
  • 30 Poverty Destroying Keys

    Poverty is plaguing the lives of many Christians because they are ignorant of how to overcome this enemy of mankind. Poverty has killed many people and has demoted a lot destinies in so many ways. The Author in this book gives the keys to resist this dangerous enemy. Also herein, he gives the conditions for God’s blessing. This book will promote your destiny. Don’t miss it.

    5.000 CFA
  • 30 Prophetic Arrows from Heaven

    In this era of increased spiritual hostilities, you need uncommon weapons of victory. The arrows of God’s deliverance are one mysterious weapon taht will always paralyze the emissaries of darkness and make evil diviners mad. Thirty Prophetic Arrows from Heaven is a systematic prophetic guide which can be used on daily basis to frustrate the agenda of wicked powers militating against your destiny. Each prophetic arrow has been divinely programmed to deal with specific problems.  You have in your hands an array of prophetic arrows that are spiritually empowered to make eaters of flesh and drinkers of blood to go into a mission of self destruction. These prophetic arrows will provoke fresh testimonies.

    5.000 CFA
  • 30 Quenchers of Marital Love

    Solomon talks of love as being a path of experience. It is as strong as death in his words. It is as unyielding as the grave and burning like a blazing fire, like a mighty flame. He concludes that true love, real love cannot be quenched by many waters, neither can rivers wash away its effect.

    We, however, all know one or two people whose relationships in life in the area of romance and marriage have not worked out. So truly, many waters may not be able to quench love, rivers may not be able to wash it away but there are certain things that have made themselves quenchers of marital love: money problems, jealousy, sexual problems and many more.

    The whole purpose of this book is to highlight these challenges and to look at biblical answers to the daily problems which married couples or singles intending to marry face. I have attempted at all levels to make the answers biblical as well as contemporary. However, the mind of the Lord in the word of God takes supremacy in the subject of marital love because God thought about marriage first. He initiated it and if it must work we must go back to the original thought and idea of God.

    7.950 CFA

    The word, TOP, is defined as the highest part or point of something. It is taken to be the most important position, most senior rank, or the person occupying it. The top is also seen as the best part or section of something. It is said to be the level of highest excellence. It is an enviable place; a place of shining.
    A person at the top is believed to do better than others or be greater than others in a given field of endeavour. He is the one at the head of a list or hierarchy. He is the most important, senior, successful, and respected. He is a quality person, but much more than that, he is the finest or best in quality – the most excellent.
    In this book, we will be looking at men like David, Joseph, Daniel, Nehemiah, Esther, etc. We will consider what it was that took them to the top. It is possible that when you hear these names, you quickly conclude that, “these were men or women of God.” But I will like you to know that each of them was as secular and civil as you are.

    6.825 CFA
  • 30 Things The Anointing Can Do For You

    30 Things Anointing Can Do For You: Unveiling the Transformative Power of Divine Anointing”

    In the realm of spiritual empowerment, “30 Things Anointing Can Do For You” stands as a unique and enlightening exploration of the profound subject of anointing. Anointing, often described as the burden-removing and yoke-breaking power of God, holds the key to supernatural functionality for both men and women. It is the divine catalyst that empowers individuals to operate beyond natural limitations, enabling them to accomplish feats that transcend the ordinary.

    Authored under the influence of this potent anointing, this book is a comprehensive guide that unpacks the manifold ways in which anointing can impact and transform your life. Rather than merely conceptualizing anointing as a theological abstraction, the author, operating under the anointing’s divine influence, presents a tangible and practical framework for understanding its capabilities.

    Anointing, when activated, becomes the driving force that propels individuals to perform supernatural feats. The book intricately details how anointing serves as the conduit through which divine power flows, imparting the ability to achieve extraordinary things beyond human comprehension. It transcends the mundane and ushers believers into a realm of limitless possibilities, fostering an environment where the supernatural becomes a natural occurrence.

    The thirty revelations within this book unveil the myriad dimensions of anointing, showcasing its multifaceted nature. From healing the sick to breaking strongholds, anointing emerges as a dynamic force with the capacity to bring about transformative change in various aspects of life. The author skillfully navigates through each revelation, providing insights that bridge the gap between theoretical understanding and practical application.

    This book is a must-read for those passionate about delving into the depths of the anointing and harnessing the power of the Holy Spirit. It is a resource that not only imparts knowledge but also serves as a guide for individuals seeking to activate and maximize the potential of anointing in their lives. Through the pages of this insightful work, readers are invited to embark on a journey that unveils the untapped reservoirs of anointing, encouraging them to embrace a life marked by divine empowerment, supernatural accomplishments, and an intimate connection with the Holy Spirit. Don’t miss the opportunity to delve into this transformative exploration of the profound impact that anointing can have on your spiritual journey.”

    4.500 CFA
  • 30 Things you should know about marriage

    You are about to embark on one of the greatest adventures of your life: marriage. Whether you are already married or are considering marriage, there are certain essential truths that you must know in order to build and maintain a strong and fulfilling relationship. And who better to guide you than the wisest king who ever lived?

    In his inspiring and enlightening book, “30 Things You Should Know About Marriage,” the author leads you to meditate on the biblical wisdom taken from Ecclesiastes 12:15-16. He reminds us that the fear of God is the common thread of marriage, the key to building a strong and lasting relationship.

    The author emphasizes that the fear of God must be at the center of any successful marriage. It guides the actions and decisions of the spouses, encouraging them to live according to divine principles rather than to conform to the demands of society or men. For God will one day bring the works of every man into judgment, whether they are good or bad.

    The author warns of the danger of losing the fear of God in a marriage, as it can lead to selfish, irresponsible, and destructive behaviors. He emphasizes the importance of fearing God in every aspect of the marital relationship, seeking His will, and submitting to His commandments.

    “30 Things You Need to Know About Marriage” is an inspiring book that encourages you to put God at the center of your marriage relationship. It offers practical advice based on biblical wisdom to build and maintain a strong, fulfilling, and blessed marriage. So, fear God, follow His ways, and may your marriage be filled with His grace and blessing.

    Victor Charles OKAFOR

    Read the free extract from the book “30 Things you should know about marriage”.

    8.000 CFA
  • 31 Pillars of Divine Favour

    When you have favour at work, your promotion is not determined by the regular levels. It is meteoric, not methodical. It is miraculous and beyond man’s imagination. When favour goes to the market place with you, it causes you to get things lesser than everyone is paying. Everyone wants to bless you because of favour upon you. When favour takes a journey with you, you can get the seat you did not pay for, whether it is in a train, a coach or a plane. You will practically enjoy a cloud of glory when favour marks you out. In this book I want to set out for you 31 pillars of divine favour. Each pillar is a clear indication of what can happen to a man or woman, a church, a family, an employee or an employer company that comes under the family of God’s favour.

    8.050 CFA
  • 31 Reasons People Don’t Receive Their Financial Harvest

    31 Reasons People Don’t Receive Their Financial Harvest” – The Most Effective Financial Handbook You Will Ever Own!

    Do You Long To See The Rewards of Seeds Planted In Your Past? Are you tired of the same old life… the same old routine… and ready for a change? If you desire to break free from financial limitations and unlock the abundant blessings that await you, then this book is your key to a prosperous future!

    In “31 Reasons People Don’t Receive Their Financial Harvest,” you will embark on a transformative journey, guided by ancient wisdom found within the pages of the Bible. Discover the profound insights that will empower you to recognize the Enemies of Prosperity that have been hindering your financial breakthrough.

    Unveil the secrets of sowing a seed that yields amazing results. Gain the knowledge and understanding of how to strategically plant your seeds to unlock a bountiful harvest in your life. Learn the principles that have stood the test of time, proven to transform lack into abundance and scarcity into overflow.

    This book is not just an ordinary read; it is an investment into your future. Every page is infused with practical wisdom and actionable steps that will help you escape the depression of Egypt and step into the Canaan of financial blessings that you have been promised.

    Why wait any longer to experience the financial freedom and prosperity that you deserve? Order “31 Reasons People Don’t Receive Their Financial Harvest” today and embark on a journey that will forever change your financial trajectory. With this invaluable handbook in your possession, you will possess the tools and knowledge to unlock a lifetime of abundance and prosperity.

    Don’t let another day pass you by without taking control of your financial destiny. Order your copy now and witness the transformation that awaits you. The time for change is now!


    Mike Murdock

    11.999 CFA
  • 31 Secrets pour le succès dans votre carrière

    Vos rêves ont traîné trop longtemps. Dieu précise que votre plus grand potentiel se trouve dans vôtre profession. Il est donc temps de gravir l’échelle du succès dans vôtre entreprise, vie et ministère. Dans ce puissant enseignement,  Dr. Mike Murdock révèle les faits, clefs et récompenses du succès dans la carrière. Voici quelques uns des secrets que vous devez savoir:

    • 10 choses à ne pas oublier en traitant avec les autres
    • 10 erreurs potentielles créées par la fatigue
    • 07 Faits à ne pas oublier dans toute conversation
    • 08 faits importants que vous devez savoir à propos de …
    12.000 CFA
  • 31 Secrets to A Successful Marriage

    Marriage has been called the “great institution” but modern man has made it look like the “great mistake”. We live at a time when marriage the great expectation of all humanity now results in the unexpected. When you look at the statistics of marriage, in the United Kingdom for example, the statistics are grim. One in three homes is led by a single parent. We did not have such a picture when God first instituted marriage. Divorce has risen by more than sixty-eight percent since the Sixties. Every year, Seventy thousand separations take place in the United Kingdom alone the highest rate being amongst those who are living together. Eighteen thousand teenagers get pregnant every year. To complicate matters, television, radio,newspaper, magazines, in fact, all aspects of the media now affect the moral fabric of society. It belittles the institution of marriage, berates the church, exalts infidelity and promotes the “living together thing”, making a mockery of virginity. Is Successful marriage possible? Can marriage really be healthy? – The answer will be an absolute YES. Firstly based on Scripture, Secondly based on principles derived from it and thirdly because we are surrounded by cloud of witnesses of those who are making a success out of their marriage despite the grim statistics. With the thirty one secrets shared in this book, you will be challenged to build a victorious and successful marriage.

    8.050 CFA
  • 31 Success from the life of Joseph: A devotional Study

    “31 Success Secrets from the life of Joseph’’ is a masterpiece sent to revolutionize your life. It’s amazing to see Joseph experience what I call “Complete Success’’. He lived a fulfilled life in spite of the many challenges he had to go through.

    We have so much to learn from him. This master piece has been designed in such a way that creates easy assimilation. This is a book that you will need to read and read again. We have gleaned many uncommon life principles from the life of Joseph and I believe as you digest and put to practice the good things learnt, you are on your way to the top. You will succed !

    Yemi Davids

    14.500 CFA
  • 310 Prières prophétiques pour une liberté totale

    Ce livre est spécialement conçu pour donner l’assistance longtemps attendue pour la découverte de la vérité.  Jacques 4: 3 dit:  Vous demandez, et vous ne recevez pas, parce que vous demandez mal… Beaucoup de problèmes trouvent leur racine dans la sorcellerie, les autels, les alliances ou liens ancestraux et bien d’autres sources. Les réseaux sataniques ravagent notre société par leurs agents qui sont présents dans toutes les maisons et familles.

    Nous savons que vous souffrez et que vous êtes dans la confusion. La sorcellerie a fait plier peut être votre vie  et votre destin sous le poids de l’échec, du retard, de la maladie, des tourments et beaucoup d’autres expériences étranges. Il est encore temps pour vous de vous réveiller, de sortir et d’expérimenter une liberté totale. Soyez prêt à faire votre propre délivrance à travers ces prières prophétiques!

    4.200 CFA
  • 33 Lois Irrévocables de la Création des Richesses

    L’intention de ce livre n’est pas de vous enthousiasmer mais de vous montrer pourquoi nous devons appliquer ces lois afin de créer des richesses. C’est la volonté de Dieu de bénir les hommes et de leur donner la capacité de créer des richesses pour Le servir, profiter pleinement de leur propre vie, aider leur famille et impacter leur génération. Cependant aujourd’hui, un esprit religieux a perverti la Parole de Dieu en assimilant toute tentative de créer des richesses à de la convoitise. Le diable s’en réjouit puisque cela diminue le potentiel de l’église. Dans un monde gouverné par l’argent, l’église est incapable d’évangéliser efficacement.

    Dans cet ouvrage visionnaire et percutant, Matthew Ashimolowo met en lumière plus de trente lois de la création des richesses et définit les étapes que chaque croyant doit franchir à titre personnel pour créer de la richesse et devenir une bénédiction pour sa génération.

    8.625 CFA