Showing 4481–4500 of 4501 results

  • Your Destiny and Your Prosperity

    Destiny has been described as what God has in mind before creating man; man’s purpose here on earth. The desire of God for everyone is to prosper in ail ramifications. However, there are many satanic forces assigned not to make that happen.

    The devil has devised so many ways by which to make man fall short of God’s original plan and purpose for him (Laziness, ignorance, financial dullness, profit less hard work etc.)

    It is, therefore, the duty of every man to discover what he needs to do to secure his destiny and prosper with in life.

    In this new book, find out all it takes to make your destiny prosperous according to God’s original design for your life.

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

  • Your first step to freedom : Beginning The Journey To Finding Freedom From A Life-Controlling Problem

    Introducing the ultimate guide to helping someone struggling with addiction – a must-read book for anyone who wants to make a difference in the lives of their loved ones. Written by the renowned Don Wilkerson, this instructional and informative book is packed with over 50 years of experience and divine wisdom.

    Whether you are a church leader, youth minister, family member, or friend of someone struggling with addiction, this book is tailored to meet your needs. It offers practical and useful guidance on how to take the first step towards freedom, minister to families of addicts, intervene for loved ones, avoid relapses, and much more.

    Don Wilkerson understands the challenges that come with helping those suffering from addiction, and he wrote this book to offer you the right tools to support your loved ones in their recovery journey. His expertise and divine wisdom will guide you every step of the way, from denial to decision and beyond.

    With this book, you will learn how to identify the signs of addiction, intervene at the right time, and provide the necessary support for a successful recovery. This is not just any book, but a divine guide to changing lives and making a difference in your community.

    Get your copy today and make a positive impact on someone’s life. It’s time to help someone take the first step towards freedom and break free from addiction.

  • Your Foundation and your Destiny

    Your destiny is the purpose of God for your life and the reason why you were created. However, like Jabez many have been born on the platform of evil foundations. The problem of evil background and ancestral stronghold has not been adequately presented to the modern man. The conclusion is that many would not fulfil their destinies until they clear away the evil foundation prepared for them by the enemy. The enemy is any power, spirit or force that does not want the will of God to be fulfilled in your life. This book will teach you how to deal with evil foundations and move your life forward to the glory of God.

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

  • Your Light Has Come

    “Your Light Has Come” is a powerful and inspiring book that illuminates the path to personal transformation and spiritual awakening. In a world filled with darkness and uncertainty, this book serves as a guiding light, offering hope, encouragement, and practical wisdom to help you embrace your true identity and purpose.

    Drawing upon timeless spiritual principles and profound insights, this book takes you on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment. It reveals that within you lies a divine spark, a radiant light that can dispel any darkness and illuminate your path to greatness. Through captivating stories, enlightening teachings, and practical exercises, you will uncover the power within you to overcome challenges, manifest your dreams, and live a life of purpose and fulfillment.

    “Your Light Has Come” invites you to embrace your unique gifts and talents, unleash your inner potential, and radiate love, compassion, and joy into the world. It explores topics such as self-love, forgiveness, spiritual growth, and conscious living, providing invaluable tools and guidance to help you navigate life’s journey with grace and authenticity.

    Whether you are seeking personal growth, spiritual awakening, or a deeper connection with your divine essence, this book serves as a beacon of light, reminding you that your light has come and urging you to shine brightly for all to see. Prepare to embark on a transformative adventure that will illuminate your path and empower you to live a life of purpose, passion, and profound meaning.


  • Your Ministry and Your Ancestry


    The battles of life are common to all and sundry, therefore the fact that you are a minister does not erase your ancestral roots. To this end, many pastors, ministers and church leaders are ignorant of the impact ancestral factors have on the lives of men and women of Cod. A lot of ministers who have failed in the ministry could not really understand the reason(s) behind their failures. Some are even blinded to the fact that they have battles to fight. These battles are deeply entrenched in the foundations of many ministers of the gospel and if something is not done urgently, many more will die miserably without fulfillingtheir destinies. While the battles and challenges faced by those who are not ministers are ordinary, the battles faced by ministers are complicated and advanced in nature. This book exposes you to those battles, how to tackle them and it explains what you need to do to deal with them and be permanently free from them. Be blessed on this journey of discovery and recovery.

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

  • Your Mouth and Your Deliverance

    Words have creative power
    Words have tearing down power
    Words have undying power
    Words have healing power
    Words can work wonders
    Words can work blunders
    This is a book of powerful confessions to bring unchangeable victory and breakthroughs.

    Guaranteed. This book must change your life.

    Address all negative situations working against you and command them to bow.

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

  • Your Mouth and Your Warfare

    Your Mouth and your Warfare addresses one of the greatest weapons of spiritual warfare.. This power-packed book reveals the potency of the mouth as an agent of spiritual warfare. It emphasizes the fact that your mouth will either lead you to victory or defeat. Rather than allow this weapon to lie dormant, the revelations in the book draw the reader to a point of discovery which will make the devil to cringe in fear.

    The power of spoken words is brought to the fore. The importance of tackling the enemy through the power of the words that are anointed by the Holy Spirit is emphasized. Combing the scriptures, the author has researched into hidden secrets of unchallengeable victory. This book will empower you spiritually and make you an overcomer. It will make your battles and warfare to end in the realm of uncommon victory.

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA

  • Your Past Your Present & Your Future

    God has a purpose for bring us into this world and He expects us to accomplish that purpose. However, some are so embedded in past failures that they are unable to make progress. The future can be mortgaged when the present has been jeopardized as a result of liabilities from the past. This book teaches how to deal with the past and navigate through the present into a glorious ‘ futute.

    Dr. Daniel OLUKOYA


    Introducing “YOUR REDEMPTIVE RIGHTS” – A Book Every Believer Must Read!

    Embark on a transformative journey of faith and empowerment with “YOUR REDEMPTIVE RIGHTS,” a profound literary masterpiece that draws its wisdom from the timeless teachings of the Bible.

    Our Christian journey commences with the knowledge of our divine rights, for as believers, we are not called to passively accept every challenge that life presents. We are redeemed to stand firm, to declare our rights, and to walk boldly in the path that God has set before us.

    This wonder-packed book is a must-read for every believer seeking to unlock the fullness of their faith. Prepare to witness a life-altering transformation that will propel you forward, leaving your past behind forever. Within its pages, you’ll uncover hidden secrets and profound revelations that are found nowhere else.

    Accessing these revelations requires a deep, intimate relationship with God and His Holy Spirit – the keys to unlocking the treasures within “YOUR REDEMPTIVE RIGHTS.”

    As you delve into the pages of this extraordinary book, prepare for a spiritual surgery that will renew your mind and set you on a course of divine purpose. Your life will never be the same again.

    “YOUR REDEMPTIVE RIGHTS” – Your path to spiritual empowerment and a life filled with purpose. Embrace your destiny and seize your divine rights today!


    Kingsley O. NWANKPA

  • Your Rights In Christ

    By virtue of the redeeming work of Christ, we have been declared free and at liberty to choose the way to live. This freedom in Christ empowers us with legal rights to dictate the course of our lives. Join Pastor Chris as he guides your thoughts into the reality of God’s plan for excellence in your life

    Chris Oyakhilome Dsc. DD.

  • Your Road Map For Success

    You Can Get There from Here

    Defining success is a difficult task. Most people equate it with wealth, power, and happiness. However, true success is not a thing you acquire or achieve. Rather, it is a journey you take your whole life long.
    In a refreshingly straightforward style, John Maxwell shares unique insights into what it means to be successful. And he reveals a definition that puts genuine success within your reach yet motivates you to keep striving for your dreams.
    I want to help you discover your personal road map for success, teach you what it means to be on the success journey, answer many of your questions, and equip you with what you’ll need to change yourself and keep growing.

  • Youth Focus Weekly Bible Study Guide, volume one.

    Attention Christian youth! Are you looking to strengthen your faith and walk with God? Do you want to be equipped and empowered with the word of God to face the storms of life? Look no further than YOUTH FOCUS!

    Designed to be user-friendly, YOUTH FOCUS is the perfect discipleship manual for young believers. Through constant use and application of the subjects, you will see transformation in your life and spiritual growth in Christ.

    Whether you’re part of a youth fellowship, teen group, or just seeking true knowledge and growth in Christ, YOUTH FOCUS is the integral guide you need. Our firm conviction is that this guide will raise a generation of young people who will be an example to all believers in every aspect of life.

    Don’t let the storms and cares of life sweep you away. Get equipped and empowered with YOUTH FOCUS today!

  • Zacharie, Le prophète de l’espérance

    Plongez dans les profondeurs enchanteresses du livre captivant, “Zacharie, Le prophète de l’espérance”. Dans un monde frénétique en quête de sens et de lumière, ce trésor biblique vous offre un voyage exaltant vers l’essence même de l’espérance.

    Zacharie, le “prophète de l’espérance”, transcende les époques pour illuminer nos vies de sa vision éclairée. Au cœur de cet ouvrage, chaque mot est une pierre précieuse, minutieusement taillée pour guider l’étudiant sérieux de la Bible vers une compréhension profonde et éclairante. Laissez-vous envoûter par les révélations divinement inspirées qui ont souvent été négligées, et découvrez la puissance d’un message intemporel qui résonne avec une force nouvelle.

    L’auteur, avec une expertise inégalée, se concentre exclusivement sur le thème central de l’espérance qui coule tel un fleuve imperturbable à travers chaque verset prophétique. Dans cette quête, nous sommes guidés au-delà des subtilités académiques, au-delà des nuances de style, vers une compréhension plus profonde et pratique de l’essence même de l’espérance. Les métaphores anciennes prennent vie, éclairant notre propre voyage de foi dans un monde en perpétuelle transformation.

    Ce livre est bien plus qu’une simple étude biblique ; il est une source de réconfort et de courage pour ceux qui se trouvent aux prises avec l’incertitude et les défis de la vie moderne. “Zacharie, Le prophète de l’espérance” vous invite à traverser les siècles pour saisir l’héritage spirituel du prophète, un héritage qui continue d’insuffler de l’espoir dans les cœurs assoiffés de vérité et de direction.

    Rejoignez-nous dans cette aventure captivante, alors que nous explorons les pages de ce livre exceptionnel, pour découvrir que l’espérance transcende le temps et l’espace, et résonne puissamment dans nos vies aujourd’hui. Plongez dans l’essence même de l’espérance avec “Zacharie, Le prophète de l’espérance”. Votre avenir spirituel ne sera plus jamais le même.


    Frederick Brotherton Meyer

  • Zachée rencontre Jésus

    Découvrez le livre captivant qui va éclairer votre esprit et toucher votre cœur : “Zachée rencontre Jésus”. Inspiré par la sagesse biblique, ce récit puissant vous emmène dans un voyage extraordinaire de transformation et de rédemption.

    La série “Le merveilleux charpentier” présente des histoires bibliques magnifiquement illustrées en couleur, et cette fois-ci, nous suivons les aventures d’Elie, un jeune garçon de onze ans qui travaille pour un collecteur d’impôts avide d’argent, prénommé Zachée. Elie a déjà entendu Jésus enseigner et connaît la bonté et la douceur qui émanent de lui. Alors imaginez son excitation lorsqu’il apprend que Jésus est en route pour Jéricho, sa ville natale !

    Mais ce qui est encore plus surprenant, c’est lorsque Zachée, le maître d’Elie, décide d’aller à la rencontre de Jésus et qu’il offre sa propre maison pour l’héberger. Qui aurait cru que cet homme, connu pour son avidité et sa tromperie, serait touché par l’amour inconditionnel de Jésus ? C’est là que le miracle se produit, sous les yeux d’Elie et de tous ceux qui sont témoins de cette incroyable rencontre.

    L’amour manifesté par Jésus transforme le cœur de Zachée au point qu’il est prêt à tout abandonner pour réparer ses erreurs. Il rend l’argent aux personnes qu’il avait trompées, faisant preuve d’une générosité et d’une repentance sincères. Le miracle d’un charpentier se manifeste une fois de plus, effaçant le passé et offrant une chance de tout recommencer.

    Dans “Zachée rencontre Jésus”, vous découvrirez comment la miséricorde divine peut toucher les vies les plus corrompues et les transformer complètement. Ce livre est une source d’inspiration et d’espoir, rappelant à chacun d’entre nous qu’il n’est jamais trop tard pour changer et trouver la rédemption.

    Plongez dans ce récit captivant, laissez-vous emporter par l’histoire d’Elie et de Zachée, et découvrez le pouvoir transformateur de l’amour divin. “Zachée rencontre Jésus” vous ouvrira les yeux sur les miracles qui peuvent se produire lorsque nous choisissons de suivre le chemin de la foi et de la grâce.

    Ne manquez pas cette occasion unique de vivre une expérience inspirante. Commandez dès maintenant “Zachée rencontre Jésus” et laissez cette histoire toucher votre âme et éclairer votre chemin vers une vie de véritable amour et de rédemption.

  • Zeal without Burnout .

    Many people engaged in Christian ministry (paid or unpaid) find themselves forced to take a step back. They have not lost their love for Christ, nor their desire to serve him. But for some reason they are exhausted and just can’t go on.

    Christopher Ash knows this experience all too well. As the pastor of a growing church and then in his role of training people for the ministry, he found himself on the verge of burnout many times, and pastored many young ministers who were in end of the roll.

    His wisdom has been distilled into this short, accessible book, in which he reveals an overlooked biblical truth and seven keys to it. These practical, biblical tips will help enthusiastic Christians develop the mindset and lifestyle necessary to protect themselves from burnout and serve Jesus long-term in a sustainable way.

    Who is this book addressed to?
    Here is Christopher’s response in the introduction:
    “I write for all zealous followers of Jesus. Perhaps most especially for pastors and Christian leaders ~ for those charged with pastoral oversight under God. Some of us are privileged to be freed from other jobs to dedicate to this work; others combine pastoral leadership with “normal” secular work. But I also write for the many enthusiastic Christian men and women who, in addition to “normal” life ~ busy, parenting, and so on ~ work sacrificially to serve in their local churches.”

  • ZeBible

    Découvrez dès aujourd’hui “ZeBible”, une œuvre extraordinaire qui vous plongera au cœur de la sagesse biblique. Cette édition unique, comprenant 2320 pages imprimées en deux couleurs, vous offre une expérience de lecture exceptionnelle du texte de la Bible en français courant. Mais ce n’est pas tout !

    “ZeBible” va bien au-delà d’une simple traduction, car elle englobe les livres deutérocanoniques entre l’Ancien et le Nouveau Testament, offrant ainsi une vision complète et éclairée des écrits sacrés. Chaque livre est accompagné d’une introduction qui vous guidera dans sa compréhension, vous aidant à approfondir votre connaissance de la Parole divine.

    Grâce à ses 3400 notices et ses 71 portraits de personnages, “ZeBible” donne vie aux figures bibliques, vous permettant de vous connecter de manière personnelle à leurs histoires inspirantes. Vous serez fasciné par l’enrichissement spirituel que cette Bible unique apporte à votre lecture.

    Mais ce n’est pas tout ! Avec plus de 160 pages hors texte, “ZeBible” vous ouvre les portes du monde biblique. Des introductions captivantes, des programmes et méthodes de lecture, des parcours thématiques, des répertoires, du vocabulaire, des chronologies et des cartes vous accompagnent dans votre quête de compréhension.

    Cette aventure interconfessionnelle sans équivalent, rassemblant douze partenaires et une centaine de rédacteurs de tous horizons, a donné naissance à “ZeBible”. Soutenu par le Conseil d’Églises chrétiennes en France (CECEF), ce livre est un témoignage de l’unité et de la diversité de la foi chrétienne.

    Ouvrez les pages de “ZeBible” et laissez-vous emporter dans une expérience de lecture inégalée. Quelle que soit votre confession, cette Bible unique vous guidera sur le chemin de la découverte et de l’inspiration. Ne manquez pas cette occasion de vous immerger dans la sagesse intemporelle des Saintes Écritures avec “ZeBible”

  • ZÉLÉS POUR DIEU Un appel à être des sacrifices vivants

    L’idée de sacrifice n’est pas forcément très plaisante à première vue. Si nous sommes souvent prompts à suivre Jésus, son appel à « prendre notre croix » a plutôt tendance à nous faire marquer un temps d’arrêt. Que signifie alors cette exhortation intemporelle de l’apôtre Paul à être un sacrifice vivant, et comment la vivre ?
    En prenant exemple sur son parcours et sur celui de nombreux chrétiens qui l’ont précédé, Simon Guillebaud répond à cette question au travers d’un court ouvrage, accessible et percutant. Il nous invite à ne pas chercher le confort d’une vie sans épreuve mais à nous placer à l’écoute de Dieu et à faire sa volonté, quoiqu’il nous en coûte. Un appel à être zélé pour Dieu !

  • Zoe : The God-King of life

    Discover the power of zoe, the God-kind of life, with Kenneth E. Hagin’s classic book, “Zoe: The God-Kind of Life.” Through this divine wisdom, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of who you are in Christ and how receiving zoe into your spirit can transform your entire being.

    Experience the abundance that comes with walking in the light of the God-kind of life. As Hagin explains in this powerful book, zoe has the power to impact not only your spirit, but also your soul and body. You’ll learn how to live to the fullest and become a prime candidate for a life of joy, peace, and prosperity.

    Don’t miss out on this life-changing message. Order your copy of “Zoe: The God-Kind of Life” today and start experiencing the power of zoe in your life.

  • Zoé Cherche Un Refuge

    Ce livre magnifiquement illustré invite les enfants à ne pas oublier, lorsqu’ils ont peur, que le Seigneur est avec eux et à leur écoute. Zoé, une petite souris craintive, s’inquiète à la perspective de sa prochaine sortie scolaire. En parlant avec ses parents, elle apprend qu’elle peut demander l’aide de Dieu. Son papa lui donne un verset tiré du Grand Livre à lire quand elle aura peur. Et elle découvre qu’en faisant part de ses angoisses à Dieu, il la réconforte.

    L’enfant trouvera dans la page de versets à découper un outil pratique pour se souvenir des paroles réconfortantes que Dieu nous adresse pour les moments d’inquiétude ou d’angoisse. Quant aux parents, ils trouveront de bons conseils pour mener une démarche d’apaisement et de réconfort auprès de leurs enfants et dialoguer avec eux à propos de leurs sentiments.

  • Zoe: The God Kind of Life

    This important classic explains who the believer is in Christ and what really happens when a person receives God’s Spirit in his life.
