Showing 21–40 of 79 results

  • Exploring The Riches Of Redemption

    Understanding your redemptive rights and privileges is the master key to freedoom and life of fulfillment, says Dr. David Oyedepo.

    This book is therefore written to make you see the benefits loaded in your redemption. According to Dr.. David Oyedepo, your salvation is not just an escape route to heaven. On the contrary, an in depth understanding of your new status in Christ is required to reflect the heavenly life here one earth.

    In this book, you will discover that:
    – You are not born again to suffer again; you are born again to reign again.
    – Redemption is comprehensive insurance for a life of dignity.
    – Through Christ you can once again live supernaturally on the earth.

    The world is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God that is, those who through an understanding of their divine heritage in Christ can operate like God on earth. That’s you! So, grab this book and enjoy your riches in redemption!


    8.498,63 CFA
  • Exploring the Secrets of Success

    This book by Dr. David OYEDEPO is full of secrets – the secrets of success. Success is your birthright if you are born again. True! But you need to discover the secrets that will make it happen. A secret from heaven is better than a lifetime of struggle. This book gives you the tried and true scriptural secrets that will lead you to the high places in life! It teaches you the keys to use and the triggers to pull to achieve unprecedented success in all areas of life.

    It is with great satisfaction that I share with you this summary chronicle of this book which is, in my opinion, a great classic on success. It is the academy of success!


    8.498,63 CFA
  • God creative force

    This book explores the concept of the creative force of God, as described in the Bible. It seeks to help readers understand the power that God has given them to create the life they desire, and how they can tap into this power to live a life of abundance.

    Drawing on biblical principles and teachings, the book demonstrates how God’s creative force works in the world and in our lives. It explains how we can use this power to bring our dreams and desires to fruition, and how we can use it to overcome obstacles and challenges.

    The book also provides practical guidance and tips on how to harness God’s creative force in our lives, including the importance of having a positive mindset, developing a strong relationship with God, and living in alignment with His will.

    Whether you are seeking to improve your relationships, grow in your career, or find greater purpose and meaning in life, “God’s Creative Force” will help you tap into the power of the Bible to achieve your goals and live a life of abundance and fulfillment.

    7.498,79 CFA
  • He That Hath, To Him Shall Be Given: And He That Hath Not, From Him Shall Be Taken Even That Which He Hath

    Jesus Christ reveals the shocking principle that governs prosperity and wealth. He that hath shall have more! How unfair it sounds! And yet, that is the reality that is played out in front of us every day.
    This book seeks to explain this little understood Scripture. You will receive great insights into the mysteries of prosperity as you study this new book by Dag Heward-Mills.

    Dag Heward-Mills.

    7.998,71 CFA
  • Healing Scriptures

    Are you passing through challenging health issues that have defied medical science? Are you passing through the valley of the shadow of death?

    Relax, for it’s not yet over with you. No sickness is strong enough to negate what God has spoken concerning you and your family.

    You hold in your hand, a life-transforming and anointed compilation of healing scriptures!

    In this book, Pastor (Mrs.) Faith Oyedepo says: “Recently, I passed through the valley of the shadow of death… But God’s Word, the scriptures, quickened my physical body. Today, I am alive and well, declaring the everlasting gospel with undeniable proofs.” What a testimony!

    This new book is simply irresistible!!


    6.998,87 CFA
  • Holy Spirit Revivals

    Step into the realm of extraordinary spiritual awakenings with “Holy Spirit Revivals.” In this captivating book, Charles Finney, a renowned minister, shares firsthand accounts of some of the most remarkable revivals ever witnessed in the United States and England.

    Discover the secrets that led to mass conversions of lost souls during Finney’s powerful meetings across upstate New York, as well as in Boston, Philadelphia, and London. With unwavering courage, Finney fearlessly confronted the issue of sin, challenging listeners to embrace repentance and turn to God.

    Delve into the profound impact of Finney’s dedication to prayer, his deep understanding of Scripture, and his radical reliance on the power of the Holy Spirit. His life and ministry serve as an inspiring template for believers seeking a genuine revival of faith today.

    Within the pages of this treasured account, you will find invaluable insights and timeless wisdom from one of the greatest Christian preachers in history. “Holy Spirit Revivals” is an exceptional resource for anyone longing to witness a revival of faith within the Church and experience the transformative power of God in their own lives.

    Open your heart to the divine possibilities and embark on a journey of spiritual renewal. This book will equip and inspire you to cultivate a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit, unleashing His power and presence in every aspect of your life.

    Don’t miss out on this opportunity to ignite a revival of faith within your own soul and impact those around you. Order your copy of “Holy Spirit Revivals” today and be prepared to witness the extraordinary work of God in and through you. Let His power transform your life and usher in a new era of spiritual awakening.


    Charles Finney

    10.997,23 CFA
  • Holy Spirit Your Helper

    Life without the Holy Spirit is an adventure in futility and will only result in unending frustration. Have you encountered the Comforter sent to make life on earth comfortable for you? You have undoubtedly met Him in your Christian journey; you must have witnessed His glorious manifestations on various platforms. But, Pastor (Mrs.) Faith Oyedepo introduces you to the Holy Spirit you may not know. In an all-embracing analysis, she presents to the believer, Life’s Safest Partner, whose job is to give real value to redemption and rescue the Christian faith from being a mere religious frustration, by giving the believer more to life for. This book is written to position you for an encounter with the Helper; gifted to Christians to make living an enjoyable adventure, give you power to live in this embattled world, equip you for victory in the battles of life, guide you into profitable living and ultimately get you into life fulfilment. Holy Spirit: Your Helper is not just another story of the possible after-effects of the Pentecost; it is a vivid exposition of the abundant provision in the Holy Spirit designed to help you make the most of your destiny, while also impacting your world.


    8.498,63 CFA
  • Kicking Sacred Cows

    Introducing “Kicking Over Sacred Cows,” a powerful book that offers a fresh perspective on the Word of God. Written with divine wisdom, this book reveals the truth about sacred cow beliefs that can hold you back from experiencing the fullness of God’s blessings.

    Are you tired of feeling stuck in your spiritual journey? Do you feel like you’re not making progress, despite your best efforts? If so, it’s time to kick over those sacred cows and embrace the truth that sets you free!

    In this insightful book, you’ll discover the secrets to rightly dividing God’s Word, and gain a new understanding of how to apply it in your life. With refreshing clarity and balance, you’ll learn how to break free from the bondage of outdated beliefs, and experience the abundant life that God has promised.

    Don’t miss out on this life-changing opportunity to experience the freedom that comes from kicking over sacred cows. Order your copy of “Kicking Over Sacred Cows” today, and start living the life of abundance that God has planned for you!


    Charles Capps

    6.748,91 CFA
  • La Délivrance de la Tête

    Plongez dans les pages de cette œuvre prouvée par les expérience du Pasteur Dr D.K. OLUKOYA et explorez les profondeurs du combat spirituel, en vous libérant des forces obscures qui s’attaquent à votre esprit.

    Dans “La Délivrance de la Tête”, vous découvrirez les vérités cachées derrière des pratiques sinistres telles que la manipulation maléfique à travers les coupes de cheveux, la consommation de cheveux coupés, les crèmes démoniaques et les incisions sur la tête. L’auteur explore également le tabou souvent négligé de la coupe des cheveux des morts, révélant l’impact spirituel profond que cela peut avoir sur votre vie.

    Ce livre unique en son genre propose une approche basée sur la sagesse biblique pour vous aider à comprendre les mécanismes de l’oppression spirituelle et à trouver la délivrance pour les têtes malades. L’auteur partage des histoires inspirantes, des enseignements puissants et des conseils pratiques pour vous aider à rompre les chaînes de l’emprise démoniaque et à restaurer votre esprit.

    Au fil des chapitres captivants, vous apprendrez à identifier les signes de l’oppression spirituelle et à vous armer avec les vérités bibliques qui vous permettront de résister à l’influence néfaste. Vous découvrirez comment vous libérer de l’emprise des forces obscures qui cherchent à vous affaiblir, et comment reconstruire votre vie sur des fondations solides de foi, d’espoir et de liberté.

    Que vous soyez confronté à des défis spirituels, émotionnels ou mentaux, “La Délivrance de la Tête” vous apportera une lumière d’espoir et un chemin vers une nouvelle réalité. Ne laissez plus les forces ténébreuses entraver votre croissance personnelle et votre épanouissement spirituel. Ouvrez les pages de ce livre, et laissez la sagesse biblique vous guider vers une vie de délivrance, de clarté et de victoire.

    Plongez dans “La Délivrance de la Tête” aujourd’hui et commencez votre voyage vers une transformation profonde et durable. Libérez votre esprit, retrouvez votre pouvoir et embrassez une vie de liberté totale.

    4.149,33 CFA
  • Life Overflowing

    The spiritual walk of the believer

    Introducing “Life Overflowing” – a groundbreaking book that will revolutionize your understanding of your purpose and destiny. Drawing upon the timeless wisdom of the Bible, this powerful guide reveals the transformative impact of living a life aligned with God’s divine plan.

    In today’s world, the Church represents Jesus Christ to humanity. As His children, we are called to embody His love and light in the earth. But what exactly is our responsibility as individuals in fulfilling God’s purpose for our lives? The apostle Paul directs our attention to this vital question in the opening verse of Ephesians chapter four:

    “As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” (Ephesians 4:1, NIV)

    While countless books flood the market, offering strategies for personal achievement and success, they often emphasize self-reliance and personal ambition. However, the believer’s journey is different. We are called to walk out God’s plan for our lives.

    In “Life Overflowing,” you will discover the divine mandate given to the Church—the mandate to step into the promises of God and claim the abundant life He has prepared for us. Refusing to move forward, remaining stagnant in sin, delaying our growth, or denying our true identity leads to spiritual death. That is not the path God intended for us. Instead, we are called to be a beacon of light, dispelling darkness, and bringing prosperity and peace to the hearts of mankind.

    Through a responsible walk, we honor and give glory to the One who saved us, healed us, and set us free. We embrace our new identity in Christ, reflecting His character and compassion to all we encounter. Our walk is characterized by supernatural strength, relying not on our own abilities, but on the limitless power of our Heavenly Father. We walk hand in hand with Jesus and our fellow believers, united in love and purpose, empowering us to impact and transform the world.

    In “Life Overflowing,” you will discover the keys to walking in wisdom and alignment with God’s heart and mind. No longer driven by human folly, you will learn to navigate life guided by the truth revealed through His Word and the Holy Spirit. As you embark on this journey, expect your life to overflow with blessings, fulfillment, and divine purpose.

    Don’t settle for a mediocre existence. Dive into the depths of “Life Overflowing” and uncover the incredible life that awaits you. Embrace your calling, experience supernatural empowerment, and witness the world around you transform in the presence of God’s abundant love. Order your copy today and embark on the extraordinary adventure of a life overflowing with God’s blessings!

    T.D Jakes

    7.997,71 CFA
  • Living on top life of the mountain daily devotion 2024

    Today, events around the world demonstrate convincingly that the end is near. All the events that the Bible predicted that would herald the second coming of Jesus Christ are unfolding before our eyes with extraordinary precision and incredible speed. The explosion of epidemics, plagues and pandemics, war between nations (war between Russia and Ukraine), acute food shortage, poverty, hunger and famine, wanton killings and injustice, increasing rate of immorality and bestiality as evidenced by lesbianism, homosexuality, gay marriages and their legalization in many nations, transgenderism, sexual perversions, etc.

    Indeed, the enemy is furious and increases his rage and attacks against humanity, especially against believers, every day. He wants as many people as possible to be unqualified for the rapture and take them with him to hell.
    Beloved, your best response to today’s world events that portend that Jesus Christ will soon come to bring the saints home is to prepare yourself for Him. My question is this: are you ready or are you preparing, awake, alert and vigilant to receive and accompany the Bridegroom? Where are you sleeping? If so, I advise you to wake up from your sleep, from your lukewarmness and abandon your sinful nature lifestyle, because all of this will keep you from being raptured or from going with Jesus when He returns .

    It is also important that you know how to prepare for the Rapture and the imminent coming of the King. Here are some helpful steps: (1) You must be born again. (2) Live in obedience, holiness and righteousness
    (2) Seek Christlikeness now (3) Work for the Lord and the advancement of His kingdom (4) Be a diligent reader and one who constantly puts God’s word into practice (5) Watch and pray (6) ) Have faith, patience and endurance (7) Maintain an intimate relationship with the Lord. He comes for his saints, disciples and friends.

    The Daily Devotion of Living on the Mountain Top is specially designed to bring you into a more intimate communion with God through His word and prayer. This book is spiritually enriching and uplifting. It offers you the opportunity to encounter God daily and experience His life-changing, destiny-fulfilling power. As you read and heed the timeless truths it contains, you will be adequately prepared and equipped for the second coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ. I pray that 2024 will supernaturally favor you and grant you total fulfillment, in the name of Jesus.

    Yours sincerely at the School of Prayer and Deliverance,

    General Superintendent of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries Worldwide

    Read the free excerpts from the book “Living on top life of the mountain daily devotion 2024”.

    11.998,06 CFA
  • Maximise Destiny

    Predestination is an act of God but the actualization of it is the responsibility of man. God paid a great price to make something uniquely outstanding out of your life.

    As the salt of the earth, you are by destiny designed to give taste to the earth and preserve the world system from decadence.

    In this masterpiece, you will discover that:
    – The prophetic agenda for the end time guarantees that you make a mark in your field of endeavour.
    – We live in a dreamer’s world and only those with dreams will ever make a mark.
    – It is your covenant birthright to leave footprints in the sands of time.
    This book unfolds the vital keys that will help you maximize your glorious destiny in life.


    8.498,63 CFA
  • Not By Power Nor By Might

    Every redeemed child of God has golden destiny in Christ Jesus, but without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, it cannot be realised. We understand from the Scriptures that the Holy Spirit is a multi-dimensional Spirit, who manifests in diverse operations to empower the saints for dominion and exploits on earth. That means without be limited and our golden destinies would remain daydreams. That is what makes this book a must read for you.

    In this book, Dr. David Oyedepo identifies and explores the diverse operations of the Holy Spirit, and reveals how to patner with him for the delivery of your golden destiny in Christ. This is your breakthrough package; take delivery of it!


    7.498,79 CFA

    The idea that blessings from the Almighty God lead to abundance and prosperity is a central tenet of many faith traditions, and it’s a message that holds immense power and inspiration. According to the sentence “When you are blessed by the Almighty God you become fruitful, multiply, dominate and enjoy protection among other things. The Blessing provokes the Blessings,” blessings from God have the power to transform our lives in profound ways, and to bring us abundance, success, and protection.

    One of the key ways that God’s blessings manifest in our lives is through fruitfulness. When we are blessed by God, we become more productive and capable, and we are able to accomplish more in our personal and professional lives. This fruitfulness can manifest in many ways, such as increased creativity, improved relationships, and greater success in our careers.

    Another way that blessings from God lead to abundance is through multiplication. God’s blessings are meant to be shared and multiplied, and when we are blessed, we are able to bless others in turn. This can take many forms, such as increasing our wealth and resources so that we can give more to those in need, or helping others to achieve their goals and dreams.

    Domination is another way that blessings from God lead to abundance and prosperity. When we are blessed by God, we are given the power and strength to overcome challenges and obstacles, and to succeed in our endeavors. This can include domination in business, in our personal lives, or in the pursuit of our goals and dreams.

    Finally, blessings from God bring protection and safety to our lives. We are surrounded by a loving and protective God who watches over us and keeps us safe from harm. This protection extends to all aspects of our lives, including our health, relationships, and finances, and it gives us peace of mind and the confidence to face life’s challenges with grace and resilience.

    In conclusion, when we are blessed by the Almighty God, we become fruitful, multiply, dominate and enjoy protection among other things. The blessings we receive have the power to transform our lives and bring us abundance, success, and happiness. By cultivating a close relationship with God and living a life of faith, we can invite God’s blessings into our lives and experience the fullness of his grace and love.

    3.999,35 CFA
  • Praying with Power

    How to Pray Effectively and Hear Clearly from God.

    Are you yearning for a deeper connection with God? Do you desire to pray with confidence and hear His voice clearly? Look no further than “Praying with Power” by C. Peter Wagner, a transformative guide to effective prayer and spiritual warfare.

    In this compelling book, Dr. Wagner shares his most personal insights into the dynamics of prayer. Drawing from his own experiences, he unveils practical steps for deepening and strengthening your prayer life. With wisdom rooted in biblical teachings, “Praying with Power” will empower you to engage in intimate, life-changing communication with your Heavenly Father, the Almighty God.

    Dr. Wagner addresses common questions about prayer, offering personal and practical answers. Discover how to make your prayers more effective, enhance your ability to hear God’s voice, and intercede for your community with purpose. Learn how to connect with like-minded prayer warriors, forming a powerful network of spiritual support. Drawing from his missionary work in Bolivia for nearly two decades, Dr. Wagner also sheds light on topics such as witchcraft, two-way prayer, and the significance of corporate prayer, expanding your understanding in profound ways.

    Moreover, “Praying with Power” provides practical guidance on establishing a prayer ministry within your church or small group. Discover the transformative potential of using prayer to bring healing to past wounds, both personally and within your community. As you delve into the pages of this book, you will embark on a journey that draws you closer to God, strengthening your faith and transforming your prayer life.

    Don’t miss out on the life-changing insights awaiting you in “Praying with Power.” This book is a gateway to a deeper, more impactful prayer experience. Step into a realm where your prayers carry greater weight, where you can discern God’s voice with clarity, and where you become a catalyst for change in the world around you.

    Order your copy today and embark on a transformative journey. Experience the joy and power of praying with confidence, knowing that “Praying with Power” will bring you closer to the heart of God.

    14.996,58 CFA
  • Prepare for War

    Are you ready for spiritual warfare? Dr. Rebecca Brown’s sequel to her best seller He Came to Set the Captives Free will equip you with the tools you need to stand victoriously against Satan. Drawing on her seven years of experience helping deliver countless people out of hard-core satanism, Dr. Brown’s Prepare for War manual is a must-read for anyone seeking to navigate the dangerous waters of spiritual warfare.

    This shocking and graphic book will show you how to recognize and deal with satanic ritualistic abuse of children, as well as how to minister in the area of deliverance. But it doesn’t stop there. Dr. Brown also addresses the rarely discussed problems people face after deliverance, giving you the knowledge you need to help others on their journey to freedom.

    Satan is always looking for ways to destroy you, and he can use seemingly harmless activities like yoga, role-playing games, and meditation as “doorways” to bring demonic destruction into your home. But with the insights and strategies in Prepare for War, you can learn how to recognize these tactics and stand firm against them.

    This book is not for the faint of heart, but it is a necessary weapon in your arsenal if you want to be victorious in the battle against darkness. So are you ready to Prepare for War? Get your copy of this powerful manual today and start fighting back against the enemy of your soul.

    Rebecca Brown

    10.748,27 CFA
  • Raise an altar

    Spiritual people know how to engage divine principles for supernatural turnarounds. Elijah knew what to do, when he came face to face with the prophets of Baal, on Mount Carmel. He raised an altar, then, began to pray. Heaven responded with fire that led to divine restoration in Israel. Raising godly altars, is God’s unchanging strategy in activating the fire for total deliverance and restoration, for individuals, families, Churches, communitie, and nations. Are you passionate about a supernatural turnaround in any of the aforementioned areas? This book, will show you what to do. Some of the topics treated are:
    •Pillars of Breakthrough
    •How to Raise Godly Altars
    •Breaking Curses Over Your Life
    •Freedom from Family Bondages
    •Identifying and Destroying Evil Altars
    •An Anointed Priest of the Lord
    •An Anointed Soldier of the Lord
    This book that contains more than 800 prayer bullets, to enable you pray your way to deliverance, healing, breakthrough, and restoration, also provides a guide on how to pray the Scriptures over your life.

    Godson T. Nembo

    8.798,58 CFA
  • Real : The Life and Faith of the Legendary Evangelist

    Discover the inspiring story of Englishman Smith Wigglesworth, a Yorkshire plumber who transformed the lives of many with his successful evangelistic ministry and astonishing miracles. Despite lacking the skills of a great orator or writer, Wigglesworth possessed an undying love for Christ and an extraordinary capacity to hear and obey God.

    Unlike many in today’s society who focus on talent or status, Wigglesworth’s life demonstrates that God looks for a willing heart. It was not the wise, nor the mighty, nor the noble who were called, but those who had faith in Him.

    This unique book draws on archival material and contains photographs that have never been published before. It offers a refreshing and encouraging perspective in a world where slick marketing campaigns prevail. Readers will be inspired by Wigglesworth’s childlike faith and confident assurance in God, reminding us all of the power of faith and trust in the divine.

    Discover how a humble plumber with no formal education trusted God for the impossible and changed countless lives through his ministry. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking inspiration and encouragement in their faith journey.

    7.198,84 CFA
  • Releasing the Creative Power of the Mind

    The human mind is a treasure chest from where the beauties, advancements and glories of our world are being drawn.

    The creative attribute of the mind is a subject that needs deep and practicable explorations. This provocative book from the stables of David Abioye helps you to understand the unfathomable potentials of your mind and present to you tested and proven practical steps to take to draw its inexhaustible resources.

    Get ready to be armed to take your place as a light in every endeavor of life and be rightly positioned as a man or woman of relevance. Your destiny will open up as you carefully study topics such as:

    • Essence of creativity
    • Possibility thinking
    • Strategies for crative thinking
    • Atmosphere for creativity
    • Releasing tour creative
    • Potentials, and lots more

    Your are destined for nonour. This book is your companion on your journey to significance.

    David Olatunji Abioye – SHILOH

    8.498,63 CFA
  • Releasing the Supernatural

    The knowledge of the supernatural is very relevant to a life of triumph and fulfillment in this life. Any man will lose control of the affairs of life without such knowledge. Reason? The supernatural is the foundation of all things. Like the foundation of any natural building, its reality may not easily be comprehended, yet it is the control room of all things. The natural answers to it.

    Every natural happening has its supernatural antecedent. That of course includes you. You are rooted in the supernatural. What you see of your physical self is not the real you. It is only a covering. The real you is spirit. You are divine in nature; created after the very image of God.(Genesis 1:26)

    The entire world lies in a magnetic field of wickedness. Satan, his demons, and sometimes human extensions carry out their wicked acts by remote control. But by covenant, you are an overcomer. The whole world may lie in wickedness but you will be exempted as long as you remain in God. However, until the truth of your divinity dawns on you and you walk in it, you can’t be in control. You will be subjected to the same limitations as other mortals. knowledge is the key to freedom. It turns frustration into fulfillment, sweat into sweet. Nothing approximates the power of Knowledge. It is the key to dominion.  Among other things, this book will help you to understand:

    • Your true nature
    • How to enjoy divine direction
    • How to work out your own miracles
    • How to use sound to effect your sign
    • The positive use of your imaginative faculty

    This book is a MUST read!


    7.498,79 CFA